Woman Dies; Reveals HUMANITY'S Coming Great SHIFT in 2024! Prepare Yourself NOW!

Woman Dies; Reveals HUMANITY’S Coming Great SHIFT in 2024! Prepare Yourself NOW!
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13 thoughts on “Woman Dies; Reveals HUMANITY'S Coming Great SHIFT in 2024! Prepare Yourself NOW!”

  1. The big change is rhexcoming world dictatorship of the antichrist coming very soon. It's already been planned to play out and Jesus will return to establish the wonderful new kingdom of peace and justice on earth. I don't believe she means this fact? Not sure…

  2. She says she can see what is coming but when your rent has gone up beyond your means to pay it, there is a certain amount of panic that sets in, even though the future looks bright.

    The promise of the future still feels far away when the present is getting worse almost every day for now.

  3. My wife AnnMarie died and my son Erick died of Leukemia at age 14 and I suffer a stroke and can no longer walk I want to Die so I can be with my wife AnnMarie and my son Erick Alleluia ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  4. I definitely believe this lady – she is looking straight into the camera and tells her story in a linear way. Also she's not trying to sell anything. For anyone who is wondering, she only mentions the future @38:40 and it's more of a general sense than anything else. It's hard to say it's clickbait but the title is a little sensational vs the actual video. PS – I've been a little frustrated about click bait from previous videos so now I watch the first few minutes and read the transcript. I recommend that for anyone who is short on time like I am.


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