Wonders in Heaven Prove The Bible, 2024 Rapture and Judgment

I will show wonders in the heavens above as signs on the earth below: blood, fire, and billows of smoke. The incredibly unlikely …


50 thoughts on “Wonders in Heaven Prove The Bible, 2024 Rapture and Judgment”

  1. I've been thinking about Revelation 21:9-10 lately. It almost seems like the angel is saying the New Jerusalem is the Lamb's wife. What do you think about this?  

    Rev 21:9 And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. 

    Rev 21:10  And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God,

  2. I would like to check the star system website you used for this presentation against my KJV bible. Could you let me know which website you used for the star locations in this presentation. Thanks and God bless

  3. This video is far away from the truth

    2 Timothy 4:3-4
    For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
    4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

    Read Daniel 9:24-27 and ask yourself:
    Does it mention a 2,000 year gap in between week 69 and week 70?
    Does it use the word “Antichrist”?
    Does it specify that an Antichrist will make a peace accord with Israel?
    Does it speak of an end times 3rd temple being rebuilt?
    Did the passage mention an Antichrist who will proclaim that he is god?
    Does it use the word “tribulation”?
    Did the passage mention the RAPTURE of the Church?
    The answer is NO,

    If you insist that the 70th week of Daniel has not been fulfilled, then read Daniel 9:24-27, and ask yourself these questions.During which week of the seventy-week prophecy did Messiah carry out his multiyear ministry? And in which week did He die for our sins? If you’re honest with the text, you’ll see that the only place for those events is in the 70th week.

    The enemy’s end times deception is based on the concept of a futuristic 70th week of Daniel. It causes people to look for an end times one-man Antichrist, instead of identifying the office of the papacy as the beast of Revelation, the Little Horn of Daniel and the Son of Perdition.
    This is the very reason that the end times 7 year tribulation deception was created by the Roman Catholic Church. They were being accused by the Protestant Reformers of being the Antichrist system who persecuted the saints. The Protestant Reformers told people to ‘come out of her‘, which caused millions of people to leave the Roman Catholic Church and be saved by the pure Gospel of Messiah.
    The enemy has programmed our minds to view the 70th week of Daniel as futuristic. But when you understand that the 70th week of Daniel has been fulfilled, and that it’s not an end-times 7-year tribulation period; most of the enemy’s deceptions about prophecy fulfillment crumble to the ground.

  4. it wont be a beam me up Scotty situation right prior to being nuked, you wont just float up into clouds where you can enjoy breakfast, go fishing, play golf or watch tv, no, the blast from a world war will be what kills everyone changing them from life to dead, sucking them up into the clouds of nuclear explosions while even the atmosphere itself is destroyed and burned, like 1500 bombs going off globally and meltdowns from all the nuclear plants making nothing inhabitable, nothing will survive, unless people wake up, realize the warning Jesus gave everyone to stop the coming wars, because if the human race dont stop, no flesh will remain. Rumour of wars and wars, the time all countries coming against Israel, this war will end all life..Not even hiding in a mountain or bunker, not even gold or silver will save anyone, not even the elite globalist causing all the wars so they can usher in their control and digital economy, there will be no one alive to control. putting on inmortality can not be done in the human body, that means everyone ends up dead, The Bible, Gods word teaches Death is the enemy Death needs to be stopped, swallowed up in victory. Stop the globalist wars, Pray for a future for you kids and grandkids, Pray for life, and peace, that Heaven may come to earth in a way where the Prince of Peace has reign over it.

  5. The atomic bomb was NOT dropped on Hiroshima on the Ninth of Av in 1945!!!! It was dropped Monday August 6th 1945, and the Ninth of Av for 1945 was Wednesday, 18 July 1945!!! So that is a LIE!!!!

  6. I’m only eight minutes in, but so far this is so amazing I knew about the four cardinal points and the emerald like throne and the eyes all over being the stars and constellations that do not rest day or night yeah so far this is just awesome fascinating and beautifully done. I can’t wait to share with my family. Thank you.

  7. In regards to Isaiah 5:20, a believe a more accurate interpretation is the Jews who start the day in the evening instead of the morning which is what the Bible says.
    Genesis 1:3-5…the day starts with “let there be light” and then “there is evening and morning. Day 1.” Morning to morning is a 24- hour period, Day 1.

    Very good info by the way. If America is bombed, any ideas where that might be?

