WTF Was That Sound Recording, A Video, And I Heard Something Creepy


40 thoughts on “WTF Was That Sound Recording, A Video, And I Heard Something Creepy”

  1. You can't trust any of our government today. HOwever, they are being removed and a new one will take their place – the ones who were elected in the first place. There will be no doubt that God is the one responsible for this change. He won't leave us with a government we can't trust. A whole lot of info is going to come out – more than you can imagine. What has been done to human-kind is much more terrible than you can imagine. There was a whole lot more they wanted to do with us than they were able to do. God stopped it. Steve, you need to renew your trust in God. You don't think God is going to do anything. He is doing something now and God does not lie. He is able to do more than you can, or any of us can. What God wants is for us to believe in Him. A lot of Prophesy has unfolded that can't be questioned. The biggest Prophesy of all is getting ready to unfold. A major earthquake in California was Prophisized four to six days before it happened. It was a mighty shaking.

  2. It Continues.
    Last night my front sensor light was being constantly set off
    I live opposite a national park in Sydney Australia, very thick bush.
    I have had many experiences with Yowies here, and I thought the harassment would of stopped, because I don’t go into the park at night anymore.
    Anyway, no so.
    I was taking the garbage bins out at 10pm, and my 2 dogs would not leave their kennels.
    They always follow me out the front, but not tonight.
    As i entered my front yard I saw an 8-9ft figure standing behind my Ute. As soon as i stopped to focus on this thing, it vanished…. Literally.
    I told it to piss off, leave me alone.
    3 mins later a young bloke walking his dogs passed by. I told him what i saw, and he was born in the area and had seen many strange things in the park.
    For the next 2 hrs my sensor light was being triggered

  3. I swear I could hear bipedal footsteps when you were listening for what the noise was. It would seem they aren’t as aware of their surroundings when they are around water, maybe the noise alters their awareness somewhat?

  4. Some very frightening story’s coming from the border. Authorities on night watch, using high tech NV, say they witnessed DOGMAN beings attacking immigrants. An individual, that is now on US soil, claims that the cartel COYOTES give individuals in migration groups torn rags saturated in God only knows what. They say runners are told to hold onto those rags for fear life as the rags will keep the DOGMAN away from them. Not sure if it is a scent that they fear? I could only imagine witnessing human beings running through the desert at night being attacked by these canine monsters through night vision goggles. I know it sounds far fetched. I heard about this situation on a handful of content creators pages. Interviewing ICE authorities and or border security contractors, their story’s are very believable. A VERY SAD AND FRIGHTENING situation.

  5. In 85’ after my 1st visual encounter, went into the house my little cousin got in bed w/me & stuck to me like glue. I pulled the entire covers over my head & left a very small hole around my mouth to get fresh air. Rough night of sleep, if one could call it that! 😆

  6. My John Deere 70 tractor (1956) had sat in a barn for ten to fifteen years without use and the engine seized up. The pistons looked worse than those in that boat engine and they couldn’t be salvaged due to corrosion. It’s amazing how that boat engine ran at all.

  7. Hi Steve,
    Big fans! I sent you an email with a warning for your viewers to help to protect, and you never read it on air. I am sorry if you were upset with grammar and spelling. When passionate about humanity, I get a little upset, so sometimes my spelling goes out the window.
    Thank you, though, for all that you do. Your friends in Muskoka, Jeannie & Rick McGregor

  8. Holy shity Steve,
    Those sounds like growls and trees being snapped and dragged. Next time go the first time you hear sounds. Scared for you. God bless be safe. We need you! Don't get eaten! Freaking crazy sounds. Jeannie

  9. For the person that had missing time he can contact L.A. Marzulli & L. A. Will get him hooked up with help (& no he will not require they tell story). All they need say is they need him to refer the to help & refer where person can be checked for implants but do not wish to talk of their experiances. L. A. Will help them & refer them respecting their desire not to talk.

  10. Don't the 1st nations lady & 1st nation's man with diary say red orbs are evil?
    Also this is the second MO man who wrote in about being harrassed severely. Along with the guy in MO who's brother's guardian dog & chickens were all killed cruelly & then his own dog also was killed.
    This covered most of state as one you just read was SE & others wee NW & Mid S. So wahat's up with MO??

  11. They use Sasquatch characters on commercials on tv, more now lol, the creature that traded the rock, for a soda , that Steve shared reminds me of funny video, we're a kid knew the soda, s better with fize, fresh flavor, which proves they have intelligence, lol ,. Couldn't be sure if Steve got excited or freaked out, while checking out sounds , an then seeing a bear close by his last location.

  12. The 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens story's are just that made up stories a couple year's back.The Bigfoot got blown up shit Steve I thought you said these things were so in tune intense and so far ahead of us in nature kind of seems strang getting blowed up and burnt from a big shaking smoking erupting volcano I guess all those Bigfoot families must have been sleeping and failed to get in tune.hahaha Steve either they're in tune and smarter than us or they get blowed up by Mount Saint Helens which is Steve-O. Can't have it both way. Besides those are just made up stories for YouTube who would have dreamed grown ass men would think they real.hahahahaha


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