Like , I could feel how hot it was , but my brain didn’t process it and I stepped out onto the concrete and burnt my feet so badly Istg 😰


34 thoughts on “OH GREAT HEAVENS-”

  1. its just as bad in the UK I'll step outside even with socks to bring the dogs in and my feet will burn so much that they feel cold and the feeling doesn't go for like another hour πŸ’€πŸ˜­

  2. wait wait wait, one time when I was like 7 my feet hurt because I was wearing horrible sandles while walking home so I took them off and then my feet were burning the whole way walking home my mum said it’d be better to put them back on but I refused

  3. * Me at 2 am to lazy to put shoes on to go outside to see why is my dog barking at ,en forgot that is raining and i steped on mud with my foots πŸ—ΏπŸ’€ *


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