Yo vs Sebastian | Warlords III Round of 16 | Best of 7

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/dave_aoe

Warlords III is an Age of Empires II tournament hosted by MembTV.

Find out more here: https://liquipedia.net/ageofempires/Warlords/3


9 thoughts on “Yo vs Sebastian | Warlords III Round of 16 | Best of 7”

  1. 2:26:17 you are absolutely correct here, Burgundians are an overrated 1v1 civ now after all of the nerfs. Just look at 1v1 winrates above 1200 elo to see they're a bottom 5-10 civ with bad options until imp. Same with poles

  2. Dave: "Burgundians are overrated – it'll be Tuetons vs. Turks with a tower rush."
    Yo: "Shh…. Bro don't tell them!"
    (Also, Burgundian eco is definitely overrated. I think the cost you're expending for most of those upgrades is just too expensive to pay early)

  3. Wow, lost a bit of respect for Dave on his view on Burgundians. He's totally forgetting that the eco upgrades are cheaper – so even if resources collected aren't the same you need to factor in resources saved!

  4. Hi Dave! You explained many times how co-casting negatively affects the channel. I honestly enjoy your solo casts, specially for chat-caster communication/response, I Love that!! But nevertheless… OFC I understand people asking for a co-cast & also this co-cast is AMAZING as usual!! Love you both Dave & Mustachio90! <3


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