Woman Dies and is Shown the Truth about Life and Death (Near Death Experience)

▢️ Check Out More of Tricia on Her Channel πŸ‘‰ https://www.youtube.com/c/NearDeathExperienceHealedbytheLight
πŸ”΄ Listen to Skyline on Spotify πŸ‘‰https://spoti.fi/3u33fvC
🎡 Listen to Skyline on Apple Music πŸ‘‰ https://apple.co/3NuimVA
β–Ά Listen to Skyline on YouTube ▢️ https://youtu.be/P6pd5vGQDmQ
In this video, we show you a brief summary of our interview with Tricia Barker about her NDE Near Death Experience, where she discusses crossing over. If you would like to hear more of this beautiful story, please visit her channel in the link above, or visit her on the links below.

⭐Contact Tricia for a reading or Theta Healing πŸ‘‰ www.triciabarkernde.com
πŸ“– Tricia’s Book: β€œAngels in the OR: What Dying Taught me About Healing, Survival, and Transformation” πŸ‘‰https://www.amazon.com/Angels-Taught-Healing-Survival-Transformation/dp/1642931594#

Instagram: Tricia Barker (@triciabarkerangelcommunicator)
Facebook: Tricia Barker
Twitter: @TriciaTeacher
🎡 If you like the music from this video, please check out our independent record label Akashic Records here ▢️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9iqTknRtIEa5r4Exgpt7jg
#nde #neardeathexperience #neardeathexperiences
near death experiences
🎡BACKGROUND MUSIC licensed through AudioJungle, Epidemic Sound, and Envato Elements.

πŸŽ₯FOOTAGE licensed through VideoBlocks and Filmpac, except parts about the topic that have been used under fair use.

Disclaimer: This video is taken from an interview BY us, not taken from another channel, and it is all original content.


40 thoughts on “Woman Dies and is Shown the Truth about Life and Death (Near Death Experience)”

  1. With JWST and LHC showing us how wrong Newton is…shouldn't we swap to Leibniz?

    [Exhibit A]:

    We have ten whole, rational numbers 0-9 and their geometric counterparts 0D-9D.

    0 and it's geometric counterpart 0D are:
    1) whole βœ…
    2) rational βœ…
    3) not-natural βœ…
    4) necessary βœ…

    1-9 and their geometric counterparts 1D-9D are:
    1) whole βœ…
    2) rational βœ…
    3) natural βœ…
    4) contingent βœ…

    Newton says since 0 and 0D are
    "not-natural" βœ…
    then they are also
    "not-necessary" 🚫.

    Newton also says since 1-9 and 1D-9D are "natural" βœ…
    then they are also
    "necessary" 🚫.

    This is called "conflating" (similar words but different definitions) and is repeated throughout Newton's Calculus/Physics/Geometry/Logic.

    Leibniz does not make these fundamental mistakes.

    Leibniz's "Monadology" πŸ“š is 0 and it's geometric counterpart 0D.

    The Egyptians, Syrians, Greeks, Mathematicians, Plato (the Good on 0D-3D pyramid) and don't forget Jesus and John all speak of the Monad (number 0, geometry 0D, quantum SNF).

    0D Monad (Quarks)
    1D Line (Leptons)
    2D Plane (Guage Bosons)
    3D Volume (Higgs Boson)

    We should all be learning Leibniz's Calculus/Physics/Geometry/Logic.

    Fibonacci sequence starts with 0 for a reason. The Fibonacci triangle is 0, 1, 2
    (Not 1, 2, 3).

    Newton's 1D-4D "natural βœ… =
    necessary 🚫" universe is a contradiction.

    Before we're here is necessary.
    This is contingent.
    Most likely "imaginary" in the same way 'time' is "illusory".
    There's no 3D anybody without their 0D Monad/Soul. No Higgs Boson without Quarks.

    Natural does not mean necessary. Similar, yet different.

    Not-natural just means no spatial extension; zero size; exact location only. Necessary.

    Newtonian nonsense will never provide a Theory of Everything.

    Leibniz's Law of Sufficient Reason should be required reading πŸ“š.

  2. Here is Jehovah's word:
    Deu 18: 9-12: "When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee."
    Lev 20:27: "A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them."
    Lev 20:6: "And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people."
    Here is the way the first christians followed:
    Acts 19:19: "Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver."
    We see a widely dispersed disgusting things now, but why?
    Devil rules the world (1st John 5:19). He is liar and murderer (John 8:44). His style is deception and violence. It can be recognized everywhere from family to international relationships.
    Massive betray in powers leads humankind deeper and deeper in deadly dangerous troubles. Solding clergy supports betrayers by dispersing false teachings. Hatred among people based on their race or nationality was Blessed by clergy too!
    That's why we have the Gospel: the True god, Jehovah, will maintain His own Heavenly Kingdom (Daniel 2:44). Anointed king, Jesus Christ, will put everything in order and solve all humankind's problems. πŸ™‚
    The way it will be done is education. (Isaiah 54:13,14; 1st Corinthians 1: 21).
    Acts 24:15: "And have hope toward God, which they themselves also allow, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust."
    So, we will meet our beloved ones again! πŸ™‚
    I study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses and advise everyone to study.
    Jehovah's Witnesses organization experiences a lot of problems and there are many betrayers among them.

