World Economic Clocks Are About To Reset #propheticword

Romans 10:9 KJV “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised …


24 thoughts on “World Economic Clocks Are About To Reset #propheticword”

  1. Glory to God! It’s amazing how all the true prophetic followers of the Lord Jesus are singing the same tune. And I know most of them do not know each other. Thank you Holy Spirit!

  2. Young false prophets.The raft of God will soon pour down on her!Using worlds news and information and claim to hear fromGod!Its dangerous to fall into the hands of an angry God!

  3. Sister I’m not sure what you and your husband are involved in but I’m begging you and asking you all to please repent and get out of Glovy’s church. He is not of God because I noticed he had a video about “salt + water” and when you use those elements for power or to gain some type of access to a power or authority, that’s witchcraft. I love you sister I really do but I’m encouraging you to please ask God for forgiveness because you don’t dress modest and some of these videos you’re putting out are off, especially the one with Donald Trump. That word was false. Trump is a demon from hell and he is not of God. Sister, please repent. It’s some other things you’re involved in that i sense in the spirit you need to repent of as far as doing these one on one counseling sessions and charging people for that.. that’s making merchandise of the gospel because y’all are charging people for prophecies and words and you can’t monetize God’s word. I do spiritual coaching but I’m charging people for my time and helping people calibrate themselves spiritually and understand spiritually on what’s going on with their life. Sister I feel God on this, I’m asking you with the agape love of Jesus to please get down on your knees and repent, you and your husband. Stop being in ministry and making videos and repent , seriously. You need to repent..

  4. God bless you, my sister in Christ. I want you to listen to two different messages from our brother and sister in Christ on YouTube. Christina and brother Tony Lamb, two different man and woman of God.

  5. Thank you for your obedience beloved child of God, may you continue to be blessed and have the strength of heart to continue sharing! In Jesus name amen 🙏🏼

  6. Sister Hendricks, your dreams are from the one and true God! The God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob!!!! The Russia, China, India, Brazil and other countries is making a currency called BRICS.


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