Winning Against All Odds The Journey to $800,000 Heartwarming Story

These 2 cookies have broken you just as much as you have broken them Fail here and your chance to be lifted from the darkness will be gone forever Godspeed Oh he’s off Oh We’re on the final jump twice as far as the previous show arguably the biggest hurdle and Max’s entire life the umbrella It’s do or die He’s either going to win 800 grand Or the saga ends and this was all for nothing Your family’s rooting for you Everyone at home is rooting for you 3 I can’t breathe 2 He’s so far away from that cookie I can’t watch this I can’t breathe Just so you know there’s 60 seconds left man you Wait what just happened Oh no I actually don’t know what to say I’m such an idiot dude Oh my god I did that twice You did it After 3 tries you finally did it For the first time he is holding the money that he has won What are you gonna spend the 800000 dollars on I’ve got 3 friends of mine childhood friends of mine They don’t have a lot of money I’m gonna make sure they don’t have to worry about money anymore I mean my life’s changed now You deserve it You deserve it Thank you Thank you so much Yes Yes Good job man I’ve never been so happy to lose 800000 dollars to a grassman


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