Witchcraft in Walmart! EXPOSED! Shocking!

Founder Sam Walton’ taught Sunday school in his church, and prayed with his children. He would be rolling over in his grave if he seen the blatant witchcraft being sold in his stores now 😮
#Witchcraft #Walmart #Christian

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Our Mission: It is our hope that a more sophisticated awareness, and in-depth knowledge, of what lies at the “heart” of 21st century pop culture, will allow families and individuals to more clearly distinguish well intended authentic entertainment from deceptively crafted propaganda, which attacks the minds, confuses the senses and rips apart the fabric of society.
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39 thoughts on “Witchcraft in Walmart! EXPOSED! Shocking!”

  1. I pray all of you at Little Light will not take offense when i speak openly; you fellows are my brothers.
    Let us not be ashamed of the Greatest Light; Jesus.
    Find a way to spend more time magnifying our Creator the Word; since the creature (us and satan) is as dust next Him, at best.
    Those of the genuine leading of God's Spirit shall not be repelled, but attracted by the pure Word.
    "But although Jesus did not reply, the woman did not lose faith. As He passed on, as if not hearing her, she followed Him, continuing her supplications. Annoyed by her importunities, the disciples asked Jesus to send her away. They saw that their Master treated her with indifference, and they therefore supposed that the prejudice of the Jews against the Canaanites was pleasing to Him. But it was a pitying Saviour to whom the woman made her plea, and in answer to the request of the disciples, Jesus said, “I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Although this answer appeared to be in accordance with the prejudice of the Jews, it was an implied rebuke to the disciples, which they afterward understood as reminding them of what He had often told them,—that He came to the world to save all who would accept Him." {Desire of Ages}

    Matthew 15:22  And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil. 

    Mat 15:23  But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us. 

    15:24  But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. 

    15:25  Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me. 

    15:26  But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs. 

    15:27  And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table. 

    15:28  Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.

  2. Not only do these products promote the satanic, but there are probably spells already placed on those items. So as soon as that item enters you home, you've invited a wicked spirit into your home, weather the toy, book, t-shirt gets used or not. The Bible says " do not bring the unclean thing into your home. I've had the Holy Spirit lead me to clean put my own house before. I would get an uneasy feeling about a certain item, and 100% of the time I would look into it and it had something to do with the occult. And they looked very innocent. They were not " in your face" like the items in this video

  3. Went in Asda yesterday 2 women in front of me with 2 trolleys full of pumpkins about 25 of em. Cashier says to them so your back again. Probably gonna sell em on but still not a good look. I've never been into Halloween. It was not big when I was kid in the 80s growing up. Got big in the past 10 years or so but most non f&@!wits left in this country see it as a load of imported American s@#te!!!! No offence to the decent Americans. You know who you are!!!!

  4. They still sugar coat it all but it's all pushed just like drugs. These merchandiser's and corporations are wicked and the beast.

    Off topic, that shocked elderly couple cracked me up.

    Also loved that music in your ad for the clothes guys. Really great.

  5. Omgosh!!! Creepy crayon. Thank you for showing me this. My daughters kindergarten class is doing a creepy crayon parade. I had no idea what her teacher was talking about but obviously she read them that book and they made creepy crayon hats. I'm so sad my daughter was exposed to that. I am trying to homeschool but I am a single mother low income and am struggling. Please pray that the Lord makes a way for me to do it

  6. A great video! Thank you so much for exposing these things. A correction though; you showed Jonathan Cahns book Return of the gods and even though I haven't read it myself, I doubt that this is an occult book. Jonathan Cahn is actually a messianic jew and this book is probably a christian one that warnes us about evil things.

  7. I'm praying for a covering over our cities especially our children 🙏🏼.
    I wish there was a store that sold "shine your light " or " be the light" t-shirts and signs around this time so we could light up our houses with good things and as thousands are walking out trick or treating they can run into the gospel and the good news. Let me know if you find any places or sites please!!

  8. This comment may seem off topic but it is not.


    We shouldn't forget this.

    "Whatever is going to happen that they're gonna blame on Osama Bin Ladin, don't you even believe it." -Bill Cooper, June 28, 2001

    See and hear it for yourselves @ COJ

    RIP Milton William Cooper

    He was murdered for saying what he said.

  9. You can get nightmares just walking by the book section. Well me anyway 😬 I am a 39 year old woman and I can’t look at those images without being worried I’m going to have nightmares but let’s buy it for our kids 😢

  10. The hellfire club in Australia was a famous S&M sex cult club in the 'underground' culture back in the 1980s. It had a HUGE cult & very loyal following unfortunately. I BELIEVE a lot of ppl suffered from mental illness that worked there especially. I had a close beautiful friend that became an addicted to sex and she was the most BEAUTIFUL person ever. I wonder what ever happened to her as I haven't thought of her in a lot of years! 🙏❤🙏

  11. Return of the Gods is not a witchcraft book. It's by Jonathan Cahn, a Christian author. Do a little research before you go picking things up and blasting them on YouTube.

  12. Just found your channel through this video. My kid is 5 and has found Freddy and Huggy Wuggy and this has opened my eyes to how bad it is. He loves being scared. He's going to be mad, but no more YouTube for him.

  13. so Johnathon Kahn writes books about what we should all be paying attention to in the 'unseen realm' and how it affects our lives- no witchcraft with that particular book.. but the others….

  14. I really want to make good merch to sell to adults and children and put scriptures on them and positive quotes through my animations for I'm making my very first character wall paper of all the ocs me and my friends created and I want to involve Jesus in it but not make him a bad guy like all those other creators do.
    To give off for what or who's side my oc (original character) is in I always make her digital pen draw out a red Christian cross in the right way.
    You R Art! Little Light Studios God bless you!
    MAC.W Out!


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