WTF is Metaphor: Re Fantazio? – Trailer Breakdown & Theories

At this years Xbox conference ATLUS revealed their first take on a traditional Fantasy role-playing game from its new Team Studio Zero and its latest trailer has got me speculating on the true nature of Metaphor: Re Fantazio’s world setting and characters…

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40 thoughts on “WTF is Metaphor: Re Fantazio? – Trailer Breakdown & Theories”

  1. What a exciting time for ATLUS fans, I want to thank you for checking out my breakdown video! I also want to give special thanks to my friend Nawell Mora (@Nuzme on twitter) for assisting with the analysis and theory crafting that went into this video. Make sure to subscribe for more Metaphor: Re Fantazio news!

  2. Realising that the menu that showed skills in combat actually said Synthesis and not Archetype blew my brain wide open in understanding why those gems at the top were used as a cost along with MP, because they're team attacks not *individual attacks*, of *course*, because it takes up more than one person's turn to use. Baller.

  3. SMT Mainline: War between Angels and Demons with human caught in the middle, usually focus on Law-Neutral-Order alignment.
    Persona: Story on High School setting (Except P2 EP), that focuses on daily life psychology and/or existential crisis, usually ends up fighting divine beings.
    Re-Fantazio: Story that focuses on fantasy setting. Plot focus is still unknown. Hope it'll become a new IP for Atlus. A fantasy game with a touch of SMT gameplay is a good premise.

  4. Are bats that hard to recognize? Heismay is just a humanoid bat.

    Also as much as I would love to have the main character be fully voiced, the fact that it appears that he's not given a name leads me to believe that he may be a silent protagonist. It's not unusual for silent protagonists to have a few voiced scenes.

  5. I am extremely happy with the game, this is exactly what I wanted, an Atlus style jrpg in a fantasy setting with the systems we love revamped and with a new twist, hopefully there'll be some interesting and new additions in there too.

    What you were talking about making more things different so that more people "get into the series?" Fuck no bro, I don't want some half assed rpg that caters to normies that won't play the game and everything we love is butchered for the sake of "reaching a wider audience".

    Like yeah a completely different type of game could have turned out fine but i much better like what we saw here, though I guess a more streamlined fantasy type game where there's less waifus but still a peraona style social system where picking a particular girl affects the story more would be cool, making the social systems more in-depth you know, having your max links and romance/best friend option impact the story would be cool, but yeah haha maybe later ?

  6. I really hope this game does its best to separate itself from other atlus games. Been following this game since it was announced and I've had a bunch of thoughts about what the hell this game actually is for 6 years that to see that it kinda looks like fantasy persona is kind of disappointing. Now its not like it killed my hype or anything because I am glad to see what it actually is and this is the team behind some games that mean a whole lot to me but still I remember reading interviews about how this game was takeing inspiration from classic dnd and jrpgs and as a big fan of both my head was just swimming with ideas at the time. I'm sure as a long time atlus fan I'll still love and play the ever loving shit out of it but still let's hope this game does at least some things differently.

  7. {Day 365&185} of been impressed by P5R and waiting for P6.
    Persona 4 Golden had introduced me to Atlus games, then P5R and SMT kept me in. I'm always in for companies trying different ways and different games to promote so that they don't have to stick with one series forever and ruin that series as a result. Despite my own love of the series, both Persona and SMT will have to die one day. That shouldn't mean the death of the company.

    1:20 Is…that literal? Was it a troll or something?

    5:00 Regarding the riding sword thing, it could also have been inspired from a famous Donghua (Chinese Animation), "Daily Life of an Immortal King". It's getting a S3 at the moment so I thought that made sense.

    6:34 Here, the fifth person "Gallica" is probably a guest instead of a party member. She would've had "Navi" written if she wasn't. That's probably a sidequest. Edit: Nvm, 12:35

  8. Voice characters seem to be the meta even of companies that used to have unvoiced main characters like hoyovers you might say that XY and Z is different, but the meaning of meta is because most people are doing it. Everyone assumes that it’s got some kind of invisible hand behind it when it doesn’t

  9. if the press turn system returns i would absolutely LOVEEEE that. I've never had more fun in a system then with the press turn system. nocturne, smt 4 and 5 are the GOATs for a reason and if it aint broke dont fix!. with that being said maybe they could add a few additions to the base system to make it a little spicier for us veterans, but even if they dont i would be absolutely fine with that. as for the naming conventions returning, i have ZERO problem with that at all. i've really grown accustomed to them over the years and there's something satisfying about knowing exactly what those abilities are gonna do before-hand from previous experiences lol, even if the game IS supposed to be "entirely new". besides we have only really seen a few names returning so i think this criticism is gonna seem outdated at some point but we will see… i am absolutely salty about the protagonist tho. REALLY atlus? you couldn't come up with a more unique looking protag then minato 2.0? LMAO imo he already was the weakest looking protag from the series and you wanna go ahead and re-use him? ughh 🤣not gonna even remotely affect my enjoyment of this game in the slightest tho so whatever 🤣

  10. I was watching your live reaction knowing about the persona games and somehow missed you reacting to this game. I had no idea it existed and when I finally saw your reaction I was so confused because clearly you were pumped and I knew that meant I should be too. I only recently got into Altus games and I’m so happy I have you to tell me what’s going on! And I’m glad you’re so inspired for future content 🙂

  11. It’s very clear that what they originally had in mind is very different than what we got today and it went through a lot of development problems, regardless the game looks really great and I truly hope it lives up to the quality that Katsura hoshino games are known for.

  12. I guess, bizarrely, Atlus rarely goes to medieval setting games. SMT goes to present days, Digital Devil Saga goes to the future, but none really go back. Even the games that do, quickly are returned into present or future.
    This must be their answer to it. Their medieval fantasy ideas that were brewing over the years that never had a chance to shine. If they did that with Persona or SMT, it wouldn't work out, it would go to our days eventually.
    So it makes sense it being so similar to Persona. It "is" a medieval Persona game. But it couldn't be called Persona, so they had to start with a new foot.


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