Worst and Weakest Legendary Lords, Factions – Total War: Warhammer 3

Worst and Weakest Legendary Lords in Total War: Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires, or at least the most medicore.

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00:00 – Intro
03:20 – Skarsnik, Greenskins
14:13 – Tzarina Katarin, Kislev
21:08 – Alberic, Bretonnia
29:09 – Tretch, Craventail
36:38 – God-Slayer, Daemon Prince

Special Thanks to:

Alain of Deathwatch

#immortalempires #totalwarwarhammer3 #warhammer3 #totalwar


40 thoughts on “Worst and Weakest Legendary Lords, Factions – Total War: Warhammer 3”

  1. Tretch is far from a bad legendary lords people just need to stop playing every skaven legendary lord like ikit claw tretch is built to melee ambush attack not use tons of weapon teams use melee with war machines or monsters

  2. Skarsnik is not weak. In fact, is the strongest greenskin lord. You don't need orks at all. Nasty skulkers are AP and dirty cheap. Goblin warbosses provides a lot of MA to gobbos. His special scrap upgrade make night goblins apply a poison over time (Death juice). Night goblin fanatics are very dangerous to armored enemies. If you take your time to recruit mushroom addicted heroes, you can have 0% upkeep on a goblin army. Squig riders are excellent, but somewhat frail, cavalry, AP and very fast. You have arachnarok spiders by the time you can afford it. With the same economy as an ork based faction you can field 3x armies for each ork one.

  3. Every single time I've played Daemon Prince I've had Throgg, Azazel, and half of Norsca declaring war on me while I'm still trying to hold off that walking fart Malus. All with the one weak army I can afford.

  4. Tretch is my favorite lord in the game. I love how cowardly he is. Peak Skaven to me.
    I'm disappointed in the new start location though. Fighting off Dark Elves at the start was way more interesting.

  5. Think you're missing the mark on Alberic there are tons of ports you can capture in Lustria, the sooner you get them the faster you can get a knight stack rolling and with how fast he recruits them you never have to lose a turn to recruit. He might not be as strong as other Bretonnian lords but he's a solid monster and mounted lord killer. The sieges and settlements battles are not that detrimental to a cav army as long as you're able to manage multiple small scale fights at once.

  6. Bretonnia is utterly trash thanks to near 0 buff and pathetic t4/t5 grail with tww1 stats. I mean c'mon a t4 infantry with 23 def melee ? Grail guardians T5 cav, with 13 AP , 36 raw weapon power for only 60 models ?

    It just made me sad that men that are supposed to be superhumans who crunch daemons at breakfast in lore being bested by random high tier cav.

  7. I mean, skarsnik on an ambush makes his goblin really strong. His campaign is hard but if you fight your battles rather than auto resolve you can easily Win every battle

  8. Skarsnisk is eazy as hell
    You have massive upkeep reduction for goblin units so just spam them with many armies
    3 full stacks with gobos + 3 waaagh stacks you can auto-resolve trough anything dwarfs throw at you.

    You don t need orcs at all black orcs and savage orcs are the only good melee orc units.
    But you can replace them easily with trolls mid and late game

    It just feels like you had a unit choice issue. You can have karak eight peaks in like turn 10 with skarsnisk goblin massive stacks.

  9. Im sorry but the deamons of chaos are an econimc powerhouse. Tier 5 settelments can generate um to 5k income per provice. They make absolute tons of tax money. You dont need any growthbuildings just get bloodletting and you will be set. For public order just spam the op po buildings that provides a grarison. And if u dedicate to god u can recrut a free upkeep doomstack on daniel and tons of very ceap powerfull lategame armys very early in the game. You can demolish anyone in battles by using a chaster lord with dmg spells to fill the army abilitys nonstop. he is by far the strongest deamon faction in the game. Dont think u playtestet this one at all.

    Sorry for my bad Englisch rant.

  10. tretch craventail doesnt really put out much damage but i use him so often in multiplayer as he is one of the best lords vs being sniped by large. He can take so much agro and attention before he goes down giving your other stuff plenty of time to get the damage down. on top of all of that he is cheap af

  11. Rofl… Skarsnick is probably the best Greenskin Lord right now…..Also you don't need Orcs on him, You literally have Stone Trolls that do that job. You can make dirt cheap armies out of no where with the recruitment system as well. Like I can recruit a entire 20 man army of Night Goblins/Archers/Skulkers/Squig Hoppers/Siege/Trolls (Not the Stone Ones) at any settlement at a Drop of a hat.

  12. Ok, I'm going to have to politely disagree with your take on Alberic. Some of what you said might be true for him back in WH1 or 2, but they really gave him an amazing situation in WH3 IE. The +50% income from ports as well as being able to skill into them being constructed faster and cheaper is a great buff to his economy options. Just because you didn't take ports in your own playthrough doesn't make it a weak buff. There's so many more ports now, and he starts in an area surrounded by them. Run out of ports near where your territory is? Take advantage of zero naval attrition of and kind and invade any other nearby coastline. One of his quest items requires taking Sartosa. That area is filled to the brim with ports, and possibly some friendly factions nearby to help you keep the area. Or take everything for yourself!

    They have him start with a tier 3 minor settlement with a level 2 stables building. It can immediately be upgraded into the level 3 version so Knights of the Realm with +2 ranks can be recruited at turn 4. This allows one to steamroll anyone around him. One could also build the Siege Workshop to nab a few Trebuchets to really smash any walled settlement quickly. Of the 4 Bretonnian factions, he's the only one that has access to a t3 settlement at the start. Louen has t1 (lol!), Fay t2, Repanse t2 minor. Yeah his is a minor, but he can get a major in only a couple turns of careful maneuvering.

