Worst Game Ever? – Death Crimson Sega Saturn Review

A rail shooter seems like something that would be pretty difficult to get wrong. Even when they are bad they are playable. Well, most of the time. Enter Death Crimson, easily the worst game on the Sega Saturn.

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Opening “Sega” jingle is from Astal for the Sega Saturn.

Ending Music during the credits is from Batman for the Sega Genesis.

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By: Jan Neves
YouTube Page – https://www.youtube.com/user/Jan3d

Intro by Evan S.

Episode Notes:

1. Captured on real hardware.

2. Believe it or not Ecole is still around and is working on Death Crimson 3!

3. The article I referenced can be found here:

4. Ecole made a few other Saturn games. Not as bad as Death Crimson here, but still pretty poor overall.
Pappara Paoon (1995)
Death Crimson (1996)
Segata Sanshirou Shinken Yuugi (1998)

5. I see this compared to Crypt Killer at times, another rail shooter. make no mistake, Crypt Killer is 1000x better than this.


47 thoughts on “Worst Game Ever? – Death Crimson Sega Saturn Review”

  1. Worst game i ever played was a tank game on the OG PlayStation. I remember being so mad that i even rented it and wasted my 5 bucks or whatever. It was THAT bad. Gameplay, graphics, sound, music all bad but the worst part is the game was broken. If you bump the tank into a building, your tank would fall into the seam between the bottom of the wall and the street. Vibrate violently, then fall into the skybox void underneath. I remember trying a few times then giving up and taking it right back. Second place would have to be Cosmic Carnage for the 32X. Nice concept with the scaling of the sprites in a almost vectorman type thing where the models are a jumble of sprites animated to look like one sprite. But the game played and looked like some other game if you tilted the cartridge and scrambled the data.

  2. I had a Japanese book detailing the best and the worst games of the Sega Saturn, and this Death Crimson game and its series keep popping up in the very worst rankings. I didn't know what it was nor did I care, since getting such a abysmal rating by Japan standards means the game is really awful. Thanks to your video, now I know what it is, and why it truly deserve the worst game moniker. Such a travesty that even the Dreeamcast also had these series going.

  3. I remember trying Death Crimson OX on the Dreamcast and didn't like it. The first Death Crimson on the Saturn doesn't interest me and I think it looks like a bad clone of The house of the dead.

  4. Describing the music as "the kind of stuff you might hear at an end of life clinic" is definitely one of your more poetic descriptions! What a fascinatingly bizarre game.

  5. Me before the video: It's going to be one of those alright games that have a rough around the edge charm to them.
    Me a minute in: Dear god this game is ugly as hell and looks even worse to play.

  6. As funny as a lot of the bad parts of this game are – you should see the videos on YouTube of the composer defending his work on this game as something utterly amazing – one thing I absolutely despise about this game's legacy is the "Death Saturn" – a Sega Saturn console with a copy of the game super glued to the disc spinner, the lid super glued shut, and the gun controller super glued into the controller port, so that all you can do with it is play Death Crimson. What an absolute waste!

  7. I never played this game but there are some things I like about it honestly, but the graphics are horrible I’ve seen DS games look better than this. Maybe would’ve been more acceptable in its time .

  8. Sega Saturn is dead who still plays on Sega Saturn must have no money to afford a PS5 xbox series X even the Nintendo Switch the Sega Saturn costed only $200 the Nintendo 64 was more powerful then the Sega Saturn this console also has a major problem if your battery dies all the savings gets deleted you need a 4mb ram cartridge to play X-men Vs street fighter

  9. The game looks a bit bad but not bad like it makes me want to take a shower. For 1996 the backgrounds look nice, the animations are not horrible, it supports the light gun and does not seem to have any downright offensive or subversive content. There are bad mid 90's rail shooters and I'm not sure if this one is drastically worse than the others but of course it should not be mentioned in the same sentence with good or excellent rail shooters like Virtua Cop 2.


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