Yes, I'm concerned about FOOD | VLOG

Urgency to Grow Food:

Hey ya’ll, I’m Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm

Welcome to a place that feels like home. A small farm with a big family. We hope you’ll pull up a chair, grab some coffee and visit awhile.

There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that is exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we’ve learned along the way. Welcome to our journey, friend. I am so glad you’re here.

WHERE TO FIND US (Some of the links here are affiliate links. If you purchase through our links we’ll receive a small commission but the price remains the same – OR BETTER – for you! Be sure to check for any mentioned discount codes.)

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PRODUCTS WE LOVE – You’ve probably heard me talk about these things a million times, so here’s where you can order them (and get a discount with my code!):

– Greenstalk Vertical Gardens (Use code “ROOTS10” for $10 off your order):
– Squizito Tasting Room (Use code “ROOTS” for 10% off your order):
– ButcherBox:
– Growers Solution:

#rootsandrefuge #homesteading #gardening


43 thoughts on “Yes, I'm concerned about FOOD | VLOG”

  1. I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and food storage and preparedness are big topics for us. I'm so happy to hear that many other people are getting inspired to follow those promptings to prepare for rainy days.

  2. Thank you for this video! Very moving, very motivating and uplifting! You should never have to apologize for anything you say. EVERYONE has the rite to speech! Thank you again! Also I have only got a handful of tomatoes also this year and the funny part is that it was a volunteer plant!!! The ones that I grew and planted have done nothing this year. It has been a rough year for the garden here in Central Florida also. I am convinced that it is the soil also. I just about gave up and then that small little voice told me to just keep pushing, HE will make it all work out. So here I am with a dying garden planning my fall garden. I KNOW it will do better then the summer garden. I have faith. You just keep doing you and being the inspiration that you are. God Bless and good luck on the fall garden.

  3. Gardening has taught me to love the phases of life as death sets in birth is coming. Prepping and putting up food goes hand in hand with having a garden and living this life style. My garden has taught me to be strong and persistent

  4. Never fear, never falter. A person can be reactive or proactive. I personally choose to be proactive. It’s time to take the word can’t out of our vocabulary. We all CAN do something! Very good video.. Keep on young lady! 💕

  5. You make so much sense. This year my health got in the way of achieving this fully and I have been contemplating wether I should stop growing my own food. Your words have encouraged me to carry on. Your positivity is very inspiring. Thank you

  6. I just wanted to say thank you for all the content that you are creating! I have always wanted to garden but never did out of fear of just getting it wrong and wasting a bunch of money I didn’t have. I have spent the last year watching as many of your videos as I can to learn about gardening. I put off starting a garden until this year because I had originally planned on doing raised beds since I have only lived in my current house for the last three years and was concerned about possible contaminates in the garden. All that to say expense wise raised beds were not in the budget so I just went for it and planted in the ground this year. It’s been a wild year to start a garden with unusual weather patterns and three very busy kiddos to keep up with while being due any day now with our fourth. I’m happy to say that I have been able to harvest a bunch of basil, cilantro, rainbow chard, romaine, and kale! My tomato’s look very promising along with my squash and potatoes. I definitely had my fair share of failures but I have already had more success than I ever thought possible. I started everything from seed and much of what I have learned has come from your channel. I’m looking forward to the fall garden although in our zone 5b I’m not sure what all will grow since most of my plants are behind since we got a late start this year with weather. I have been blessed to have a 3/4 acre yard and while I have dreams of one day having property and a much larger growing space I’m thankful for the space I do have to be able to learn on a smaller scale but still produce enough for my family! Thank you again for all you do! Our family loves your content and appreciate all the hard work that you put into it.

  7. I really believe that we are in a season where the vast majority of people are craving people like you speaking the truth in love because for those who have been buying the lies it's really hard to deny what is happening right in front of us at this point. Keep on doing what you're doing! I am personally learning so much from you and am so grateful. I was so discouraged when I lost most of my plants this spring when I turned part of my yard into a garden. It was you who I learned from about the poisoned soil and you are giving me hope! Thank you girl. You are a blessing!

  8. I deeply appreciate what you do for “us”. You have helped me through difficult times, over the last years, again and again. It is amazing, I live in Germany, but you in the US, so far away, pick up my worries and thoughts with perfect timing. This is a global process. I thank you so very much. Please stay with us. And… could you share some beans&rice recipes?

  9. We had Junuary this year and even my early spring crops didn't germinate. Two measly snap pea plants determinatedly pushed through, not even enough produce to garnish a salad. But when I showed my 10 year old garden helper that we could leave the handful of pods on to dry and become seeds for next year, his eyes lit up and he looked around the rest of the garden like we'd won the lottery! "You mean, from that one seed we planted, we get THAT many seeds that will become a plant with tons of new seed pods?!"