  3. Such an Amazing story of your journey home for a short while since being in Spirit is our True self. You tied all of the experiences together in a creative shortened narrative for this video. This story of your experience in the higher realms helps So much to remind me of why we are here in Earth 🌎 especially at this Time to spread and be the Light. I'm Going through Much stress with a close family member who Just is creating havoc with my Soul and Heart if I allow this to happen. She need help and I Appreciate Your story especially at this time in my life to keep me Going and not give up. God Bless You and Thank You for making this Video. I'm sure it will also help many others who watch and listen to Your experience in Heaven πŸ˜‡!

  4. As a car and truck enthusiast, I was bothered when she said "Ford Chevy truck" 🀣🀣 It's either one or the other and I wanna know which one!? I love antique trucks by Ford and Chevy πŸ‘ŒπŸ½πŸ€£ I love these stories tho. definitely changed my opinion about God

  5. Light to other people that follow Jesus not the ones that torture and spiritual attack me those heathens are going too hell and that's a promise πŸ’― πŸ™ amen.

  6. Thank you for sharing this story with us. For some reason, when you said that the expert surgeon wouldn't come in because you didn't have health insurance, it made me both angry and sad. Hospital care in the US needs a lot of work. πŸ˜”

  7. Thank you for sharing this touching, beautiful message of love and hope. I could really relate to the normalicy of dysfunction and working class mentality of trying to achieve it all ourselves. Especially when I was younger. I was devastated to lose my best friend in my teens, then a son decades later, trying to make sense of God and life, with all our challenges and pain. Your message is very uplifting.

  8. Solid!
    Top KEK!

    I had a profound NDE late last year. I'm so happy I got to experience it even though the path there and back was challenging.
    Peace be with you.

  9. Agnostic means without knowledge (gnosis). Being gnostic mean having knowledge, not of religion, but of absolute consciousness. The brain tunes into consciousness so that the ethereal can have a material experience.
    Infinity cannot experience love unless it divides, before, now, after brings expression of the absolute.
    Gnosticism was a wide belief before the Catholic Church destroyed it, now we are learning about it all over again through experiences like this. We are expressions of infinity,, pure love, this experience of material life is short but we are forever.

  10. This is what I can't understand: why is there no single-payer, universal health care in the USA? Apart from all the rest of this woman's testimonial, I can't understand the mentality that says: we can't save this woman's life because she doesn't have health insurance.

  11. 1996 I died in ICU saw the mist,white light and entered a tunnel. Journeyed at an incredible speed??? Asked if I wanted to carry on or return, the amazing peaceful feeling, I chose to carry on. That same voice( telepathic) said no your kids need you, and I returned to the very spot the light appeared gazing down from the corner ceiling at 2x doctors and 3x nurses working on my body, I blacked out. My blood count was 4.2. Professors and Dr’s said I should not be here. Took 8 months for my body to recover a full blood count. Later
    I experienced 3x visions in my sleep awoken by that same voice in the tunnel. Was taken to a spot and given instructions similar to chapters in a book.
    Friday night chpt 1
    Saturday night chpt 2
    Sunday night chpt 3.
    That was 1996. From then to this present moment I was shown signs to learn about ancient knowledge and a life changing phenomenon approaching. It’s 2022 and it’s about to occur and it’s a 5000yr old rejuvenation of earth.
    The Instructions given was a shelter to be created. This is a short version of this incredible spiritual journey.

  12. Mr.Dave Christensen, thankyou for your truly interesting comment. It is difficult to know with full understanding how this N.D/ Death & O.O.B experience can be correlated to your explanation of the Kingdom of God. I do believe that, if we are Believers in Christ as taught in the Gospel accounts & the prophecies Jesus fulfilled ( Isa.53, Eze 34v13-31, Isa.61 etc.), that ' the follower of Christ Jn.10v 25+, is enabled & sent to shine The Light of Jesus' Truth & enabling Grace ( Jn.1v12-16, ), asJesus says in Matt.5v14.. PLEASE CHECK THE TESTIMONY OF Ian McCormack, who also died & had an out of body experience. Are we not called to RECEIVE & display the source of unconditional love ( Rom.5v5, Eph.3v19, Jn.17v26, Jn.15v7), as seen in the empowering of Ananias, who was sent to Saul the Pharisee in Acts 9v1-17? Though this, as spoken of in the video sounds equal to Total Forgiveness Love, YET it is NoT achievable in our own syrength, NOR by every/anyone hearing this video, UNLESS, they are given ACCESS to the source. As there are many different & some conflicting OOB experiences, we will certainly know the truth when we die, and it may NOT be pleasant, as THE VIDEO SPOKE of seeing ' OOB people' with dark shadows, indicating, as she said, FEAR.. So, therefore ,WE MUST CONSiDER, the testimonies of ex- Mafia Michael Franzese, Doreen Lawrence whose son was murdered in a racial unprovoked attack, Becket Cook who is one of many ex- gay transformed believers, ex- moslem Nabeel Quereshi & many millions who declare Jesus being "The Way, The Truth & The Life, No one comes to the Father, but by Me". Jn.14v6. JESUS also said many Warnings, Matt.18v35, Matt. 6v16, Lk.13v3, AND Jn.8v21..
    This Lady received unconditional Love & accepted the call & enabling to share it. However, if we subtly mislead others away from the Source of Love for our enemies & adversaries, by the wrong teaching, THEN The God of Proven Promises in The Bible, WARNS everyone, that iF we do NOT believe Jesus is the Prophecied prophet & Son of God, sent to bear witness to The Truth of God's Word which we must devote to, Mark. 4v23-25, , THEN we will die IN OUR SIN. That does not sound like eternal life. Jn.8v21.. IT IS IMPORTANT TO COMPARE these acounts of OOB experiences with the Gospels, that are proven by the transformed lives mentioned above.


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