  8. This video was very well done. I will go back and listen to it again a second time. The only thing I did not care for is the very ending which shows the advertisement for additional videos on top of the final screen so that the viewer cannot view it clearly at all. This may only happen on iPhone, which is what I was watching it on at the time. That was disappointing.

  9. To be honest, it seems a stretch to begin starting the Jewish calendar months at the full moon, given the “new” moon is not new anymore at full, and the Jewish celebrations are commonly on New Moon (hence new month).

    Have you looked into how the dates change by looking at the traditional New Moon new month starts?

    Also, is there any external support for using the full moons? Do you have a teaching explaining this in detail?

  10. We are absolutely in the zone for all of this to happen all of God’s prophetic timelines which he has many. They’re all converging to now Israel becoming a nation and how old they are now matters, everything that’s going on in the world and in our own skies, it looks like Bible prophecy is flying off the pages especially with everything that’s going on in Israel right now and America especially morally and socially. God is ready to judge us. We are ripe for judgment

    however when you talk about the flying nuclear weapons in revelation that’s way later on after the antichrist has been in power for over 3 1/2 years, and even AFTER he enforces The Mark & persecutes Israel,

  11. Fantastic work!
    I think the tribulation actually starts in 2028.. A number i was given we will just say,
    but it also could be for the midpoint being 2028 as well.. Nothing that was given says it cant be…I was actually given revelation symbolism by a "bird" with a date afterwards of 2028.. It was Revelation16:13-14 was given with apocalyptic symbolism.. pretty wild to say the least 👀🤯

  12. Hi Daniel…this kept my husband on the edge of his seat! Awesome…scary and exiting at the same time..MARANATHA!

    One question so we are on the East Coast of the United States. Are you meaning that this will occur The evening of October 8th for the United States and MORNING of October 9th, for Israel since they are 7 hours, ahead of the East Coast of US?

  13. Hamas the terrorists come from Iran, Persia once part of Babylon. Original Babylon was Iraq. Are you sure God is not calling Iraq Babylon because it along with Russia and possibly China (kings of the east) are about to invade modern day Israel in the Gog/Magog war?

  14. I have to tell you, though I look forward to rapture a sadness came over my heart as I came to understand the meanings of the scriptures you spoke. And am almost overcome with sorrow. Not much time left and so many have no clue….❤

  15. Never heard anything about the wonders of heaven spoken of in a church and neither ever discussed that I know of. Why is prophecy and the wonders the Lord has given us in the heavens spoken of so regularly in scripture basically ignored? Do Christians not have any capacity to handle truth that does not also flow with the secular world/science, that we would feel embarrassed or attract negative reaction/attention? Or is it that many pastors have so little time to study the Bible and build their knowledge of scripture due to workload? Church meetings by example should be short and sweet, allowing the preacher more time to focus on the importance of the word. I can think this entails a nightmare for many preachers as the pews today are filled with critics and the worldly and the spoiled. Shame on us for cutting our own throats.

  16. I believe it could be possible that the Lord returns in 2033. I do not believe in the Pre Trib Rapture. Lets see some two OT types and foreshadows of the End of the Age with Rahab and Lot. There might be some legit points on the vid…just the pre-trib is not happening:

    Rahab and her family: Type of the Church

    Jericho: The world

    Joshua: Christ

    Not mentioned by Pre-Trib and ignored:

    Two Spies: Types of Two Witnesses in Revelation

    Seven Trumpets blown at Jericho: Seventh trumpets blown at Revelation.

    Israelites to shout at the final Trumpet: The Lord will descend with the voice of the archangel according to the Apostle Paul

    Seven marches around Jericho: Likely types of the seven seals

    Conclusion: The Church will be raptured at the Seventh Trumpet of Revelation when the Lord will come for his bride. Rahab is taken out at the Seventh Trumpet which is a shadow of the Seventh Trumpet of Revelation Judgement then falls on the world when the Israelites attack Jericho a type of the world. This is the bowls of wrath of Revelation. Also note that the rapture occurs after the Two Spies arrive at Jericho.

    Now lets do Lot:

    Sodom and Gommorah: Type of the world

    Lot and his family: Church

    Ignored by Pre-Trib and not mentioned by prophecy "experts":

    Two Angels: Types of the Two Witnesses in Revelation.

    Abraham asks God six times to spare cities: Six respites=six seals of Revelation. It was God who planted that idea inside Abe's mind.

    Conclusion: The Rapture can only occur after the Two Witnesses come. Sometime after the Rapture the judgement and wrath of God will come.

    Elijah also went up into the fiery chariot AFTER the persecution and famine which are a type of the Tribulation period. His rapture type is not supported by a pre-trib position.




