China's Air Force aerobatics team performs test flight for Malaysia Air Show

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The Chinese Peopleโ€™s Liberation Army (PLA) Air Forceโ€™s August 1st Aerobatics Team successfully completed its first test flight for the Malaysia air show at the Langkawi International Airport. The team will fly its J-10C fighter jets above the 16th Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition, which is scheduled from May 23 to 27. Independently developed by China, the J-10C is a supersonic, multipurpose fighter jet capable of maintaining short- and medium-range air supremacy and can strike both ground and sea targets.

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26 thoughts on “China's Air Force aerobatics team performs test flight for Malaysia Air Show”

  1. Why are the German acting like a sheep – U.S. with help from Norway blew up the Nord Stream gas pipeline for its own interests – why are the German public silent like a sheep manure, as this is an act of WAR by US -a nato member.

    Plan failed to break Russia with US -EU-UK war sanctions or strategy to Bleed Russian on the Ukrainian battlefield.

    who is next on the US-Collective menu- take one guess ?

  2. In 1900, US, Japan + 6 EU nations attacked, invaded, killed ordinary Chinese and occupied parts of China.
    Prior to that, in 1840 & 1860 UK & France did similar atrocities to China and force China to accept drugs like opium in exchange for Chinese consumer goods.
    Today G7 openly condemned China for economic coercion on Australia, their White brother who actually had first started boycotting Chinaโ€™s Huawei under instructions from hegemonic US.
    So Anglo-Saxon race and the White West + Japan have not waken up to the indisputable fact that todayโ€™s China is definitely not what she was 180 years ago.
    Hence they foolishly, almost stupidly think they can still use similar tactics to suppress a rising China.
    They are so used to the world being at their beck & call that though now economically weakened, they donโ€™t even know how to deal with the world esp with China anymore.
    USโ€™s economy is absolutely going downhill but her hypocritical politicians are still behaving as though their empire will never crumple which sadly for them, will never ever can last pass this century!


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