Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Class Guide – Tactician

Taion deserves a stronger default class.

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30 thoughts on “Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Class Guide – Tactician”

  1. Yeah I'm still rather early in the game, but even then this class feels very underwhelming, like it's mostly look like a class you're gonna level up for that Ether damage increase and move on, IMO with Heavy Guard this are the 2 most underwhelming starting classes.

  2. With respect to the Tactician base skills – yes they make NO sense for the class, but in terms of the story utility of Taion? As a Tactician/Strategist it makes sense if he can watch for enemy movements and hit them harder, in places where damage and debuffs lasts longer, and can know when enemies are turning against him so he can evade their attacks more frequently. Like – it makes sense.
    But things also have to make sense mechanics-wise, MonolithSoft!!

  3. I just unlocked Machine Assassin today and was so depressed when I fought one UM (not even a superboss, just like level 60) and they resisted every single thing. Debuff stacking is such a cool idea, I really wish it didn't fall off so hard.

  4. I know it's not a race thing….but…I'm just bummed that the black guy is shit on with a weaker class….and I know you are only giving facts @Enel so I'm not blaming you….I feel it's the developers fault.

  5. It's so sad Tactician doesnt work so well in practice- It's far more fun than other healers in the game due to the very fast cooldowns and fast animations, especially if you throw away the Heal skill. At least its Master skill is good, and it is good player controlled in the early game.

  6. Now this class I'm the most disappointed about, I sometimes personally like to play support or debuff classes, and in many cutscenes it seemed actually kinda powerful, but so weak(though not weakest to me personally) in gameplay.

    I mean seeing the many times it blocks attacks in cutscenes, where's the defense or blockrate buffs in kit. And what's the point of debuffs if so many late enemies can just resist them. Though I still kinda like the evasive buff.

    But anyway thanks for guide anyway, it's at least still my favorite design and cutscene class. And Taion being one my favorite characters too.

  7. It’s a tale as old as time. The RPG debuff/status character that can’t do its job because every enemy you’d want to use debuffs on just really doesn’t feel like it that day. The fact that these types of characters generally become my favorite is just extra salt in the wound. At least the other debuff class has a funny Hero Order…

  8. I find it funny that the give Strategos to Taion immediately, which is a much better class with more healing options and still has good debuffs, and the strategos hero is very good for chain attacks early-game

  9. The 10% evade skill also isn’t a particularly helpful one either as a master skill. I would love to see them replace that with a skill that lowers an enemy’s debuff resistance by, say 2% every time a debuff is resisted to a maximum of maybe 30% or so. It would help the class out significantly as well as be a far more useful master skill.

    I’m hoping future DLC waves give us a unique talent art for each of the other party members like Mio’s Dominion Flower. I could see Taion gaining his cutscene barrier as a talent art that absorbs a certain amount of damage taken by himself and nearby party members, and reflects physical damage down or ether damage down on the attackers depending on the type of attacks they use.

  10. Everything I've seen so far about Taion convinces me they had no fucking clue what they wanted to do when designing him. He has minor aspects of every class and in cutscenes is fantastic at virtually every role but in gameplay isn't even a good healer.

  11. you know what's really funny about your debuff rant? origin blade has a 100% chance to debuff ALL stats no matter what. (even if Dreadwyrm uses his invincible art)

  12. Is it feasible to simply ignore the debuff passives and build the Tactician more as a heal bot?

    With a recharge rate of 4, Stormy Skies could be a pretty spammable heal if auto attack frequency can be optimized.

  13. Honestly when you consider how the characters act in cutscenes, Zephyr should've been an attacker and Tactician should've been the defender. Although I guess to preserve party balance one of them has to be a healer. Now that I think about it Tactician should've gotten the armor veil field and an aoe evasion buff directly onto the party akin to Troubadour's regen buff… and generally a rework of it's skills. If War Medic can get away without having any damaging skills for sheer healing, Tactician could've gotten away with no damage in exchange for huge direct damage mitigation tools. That's why you run 2 healers after all. At least the ether damage increase is a hell of a master skill!

  14. I really hate when RPGs treat debuffs this way, like, why program debuffs at all if all enemies are going to be virtually invulnerable to all of them?, it makes the cool abilities of using debuff and buff comboes null, and many classes loose their identity, such as tactician

  15. All they need to do is fix the Debuff Resist Down art and that alone would help Taion's class out immensely. It's genuinely a shame how underwhelming his class is considering how great his weapon concept is. I also kinda wish he got a Unique Talent Art like Noah and Mio that creates the barriers we see in so many cutscenes, maybe giving party members around him a fixed amount of blocks or evades while it's active. It felt a little unfair that only Noah and Mio got personal Talent Arts, and I think giving him and the other party members ones as well would benefit everyone greatly.


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