    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5PV7K994m4 (2 Thes Falling Away or Rapture)

    (Paul never taught a Pre-Trib rapture. The Temple, revealing of the Antichrist, the Apostasy must come first before “our gathering”)

    “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, BEFORE the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.” (Book of Joel. This is the 6th Seal of Revelation). Notice the word “BEFORE”. The “great and the terrible day of the Lord” is His wrath. There is no wrath anytime before the 6th Seal. God is clear that the Tribulation is not His wrath, but rather a test. Elsewhere in scripture such as the prophetic Book of Job it is shown that Satan is the one who will instigate the test of the Tribulation.

    Charles Spurgeon's take on Darby. He labeled him and his Plymouth Brethren group as cultists in the language of the day: https://freestockphotos.com/COMING1/DarbysInvention.htm

  17. Supposed earth speed around the sun->66,600 mph / supposed earth tilt-> 66.6 degrees from horiz. (23.4 from vert.) /
    supposed earth curvature-> .666' x miles x miles (8" per mile squared to the distance).
    Those triple 6 numbers are a clue as to who inspired the evolutionary f-lying ball earth.
    The reason the time and dates can be calculated (and eclipses) so precisely is because we are in a clock-like biblical creation described in the bible as under a firmament (note the word "Firm" in firmament), seen as the impression left by a signet ring, not moving with the sun, moon and stars revolving around us.
    All thing hidden in darkness are now being revealed including where we actually live.
    All "Space" agencies are frauds, designed to de-fraud us of God and a relationship with him and Jesus Christ. Mike

  18. Isaiah 5:20 means breaking His covenants for day and night, which means no sabbath rest ever. Jeremiah 33:20,25. It amounts to leavening our intended bread that is not bread alone, which is the light that makes one circumcised inwardly. Psalm 97:11.

    Sweet and bitter also refers to the light. The bitter light is the leaven that makes the whole lump toxic to a man to corrupt his flesh.

    The light is pleasant (sweet) and it is good for the eyes to see the sun. Ecclesiastes 11:7.

    The Word is in that light. So, it also amounts to adding and subtracting from the Word, for which a famous penalty is used and understood wrongly.

    {5:6} Therefore have we erred from the way of truth, and the light of righteousness hath not shined unto us, and the sun of righteousness rose not upon us.
    {5:7} We wearied ourselves in the way of wickedness and destruction: yea, we have gone through deserts, where there lay no way: but as for the way of the Lord, we have not known it.

  19. At 3:78 mins you say..if you plot the seven churches against the stars of Jupiter,"… you notice the Philadelphia church does not land on any glittering stars? In face the stars of Jupiter are many there…which becks to reason that anyone who wants to connect a point might stretch their point to the scriptures…and then trying very hard to pin point the day of the Lord's coming or in line with revelation timeline…it's becoming to allegory and symbolic.

  20. Brilliant revelation BUT so is mine. Both are from the Holy Spirit and yet they seem to differ. Obviously the difference is man's interpretation, We have to move into agreement with each other and the Holy Soirit to solve this.
    The answer lies in Isaiah 8 v 20 the law and testimony are the separating tools.
    My specific differences which I cannot give up are The Exodus was in 1491 bc not 1406. I use Julian Day 1176906 but am prepared to change the day not year.
    The second DEADLINE which I cannot drop is March 18 1988 a Saturday Julian 2447240. Under instruction on the Friday ( Lazarus anniv )
    a prison sentence was handed out for refusing to break the law. This information led me to make this video which is not public. At that time the Queen was alive and aware of its content.

  21. I just found this through Repoman suggestion to watch. I love this video. In the last 46 years I was given an impression that the Feast of Trumpets a great event would happen. At that time I was a baby Christian. Problem here is the Feast of Trumpets always lands on the New moon after summer is over. That is October 2 and Atonements is soon after on October 11. Great video though. Love to All, Ellie

  22. If this is accurate, I'm saddened by the fact that so many people are ignorant of how soon Christ is coming back!

    I've been feeling this in my spirit for a while now.

    To top it off, I had a rapture dream last night and it felt so real!

    The frequency of these reports, visions, dreams, studies and reports are all saying the same thing; Christ is SOON to return!

  23. Amazing work! Can you provide a brief tie-in with the Jewish feasts – particularly Feast of Trumpets – and how the 9th of October aligns with the Jewish and Julian calendar dates? Those dates seem somewhat confusing. Many Blessings!


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