Yngwie Malmsteen's Incredible Tone (Helix)

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Get this Helix and HX Stomp preset here: https://tomshreds.mykajabi.com/


27 thoughts on “Yngwie Malmsteen's Incredible Tone (Helix)”

  1. In your upcoming "Swedish Shred Secrets" I hope you will showcase how to actually play a few of yngwie's solo's including fingering. It's one thing to show how to play constructed licks; it's quite another to show how he plays his solos. Also it would be nice if you could show how yngwie would tackle scale patterns like 1-2-3-4 etc.

  2. Let me think… The tone is largely dependent on really good technique? 🙂 I can certainly produce the 'tone', but my technique is somewhat lacking compared to Yngwie and the channel owner 😀

  3. I had my Helix LT for about a month, I have the Line 6 PowerCab 112 (single speaker).

    I’m using my YJM strat (single coils, but not really) and I’m having a hard time getting

    the bass strings to sound clear and defined under gain. When hitting chords or playing rhythm…

    it just sound muddy, and undefined.. “wooly”

    Is there any area I should focus my attention on? There are a lot of positive reviews for this cab, I just wish I could get a clearer, defined bottom end! Help!!

  4. One often missed thing that I noticed when I was working on YJM tone with pedals is that he uses a Boss NS-2, which actually adds a very tiny bit of compression to the sound – makes a noticible difference when you A/B with and without – haven't found a way to recapture that with a Helix though.

  5. I just tried a Fury(bridge) on my EJ Strat and found it to be really lacking bass and body, it is really articulated and has the right amount of output but compared to the EJ bridge is lacking body. I'll try a Neck Fury in the bridge position next week. Please If anyone has suggestions for a noiseless singlecoil sized pickup that would work for Rock and have enough body for clean Tones…..

  6. That was fascinating and fun to watch Tom! I tried with helix but just couldn’t get the tone I needed. I went with Amplitube 5 and went for a Fire and Ice tone which is in all my vids. I need to revisit helix after watching this! And yes, get yourself an hs3 to try 😉


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