X4 Foundations: The fleet experience in X4, with the good and the bad

Hello everybody,

This time I take my argon fleet for a spin across the universe.
Also, I show a glimse of what to expect if you want to be a fleet commander in X4.

Some conclusions:
– ships maintain formation…kind off…as long as you don’t take personal command of the leading ship
– direct atack orders for carriers is a tricky prospect, better to give orders to the fighters directly
– I hate ships “swiming” in other ship’s texture, I wish Egosoft would someday give the ships some avoidance scrip or something
– I must keep destroyers out of any combat, next time I will use the V formation so they stay behind the lead ship. The point guard have its uses I supose, as the destroyers would take some “heat” of the carrier, if some capitals would travel drive drop in top of it, but other than that I would just put them in danger.
– moving fleets near gates is a pain, especially if L and LX ships are involved
– most of the time, I don’t really have a use for M ships. I guess they can serve as meat shields if I encouter a heavy concentration of hostile forces

If you have aditional observations, feel free to comment 🙂


4 thoughts on “X4 Foundations: The fleet experience in X4, with the good and the bad”

  1. I use the Protect Position default for all of my capital ships (pretty much all ships). It's much easier to grab the command flag (or icon), and drag it anywhere you want on the map. You can change the area size (<20km for gates) to get a tighter area on gates in the behaviors tab, and adjust the flag (or icon) to be optimally on the gate. The destroyer's turrets are set to Attack All Enemies, then only the ships that speed and/or power their way through the gates gets past.

    I often have to regroup my destroyers when the Xenon sends a few Ks through their gate, that command has been the bread and butter for keeping them alive. Also, I have eyes on their gates, so I know when I need to regroup beforehand. I'm still trying to find (and afford) a fleet composition to take on Ks and/or Is.

  2. Bought this when it was released and grabbed the expansions during steam summer sale… haven,t been able to really sit down and start out due to working full-time and having three little ones, but I'll get there..


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