WOKE Starbucks ORDERED To Pay $25 Million For Firing Manager Because She Is White!

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⭐ Wooden American Star:

A U.S. District Court jury in Camden, New Jersey, awarded $25.6 million to a white former Starbucks manager who claimed the company engaged in reverse discrimination when it fired her amid protests over the arrests of two Black customers.

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40 thoughts on “WOKE Starbucks ORDERED To Pay $25 Million For Firing Manager Because She Is White!”

  1. Debs husband says without moral standards and clear boundaries of normalcy a society is doomed to fail into chaos and degeneracy. What is being called progressive is actually regressive because it doesn't build society up instead it tears society down. Some people are so stupid they will burn the house down before they realize they shouldn't have struck the match.

  2. I don't know if it's a race thing on why this happened, but I will say general coffee shop culture of every one I have been to has supported students meeting up to study together without ordering anything. I had a buddy who used to work remote out of a coffee shop and would never order anything. All the employees always enjoyed his company and chatting with him.

  3. Guy admitted on national television he walked in carrying his own drinks and immediately went to use the facilities without buying anything. And somehow his being denied is racism?

    No buddy. Business owners have to pay for that water you use. They have the right to demand only paying customers use their facilities.

  4. I'm calling bullshit that while in a busy Starbucks shop two men came in, one needed to use the restroom and was denied. I've walked in Starbucks TONS of times, and have immediately used the restroom and never been debl

  5. If the police were called within 2 min, the "paying customers only" exchange wasn't polite.

    "OK, small coffee please." is all it would have taken to be a customer. "Totally understand, give us a second to gather our stuff and we will leave" would have had no escalation. "Fuck off bitch" gets the cops called.

    Those young men 100% acted like entitled pieces of shit to an employee just trying to do her job. Those young men then 100% acted like entitled pieces of shit to the police officers who just asked them to leave. Actions have consequence, and all those morons are capable of is blaming others for reacting to THEM being uncivilized.

  6. I have been told same thing many times by establishments and I am white. Buy something to use bathroom! SB are mostly small places and need seats for paying customer's. I no longer use them after they treated our Military like crap!

  7. Every single major problem this nation currently faces, has been caused or created by democrats. Every racist policy in this nation’s history, is a democrat policy. Almost every slave was owned by democrats. Every kkk group, and every kkk meeting, was democrats. The fact that party is allowed to continue scaring and destroy this country, is a travesty. There is no way a person with honor and integrity, could look at the history of the democrat party or the results of their policies and their actions, and still align themselves with it. If there is a single entity that deserves canceling, it’s the democrat party.

  8. What’s this? Consequences for being racist against a white person? Pffft! Who would’ve thunk it? But I thought you couldn’t be racist to a white person. Oh, my mistake, they’d never claim that, right? Because if they did, cases like this would make them look stupid.

  9. People need to fallow starburst policy because Philadelphia is a crime City starburst is making sure you are showing your a customer by buying some coffee ☕️ or other things

  10. Why be at a coffee shop when you have outside drinks, brought in. In any kind of business meeting it gives a bad impression. It's unprofessional enough that they were dressed so casual for a meeting meeting. But to display that lack of etiquette, makes me think that they were just meeting up with friends to go somewhere else. That's taking up space from actual paying customers. The R word shouldn't have remotely entered the equation. But go woke, go broke.

  11. I was told I couldn't use the gas station bathroom the other day Because I wasn't getting gas or buying anything. So now that's racism, no that's keeping everybody in there out of the store from using a bathroom without a purchase.

  12. These 2 cats were race hustling from the very start and anyone who can't see that is an idiot😂. They got on the news, got on the tictok video, got their victimhood on and got a whitey fired. Mission accomplished. They may even get to go spend a relaxing weekend with patrice at one of her blm mansions to decompress. Oh wait, got that bankruptcy thing going on right now… maybe later.😅

  13. So glad they got sued. I hate star bucks, over priced and very self indulged. Oh and it's not racist to kick people out if they aren't buying anything in a restaurant because that's how they make money. If you want to hang out go to a park not a restaurant if you're not spending money.


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