    Yes, we have potential, and it is so exciting. Never give up. <3

  10. Hey Jess, thank you so much for all that you do. In the winter of 2019 I think is when I first started watching your youtube channel and in the spring of 2020 I had this huge desire in me to get into gardening. I wanted to let you know your channel was the first thing I ever watched of gardening or homesteading.. it was a very big deal because all of a sudden all I wanted to do was learn to garden, plants, raise chickens, etc. The Lord was putting it on our hearts to dream big and all of sudden we just wanted some more land and to learn about gardening and to farm and homestead. We had the tiniest backyard when I first watched your channel, then the Lord led us to our dream property, with ample space for multiple gardens and animals. I feel like the Lord has put it on my heart that some day I will help people who are impoverished to grow their own food and give them seeds and seedlings (hopefully that time wont be anytime soon but every day I think abiut it and am working towards being able to help people in my area grow is a desert after all so there are a lot of tricks to learn specific to our area). Anyways, I just wanted to say thank you so much for helping me when I was first learning about gardening..I feel like the Lord placed your videos in my life and I am so grateful (and it was so helpful to hear your blackberry story) Stay blessed and keep on keepin on 😊❤🌻

  11. Thank you Jess for confirming what I've been feeling. I'm planning my fall garden knowing that I didn't get a lot to harvest for the summer. Secession planting and fall crops to store up. Just got a chest freezer from my husband's uncle. Living in southern California desert and can't raise meat. Found a rancher close by and buying meat to store up. Thanks for always listening to the Lord and sharing your heart.

  12. I’m with you Jess100%! You are Point On right when it comes to good, shelves empty etc and I’m from Florida!! I have video too if completely empty shelves and empty Freezers in Walmart!

  13. Thank you for being a super hero! Your super power is being a cheerleader in the middle of a hurricane and not missing a beat! As far as content ideas, it would be fun to look at the bugs around the garden and get an extreme close up or even a time lapse of the mushrooms as they grow. Idk, whatever you'll choose to do, you know I will be attentively listening along with thousands of folks 🙂

  14. I'm glad you feel at home in South Carolina. I, for one, love to see people like you guys move to our state. Not only are you helping yourselves but you're helping your surrounding community. along with people online. Though this was on a tough subject, but your optimism for the future was great.

  15. I’ve only watched two of your videos, and I am sorry that you constantly have to defend yourself against people who don’t believe the truth. Keep doing content and don’t worry what these willingly ignorant people say. I am in charge of a school garden and a nonprofit garden. At our school we have 50 horses, and a hundred chickens. Although I want to use composted manure from both, no one can tell me what was sprayed on their hay, and I don’t want to kill my broad leaf plants.

  16. Advancing Eco Agriculture (AEA) has biologics to remediate contaminated soil. you can also use certain types of fungi and plants to lock up those hazardous materials

  17. You are in a rual type of an area like I am. The shelves were bare where I live too. My "city friends " didn't believe me. We still have certain things we can't get. "This is the time of the year where your gardens are getting overgrown and the weeds are taking over……" Have you been to my house????? That is exactly what my garden looks like!!!! 😆

  18. So many people have had horrible trouble growing food this year. Myself included. As I was preparing for my sermon this morning, I pondered the question: is God causing these problems with our gardens? If so, to what purpose? Is this a test of the faithful? A punishment for the wickedness of our nation, our world?
    I have no answer at this time, but I think it prudent to consider the possibility that God himself is trying to get us to focus on what he wants , instead of what we want.

  19. Thank you for your encouraging words. I too have felt the urgency. I've shared videos with people on Facebook and my family. Trying to encourage them to think about this. I will share yours also. Here in Kansas our garden has done ok even with getting things in later this year. Cucumbers have went crazy and green beans. But tomatoes are just coming on. Peppers have really struggled with the stretches of heat. Squash bugs have hit plants before they even were ready. I've harvested a few. I planted some things a couple of weeks ago for starting on the fall garden but we had a huge stretch of 100 degree weather and watering to get those seeds up has been an absolute crazy struggle. But I keep saying I got to do more, plant more and keep going even though I get discouraged and tired. Being almost 50 my brain says I'm young my body says nope. But I'm also putting up more for family and my grandbabies. So they have food if they need it. Trying to teach my daughter in law to can and then to utilize those foods instead of going to the store. It's been such a crazy year already. God is good. He cares for us. He has never abandoned us. He gives wisdom. His word instructs us

  20. Without "That Poison" Beef prices would be through the roof more than they already are. You should be thankful for those companies providing a product that helps farmers feed the world instead of taking the millennial entitlement position. You have the ability to create your own soil, but took the easy way out.


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