You can have THE BEST OF LIFE if you only apply this daily!

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20 thoughts on “You can have THE BEST OF LIFE if you only apply this daily!”

  1. Love you Neyah!!!
    Can you do a video on manifesting for someone else pleaseee!!!
    My boyfriend started a business and I want him to do well and for his business to boom and skyrocket

  2. Our thoughts create our reality. Thank you dearest Neyah 💓 you have helped me more than you know! Your analogy of the train track makes perfect sense because if we think negatively we are veering off that track…I love your explanations! They make it so much easier to understand LOA and manifesting! Love you dear girl and your beautiful daughter Aurora ❤ such a pleasure to hear her cooing and baby talk 😍😍

  3. Thank you for explaining this so eloquently Neyah💗 Makes so much sense , was so lovely to hear your precious baby babbling too 🥰 I hope you and your family are all well sending much love from Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 💞💖

  4. FPM Winston Churchill has applied this quote during WW2. "Your mood decides your fortune.. It is not your fortune decides your mood. He lived in the end that they are victorious against Hitler despite those times hitler was dominating the war.

  5. I am very sure that me and my SP are meant to be together, I have stopped getting triggered by the 3D. I am constantly in the believe that he loves me and thinks about me. Whenever I slightly feel I am feeling sad I affirm and affirm and get back to positive mindset. I am not sure how much you have to believe that this person is mine and he should contact me and my 3D will reflect my thoughts. I am in this positive mindset for almost a month now. He has already blocked me 4 months ago so no chance of me to follow him, i tried before but I stopped doing that for more than a month. When my reality will show my thoughts. Any idea ??? Also i am not in any lack mindset. I stopped giving any thought to the 3P also. I am very sure that I always loved myself so it's not that I feel low about myself. I don't know it's just that I feel I have done my corrections on my thoughts about him and us and it should be enough to get back to where we were in reality. Am I wrong in thinking that I should get everything right now?? I hold no grudges against him or the past.

    I just wanna ask something literally crying right now
    I worked very hard for my practical very very means really very hard even the teacher told me i am the best student he will give me amazing scores ( these scores were very important)
    I assumed i would get the best scores
    Yesterday the results came and i got below average marks
    … Idk why???
    Even though i worked very hard… Even teacher acknowledged that😢
    Even those students who did nothing got more marks then me… I worked 2 yrs for this
    Why did it happen

  7. I know this is a serious Manifestation video, but my favorite part is when Neyah plays with her baby it was so positive. Out of all the coaches I've seen, Neyah is the most limitless and positive manifester. I highly recommend her to anyone interested in manifesting. Regardless I hope everyone finds the perfect teacher for them even if that teacher is you !

  8. Hello dear. I really need help with PMS. For many days out of every month I want to strangle someone and the negativity is overwhelming. I feel I am ruining manifesting my desires during this time and sometimes I'm even borderline suicidal, though I would never actually do that. What can I do? Please let me know, it any suggestions from people in the comments. Thank you

  9. What IF different times different techniques worked? I’m still working on two. Have no idea how to reprogram my mind to KNOW and I do know that it is possible, however, these two things are a bit of a struggle. I need some affirmation and advice on manifesting multiple things that are equally important, and they all go together, bc without one the other isn’t going to happen, make sense? Anyone want to help? Thank y’all in advance!

  10. Oh yeah, tired? Is an understatement!! I do what you say I should, when I’m falling asleep, I kid you not, every single time, I can’t even get through half a scene or half an affirmation, then I’m asleep. This is how much I work and how much I’m on the go and emotionally and mentally THAT exhausted. So to do it while I’m falling asleep? Nope … can’t make it through ONE scene or affirmation! Thoughts?

  11. Hey Neyah, I just wanted to say this…. I am constantly commenting on your content, I stopped w all this for a while, bc I was getting too overwhelmed and tired, everytime I see a video, it’s genuine, and always about your ppl and never about the money. That speaks volumes. Things are so crazy, and I wished more than anything I could get coaching, life coaching, but just can’t. You give me hope where there isn’t any. I keep making bing forward anyway bc of you. I’m RARELY ever impressed, color me impressed Neyah, PERIOD!


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