WoW Keeping SECRETS for 10.2.6! – A Word on Warcraft Thoughts

Here is the article by Holly!:

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39 thoughts on “WoW Keeping SECRETS for 10.2.6! – A Word on Warcraft Thoughts”

  1. The real curious thing is the way they phrase that it can be played by people who play classic or retail….

    Thats a REALLY odd way to phrase that, right? The phrasing of that makes it sound like its an entirely new system kinda like Classic was as a concept? it could just be a quirk of the way Holly writes, but that seems like a super odd way to talk about something that will shake out to just be a game mode you can LFG for…..

  2. A missing surviving dragonstar's dragon (same species as midgarsomor) reaching azeroth could be a cool ff14 crossover by the end of dragonflight, as a contrast between how ff14 and blizz write dragons

  3. The whole "playing around with alternate timelines" things… did we forget the narrative of Warlords of Draenor?

    – Garrosh goes back in time to an earlier Draenor, by modifying the Dark Portal with a Bronze Dragonflight artifact
    – Garrosh has the majority of the orcs NOT drink the Blood of Mannoroth as Gul'dan wants
    – The Iron Horde becomes a thing, and invades our present day
    – We go through the modified Dark Portal to this past, alt-timeline, Draenor, and deal with things
    – Gul'dan eventually flees to our timeline, leading to Legion, forcing us to deal with the fallout of the overall events started at the beginning of Warlords
    – BONUS: Unlocking the Mag'Har Orcs is literally saving the orcs from said alternate timeline Draenor, from the Army of the Light-esque Draenei that are on a "if you are not with us you are against us" style crusade

  4. For those wondering: Bin Cam was the epic saga of the bin men never coming to pick up the bin at the office. He set Bin Cam up to check if they would actually collect them on the day they said they would (spoiler: they did….but they took the wrong one)

  5. I think people are missing the key wording. "Anyone with a WoW subscription" You can play WoW Retail right now without buying Dragonflight since all the content is available up to Dragonflight with just a WoW subscription.

    This is on your main retail account and won't be a seperate event server thing. Thing this is more ever green and most likely not releated to the Dragonflight story line at all.

  6. As a non-wow player, the idea that players have been beta testing new content on the ptr for years is crazy to me.

    And stuff like players literally knowing raid bosses and mechanics before its release.

    Absolutely baffles me, this game truly has no mystery does it?

  7. I love that he might actually have a few ideas about what might be coming but he doesnt't want to share obviously in case he is right, and I would wager he definitely is in the know about certain things coming in the next patch.

  8. The problem with unannounced events with no hints is that they will be minmaxed to death within 2 hours of release. The wow community is that obsessive.

    I like such events a lot and enjoy them whenever they come out in any game i play but wow specifically has the wrong type of community for this. It's facts-driven to the Nth degree.
    A Community that has multiple 3rd party tools to determine which of 2 rings is better with a 0,01% margain of error is not the type of community that goes out into the world for the fun of discovery.

  9. Mayhaps they finally cracked the code on how to do housing? Though they did say it's an event so maybe not that though said event could certainly lead up to it and the fact its available for anyone with a sub.

  10. Hot take: The game is more fun when you don't know what to expect. Going to Wowhead and looking up everything to do in the seeds of renewal completely ruined everything in the update. I hope there will be more future patches that are kept a complete secret (as long as it doesn't have to do with the main part of a new raid or something akin to that)

  11. As someone who's done datamining adjacent stuff before. The answer to "can they hide it from dataminers" is almost always going to be "no". But datamining takes time. With something like WoW it takes a lot less time because they've already done all the reverse engineering stuff to figure things out, and have built tools to automate it. If they hide something in a new way, those tools won't exist yet, which means it will take a lot more time. So if the patch goes up the dataminers might take a while to figure it out. But that technique will only work once.

    Encryption might help with things, but the game needs to be able to decrypt it, and if the game can decrypt it, the dataminers can reverse engineer that decryption.

  12. Its probably in retail itself, just doesn't require level 60+ or dragonflight.

    They say subsciption so it could be anything lower then level 60 in everywhere besides the dragonisles. I doubt its a new server with templates.

  13. I would make the download available at the same time the servers are resetting so people can download before the servers are up but have almost no time to datamine and spread the info. Yes some people would be annoyed at having to download at that time or whatever, but you cant make everyone happy and overtime peeps would learn to have their desktops turn on for the automatic download

  14. It has to be something in Silithus. Too many hints at a throwback to a massive world event reminiscent of the past, and with The War Within coming up and the sword, it's got to be it. Lets just hope this is where they put their resources as opposed to the five seconds it took to reclaim Gilneas.


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