World's FIRST Jetliner Made A MASSIVE Comeback and SHOCKED Everyone! Here's Why

The greatest inventions aren’t always those that take years or even decades of work to be developed for a specific purpose.

Sometimes, either by coincidence or improvisation, the greatest inventions are the ones that turned out not to be quite suitable for their specific purpose of creation but perfect for another situation.

The Hawker Siddeley Nimrod maritime patrol aircraft is one of such examples. Created based on modifications made to the catastrophic first commercial jetliner in the world, the de Havilland DH.106 Comet, this aircraft went on to become one of the most iconic military jets in history.


5 thoughts on “World's FIRST Jetliner Made A MASSIVE Comeback and SHOCKED Everyone! Here's Why”

  1. The AAR upgrade was an urgent operational fix and was not perfect, eventually resulting in a disaster, which in turn led to it's withdrawal. The AEW fiasco had nothing to do with the aircraft but rather the radar, which was never right. The MRA4 ran out of money.


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