Xiaomi SU7 Rejected by Owners Within 2 Months: Won’t Drive a Minute More, Brake Failure

You came to sell your car in this heavy rain? Couldn’t you wait until the rain let up a bit? I brought out the biggest umbrella from our company. This is another brand-new Xiaomi SU7 Four-Wheel Drive Max version, just driven over ten kilometers since getting the license plates. You tell me, what are these people thinking? They just picked up the car and then rush to sell it, even in pouring rain. Do you not want to drive it for even a minute?
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48 thoughts on “Xiaomi SU7 Rejected by Owners Within 2 Months: Won’t Drive a Minute More, Brake Failure”

  1. World class car company they develop they car year after year or even a century before they sell it. China just make it last week and sell it. Well, what do you expect then….

  2. Pengeluar Ev china lebih utamakan mengejar jumlah jualan daripada kualiti Ev mereka. Sepatutnya pengeluar Ev ini perlu lakukan lebih banyak pembangunan dan penyelidikan sebelum Ev itu dibuat..berapa bintang ujian pelanggaran yang diberikan oleh NCAP Euro dan NCAP Asia pada semua model Ev china. Harap admin chanel ini tolong dapatkan maklumat ujian pelanggaran

  3. The world is about to reject all Chinese products for bullying other country's islands and disrespect other country's culture. Besides producing poor quality, Chinese car companies are over-produced. Large foreign companies are leaving Chinese factories too. Chinese phones such as OPPO, Huawei & Xiaomi installed unwanted apps for tracking and bank linking. Having a large population, the loss of sales & jobs will result to civil war.

  4. businesses from China literally hire fake customers to stand around in the property showroom to create the appearance of many buyers. Don’t believe everything, or even anything, you hear online

  5. I drove a BYD for 2 weeks. Nice outside and inside and big screen…lots of colorful bling bling.
    But…I live in Germany and NO THANKS we have our own quality cars. I am not sure about china/Chinese cars quality and battery. See a lot burning on the internet.
    China is stealing everything and manipulating the market. I hate that behavior.
    I love cabriolets SO MY SECOND CAR WAS IS AND WILL BE A MAZDA MIATA MX5. I love that foreign fun car ❤

  6. That is what you get for making counterfeit or immitations which China is so good at. Fake Louis Vuitton, fake Hermes, fake rice, fake fighter jets, fake cars, particularly fake Porsche, fake Ferrari, fake this, fake that. Wow China when will you change!?

  7. Two weeks ago a family friend offered to sell us his SU7 Max for the same price as he bought it (43000USD) after driving it for only 1800 km. He said it's dangerously too fast, but otherwise, it's a great car. Before I could even respond (after 2 days) he told me he had already sold it: "These are in such high demand I had 3 buyers competing. The waiting list for a new one is more than half a year, and June sales will be more than 10000 cars. I don't quite understand why people buy them, you could kill yourself in it, it's just way too fast. My 10-year-old Panamera was better, more predictable and slower. Also much more expensive in use. A good thing is I did not lose any money in these deals."

    I heard today that a bunch of guys working for Tencent did not get their work contracts renewed and he was one of them, did not show up at work. So, I think that was the real reason for selling the car. Now he probably gets a used BYD EV for 5000USD and is happier with the 0-100 in 10-second acceleration. I hope he sends his new e-mail address soon.

  8. The first part of clip was a positive marketing to imply that car has good acceleration and the lady could not handle the speed. Hence the lady was trying to sell the car.

  9. Saw one on th M 4 yesterday wow.
    Oh sorry it was the real Porsha Taycan.
    Bit like Germany copying the jet engine… There's lasted about half an hour. Ours lasted weeks? It was up to the steel specifications they were made from.

  10. I like Xiaomi, I have bought 2 generations of their phones and they've been great… But I wouldn't buy a first gen car, no chance! Lol… Looks nice though.

    Besides, I don't want an electric car at all…

  11. This is the worst hit piece ever😂 People are returning/selling their cars because they cant afford them. People are returning/selling their cars because they are selling for more than new due to supply and demand. Some kid driving with his eyes half closed clearly over reacted and lost control of his car, resulting in a crash, but he has a million followers so he clearly knows what hes doing. Another kid driving with his eyes half closed drove the brakes off the car and wonders why he couldnt stop. What a moronic video

  12. again, mclaren headlights, tesla + porsche body and a porsche bumbum. also dont expect a new product from a company not known for making cars to be decent from the rip


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