Women Have Made Dating UNBEARABLE For Average Men | The Rise Of Sexless And Lonely Men

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33 thoughts on “Women Have Made Dating UNBEARABLE For Average Men | The Rise Of Sexless And Lonely Men”

  1. Hearing this make me think, that some or most women are indeed the weaker emotional side, falling for dating aps manipulations….. and it sounds like a psy Ops, but i guess it is the nature of thing and that the brain of some of the XX folks is just not ready for all the options of live.

  2. The difference between men and women is that men play the cards they are dealt and should live based on their principles irrespective of how anyone, especially women, feel. Women are always trying to change their cards and are inherently more malleable and live based on their circumstances. Today most men behaving like women and most women like men. If you need a women to validate you, you are a simp. Its time for men to realize that once they start acting like men, they will be much more successful with women and women will begin to change as their nature is malleable and bends with circumstances. If all these simps stopped trying so hard, women would change on a dime

  3. I'm a woman, unfortunately, this seems like it’s true.
    I've noticed one thing that's different is that fundamentally men need much less then women. And when always strive to consume and gather more. Why is that in the first place?
    Many guys can be perfectly content living in a box and eating beans.. and I'm not attacking them. Im
    Just wondering why it's fundamentaly different between the two genders? Are us women, influenced more? 😩 is it truly due to biological need for security that was hijacked by corporations? Same as the need for good looks for man? Idk

  4. Think of it this way: Everytime SOME (no generalization here) women sleep around, it's like ripping a piece of a beautiful picture up. At first, you don't notice the damage. But as time (and numerous partners) drag on, the more pieces are torn off, and the less appealing the picture becomes. Until finally, there is no picture, and all she has is these tiny little pieces of it.

    Now think of that as your value. Each "piece" is a little bit of your dignity, your feelings, and your ability to form a meaningful and long lasting bond with another person. When there are no pieces left of the puzzle, how can you form a meaningful bond with someone? You have nothing left to give. It's been torn away until nothing but the canvas remains. There is no color, no lines or curves, nothing that can make that strong bond people truly need to make it last and endure.

    You cannot give, what you do not have to give. And men are tired of giving more and more to someone that cannot give back what they have worked so hard to cultivate and actually nurture. Yes men can nurture to, we just do it in different ways. We work hard, we strive for stability, we show our strengths and even weaknesses to the one we know we can show them to. But what happens when you find the person you have invested in so much have given it away to so many men? They can't give you the love and happiness you deserve. They can't even give it to themselves because they are so experienced, you will NEVER measure up. You can't measure up when their body count is higher than an average graveyard. You become ONE of MANY not the ONE and ONLY that you deserve to be.

  5. Well I’m done, I’m just going to splash and dash until the end of my days. Been saying that “love” marriage and relationships are BS for Years, you either getting it or your not. Thank you 🙏 I can’t turn of my hatred of women and their nature and now I don’t have to, I accept it that all women are hoes

  6. none of this nonsense “evolutionary psychology” takes into account that most females ruined their bloodstream by getting the 💉. most overestimating their value greatly and men are unaware of how low most womens value is because of that fact. no thanks we don’t want blood clots and all that bs from sleeping with vaxxies.

  7. I have been collecting charity for this Christmas. I can't tell you the amount of woman that walked by me. And wouldn't even say Good morning. Have to be fair. There was a lot that did and even smiled back. But there were quite a few that just walked by. Like I didn't exist.

  8. It's like society had a perfect plan for itself back then and it was build like a solid wall and now if you remove something crucial from it like normal dating and put into it some diterrications like porn or feminism everything suddenly falls apart.

  9. Bo, your argument absolutely negates ALL western women as viable partners! Let them be alone & pine for the alpha chads that they got in their youth. I'll NEVER think about a western woman because they are ALL BROKEN!

  10. "Unless we do something about this…" Wait…what? No no no. Nope. There is NOTHING that can be done about this, Except to remove the state from family and marriage, and put it under contract law.

    You talk about evolutionary psychology, and then you talk about "blame"? No. Evo Psych is about inviolable process. If you want this to level out, make the rewards for bad behavior ZERO. ( yes i know he corrected himself..but he said it )

    If women had no option to bail and get a paycheck for life, this goes way down.


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