Woke Twitter learns about Berserk thanks to Elden Ring! Gatekeep them out of anime fandom!

Looks like the clowns on Twitter have learned about Berserk thanks to Elden Ring!

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#Berserk #EldenRing #Anime


48 thoughts on “Woke Twitter learns about Berserk thanks to Elden Ring! Gatekeep them out of anime fandom!”

  1. 🐴I am a fan of (insert franchise here) BUT… 🐴

    That's all I need to see to figure out you never where a fan to begin with and that your opinion on the matter should be dismissed immediately.

  2. Back then we wanted more people to join us but we got the attention of the toxic people. Those same people are doing the same censorship attacks like the bible crazy who thought D&D, Pokemon, and anything else as devil worshipping. The funny thing is the Twitter psychos think that they are better because they are "progressive", they are not. They're way too close to the CCP with their Twitter variant of the social credit points. Sadly since we were caught in a catch 22 in the mid-2000s many of my generation back and some of the younger ones were forced to either open the gates or close them and in either form you were damaged and now we need to close the gates to a point.

  3. These women talking about berserk like this they sound like Communists to me I'm noticing more and more communism spreading more and more throughout the entire United States they're taking over movies medium and now they're trying to stop manga this is just normal the more communism spreads the more these people are going to attack everything that we like because they feel offended everything that's happening in the United States happen in Germany happen in Russia now it's happening all over again these communist women need to be ignored they need to be shunned by society like you said if you don't like it don't read it but that's not the problem here they're trying to paint themselves as the victims and this book as an evil book these women are be honest these women are witches they're trying to paint a situation and if no one stands up there they will win that's how communist act they cast spells of confusion and propaganda to manipulate what's going on keep standing up people keep saying the truth cuz of no one does it's all over we'll lose everything that's how communist works that's why people have to stop it

  4. It’s a shame that it has come to this. I remember when we were welcoming to everyone who wanted to give it a try, and if someone didn’t like it after doing so, we could respect that and they would go on their way to enjoy other things.

    Now, these wackos demand to change the media they don’t like to suit their views, and anyone who tells them different is racist, sexist, bigoted, and probably a pedo to them. Oh, and an incel as well. And they are! Everything in the west is corrupted by it, even in regular shows (so much so my parents sees it as well and despises it all) that you can’t just enjoy a story anymore. Like when you see a woman in charge or with some power kicking butt, it’s not for story anymore, it’s for their list of checkmarks they have to fill out. Because a woman can’t be weak in battle anymore, and a guy can’t save them because it’s ‘sexist’.

    Meanwhile, actual women LOVE that idea! My best friend (who is a woman, just to be clear) adores it and loves stories about it. Sure, have a strong woman, it’s perfectly fine. Kicking ass and taking names is great, but real women do find it romantic to be saved by a guy they like.

  5. My kids gifted me the BEAUTIFUL, Vol. 1 leather bound collection of Berserk for Christmas. I quickly went and bought Vol.2 after devouring the first one. I can’t understand how people are so far gone on this”woke” BS. It’s a fantasy based book, just like countless other comic books of a soon to be bygone era. Artists and writers should be able to explore and dive into any kind of creative Avenue they so wish. Period.

  6. No. I'm a tolerant man. I've never seen the point of "Gatekeeping", But this is where i draw the f*cking line. You don't try to get your bs "hot takes" on the masterpiece written by a now deceased man. Back the f*ck away.

  7. Just finished reading all 10 of the deluxe hard covers… This series is like a massive FU to the SJWs. I know it wasn't intended that way, but the SJWs will react badly to it. Griffith is basically what every SJW wants in a leader and the author has the audacity to make him the bad guy. And Guts is a protagonist that actually has to struggle to succeed? I foresee many more SJWs needing a safe space if they discover BERSERK!

  8. Wait until they learn about Devilman crybaby

    It’s interesting how these types never can about male trauma or exploitation

    These girls like the abs though

  9. Berserk was one of the animes I watched as a kid.
    Women getting hurt? What about all the men in anime being the laughing stock and being fucked up by the woman? What about them?

  10. These twittards aren't mentally stable enough for hard stuff… Maybe they should stick to cartoons at a child like level, so they can endure it? Gimme guts kicking the shit out of demons and what have you… And to him its just a tuesday..

  11. I found out about Berzerk from screwattack death battle, then i found out about the sexual violence against women and children and decided this was not for me. This was years ago. I didn't try to cancel it or anything on social media. I just watched other stuff.

  12. Are Stephen King's books for me? No. Are the movie adaptations of his books for me? Also no. Do I go out of my way to bitch about the smallest things in the novels and books to ruin the fandom? Again, no. Also, a side note, RIP to Emilio Delgado (Luis on Sesame Street).

  13. As of May 2021, the manga published around 363 chapters collected over 40 volumes. However, the entire community was shaken after Kentaro Miura passed away in May 2021 due to an aortic dissection. A few months after Miura passed away, Studio Gaga confirmed that Berserk would get a new chapter on September 10th, 2021… sapossedly the last chapter for berserk came put last year in september


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