    Another HUGE buff they gave him in WH3 IE was suitable climate for jungle terrain. None of the other 3 Bretonnian factions get this at the moment, and he doesn't lose anything in return to have it. The fact that there are nearby sea lanes to quickly teleport across the map to another area filled with suitable climate… yeah he is the strongest Bretonnian atm imho.

    Ok you really made it out that he was a bad melee lord. Against what? He starts with a +30 bonus vrs large right out of the gate. His Braid of Bordeleaux item gives a further +8 vrs large as a 35m range aura. He simply creams large targets! He also has a starting passive buff that gives a +10% speed and +10% charge bonus in a 35m range aura. He empowers other stuff around him to excellent effect! His melee defense starts out low, but he packs a big punch and allows for great synergy with all nearby Lords, Paladins, and can buff a few knight units too with proper micro.

    All I'm saying is you painted him in a bad light here. He may have been a joke in the past, but I think this is his time to shine. I'm having a blast playing his campaign atm. Now if only I wasn't suffering consistant crashes when trying to take sea treasure events… anyway, gl hf out there and stay safe. Maybe give the ol' meme knight another try before you toss him into a pile of rejects. <3

  13. Alberic is an interesting campaign. My problem was they didn't update Bretonnia's province edicts to include one to slow enemy armies. He is surrounded by enemies that just run away when you try to get rid of them and there are penalties for setting ambushes as brettonia. So I spent 25 turns chasing various armies instead of being able to expand, b/c if I tried to ignore them, they just ravaged my territory, making me spend all my time/gold to repair/retake. That being said, alberic has traits in his blue line that further increase recruit rank and you really need to play around Vows for your lords.

  14. I'd argue Clan Mors is now the weakest Skaven now with the nerf to Eight Peaks.
    As for Rictus, Encourage on Stormvermin is actually kinda nice when ya siege cities/settlements. It allows ya to split armies easier and still have some sort of leadership buff for the splintered armies.

  15. Whoever balanced the daemon factions is an absolute masochist.

    Want to struggle to fund a single decent army? How about spending 6 turns garrisoned to slowly replenish your troops after a fight?

    Play daemons.

    Warriors of Chaos are such an upgrade compared to the base game daemons its comical. DLC team please save the warhammer 3 release factions.

  16. the fact skarsnik and any Bretonia is on this list is kind of of showing your lack of knowledge of the game. with the reduced upkeep for golbin combined with nerfed supply line, skarsnik is one of the best lord for fast expension early, even on legendary. Bretonia is just straight op right now with the plus 10 control and mage give replenishment rate instead of scounting……massive, massive buff for the knights of the lady. i played so many h2h, where skarsnik is just unstopable with the unlimited amount of army he can field.. idk man, I liked all your other video, but this one is not right

  17. A legendäry lord that is worth mentioning is Snikch. Don't get me wrong, he is a great lord, his faction ability can later on delete literally everything that isn't another player – it can still screw them over of course – the problem is his starting location. He is surrounded by 3 legendary lords that all seem to be exceedingly eager to get his head. I tend to be too busy fending off countless waves of Cathay and fight the dragon siblings and Lokhir to be able to properly expand. The start is pretty damn rough in my opinion since you have a war on 3 flanks with legendary lords if you get unlucky. If you go for the northern provinces first, the western have expanded stupidly far and the other way around too. Also every other fight is a siege/settlement battle which means that your ambush ability is pretty much pointless. You can almost guarantee an ambush every time you fight in the open, which is nice, but you have to build at least one army to deal with settlements. If you're unlucky once again you never get the contracts you need for that and only get ones that give you a negative rep with Skryre or the clan you desire, which increases the cost and upkeep of non Eshin units even more, meaning you just can't afford a second army that easily to deal with both field battles and settlement battles.

  18. My experience with the daemon prince is also that everyone hates me – Throgg, Archaeon and all their vassals all declare war on me as soon as they see me, and obviously Malus does the same, bringing Naggarond in with him. All this while your economy and development is so very slow that it takes you much longer to build up like you would in pretty much any other campaign. I think it's a very fun campaign, but certainly the hardest I've played so far.

  19. While Tretch have a weak faction and lord effect, his start position is amazing, but this can be hard to tell at first glance.
    The main reason his start is good, is that the province north of you is where a lot of cathayn caravans pass by, and with no real drawback to be at war with them, you can snipe them easily.

    Now carvans for those that don't know, got buffed to give out huge post battle loot, easily 14k+ without modifiers for most factions, so you can essentially, with some luck, grab 20-25k every 8-12 or so turns just by having an small army on standby in the settlement just north of Darkhold(forgot the name, controlled by Greenskins at start) ready to attack.

    This makes the rest of the campaign real easy to deal with anything coming your way.
    Later you can spread undercities east on the caravan path for vision, to get more advanced warning on when a caravan is on the way and that way you even don't need an army to just sit and wait and can just position one when a caravan does show up.

  20. Skaven economy is one of the strongest. And it's passive. That is, you build what you need, and it comes with a bit of gold. You build a LOT of what you need, it comes with a LOT of gold. I will be far richer, far faster with Skaven than I will with greenskins.

  21. I think you missed the one of the funnier ways to make Alberic have an economy that grows incredibly early which is simply just confederate Aquitaine as soon as possible. Bordelaux port with his bonus and then keep confederating as need be while gathering ports in lustria as well and your economy just skyrockets.


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