Will Palworld Hurt the Monster Taming Genre? | Probably Not.

Let’s talk about this, because I’ve seen this idea being passed around a bit.

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32 thoughts on “Will Palworld Hurt the Monster Taming Genre? | Probably Not.”

  1. What can hurt the industry is Palworld copycats (more pokemon with gun/survival games). Sort of the battle royal fatigue we had after PubG

    But what pal world could bring to the table is more variety in gameplay styles with monster taming games. What makes Palworld really engaging is that the Pals operate mostly independently of player input and controlling your charater is engaging enough that you dont end up getting bored. Unique gameplay/interaction with monsters has always been something explored from the indie side of the genre. We may see less of a developers defaulting to a tunr based play style

  2. the only thing that had me truly worried about palworld was all the talks about the developers using AI art (something I'm against), so far it doesn't seem to be the case which has me relived a little, I am wanting to give this game a shot but I currently don't have the funds to do so at the time of writing

  3. I actually believe that Palworld is very, very beneficial to monster taming, since it gets peoples eyes away from just pokemon, and onto other amazing games, like monster sanctuary and yokai watch.

  4. This is what I believe, there's only so many different designs you can make for creatures in a game, pokemon has monopolized the market with having so many effing monsters now that they can just copyright anything that looks like it. I completely disagree with that model because it kills the smaller, more hungry studios that actually want to push for better games (in this case a different genre game) than what pokemons been giving us. If game freak really gave a crap, they would've released a game like palworld years ago

  5. I’m on the same page as you I laughed really hard when I saw “boycotters” sharing other monster taming games like yes Palwolrd is already very successful I hope the others can have a good boast in their sales

  6. Like 90% of mt games are still turnbased. So palworld being the the biggest mt other than pokemon will only hurt the genre cuz it doesnt seem like any other devs have the guts, like gamefreak, to do anything other than basic pixel 2d turnbased games.

  7. Just like Stardew Valley turned Harvest Moon into a whole genre, a lot of games have tried to do that to Pokémon like Temtem and Casette Beasts, but none of them hit mainstream appeal like Palworld

  8. It hurt the genre for me personally at least. One of my favourite genres reduced to Palworld as the pinnacle of it. Why do people consider it innovating because of purely sales? When you look at the gameplay they've combined fairly simplistic survival mechanics with monsters attached to it — how is this moving the genre forward? Many indie titles are much better in my opinion and because they're more niche, they're simply not considered; popularity is the only thing on people's mind and it isn't everything. I don't care if you like the game, more power to you, but I feel like I should express the other side of the argument.

  9. Me, I'm hoping this gets FromSoft considering another Monster Catching game. They never touched the genre again after the souls games took off, give or take a little bit of summoning in Elden Ring. But now that Palworld has outsold Elden Ring on Steam, and since Armoured Core 6 did reasonably well showing they can make other kind of games than just souls likes, maybe they'll think about reviving the Lost Kingdoms series.

  10. Palworld is the exact reason I grew an interest in the genre for the first time. I had no interest in the genre before because Pokemon(the only thing I really knew) was Nintendo exclusive and I don't care about any Nintendo products. I've already gotten an interest in Cassette Beasts and I'm sure much more will follow now that I've seen the genre has an accessible and PC oriented route for me.

    If this is the case for others, it will most definitely grow interest for the genre overall. Even if one disliked Palworld it will have people asking what alternatives exist and lead to them finding those alternatives. This is good and will help lead to natural growth to games that's not gotten the attention they deserved.

  11. Really glad Palworld let me find this channel, honestly been a fan of the monster taming genre for a long time but never cared for most of the creators, these videos are honestly what I have been looking for. Like a great voice plus nice video pacing

  12. Hot take … Pal world is just monster hunter …the difference is monster hunter focused on the combat moment … Meanwhile palworld focuses on the before and after the combat moment and what it means to be a pal in that world

  13. I don't really want to rain in your parade here and I get the idea behind this being a genre. But I think that is also the weakness of this 'genre' so to speak. The fact that really something like Pokémon is already considered an RPG by most mainstream gamers. And if you call SMTV and Persona etc 'Monster Taming' then we're really getting in the area of disagreement.

    Simply said, while you can view all these games through the lens of the monsters that are in them. Most people also could argue Pokémon is an RPG. SMTV and Persona are definetly RPG's. Palworld is a Survival game etc. So while you want to see it in this light because the hook for you with all these games are the monsters. For allot of other people that's simply an element. Like say guns are an element of Half Life. Or loot is an element of Baldurs Gate.

    The concept of wanting more of these games though is very much something everyone would agree with. Who doesn't like Pokémon. But you might have some issues or overlap trying to focus on it being a genre. I get why though so don't take this comment as anything but someones isolated opinion.

  14. I have a feeling that 2024 is gonna be a great year for the Monster Taming genre. I'm hoping we get at least 3 new projects starting up that want to innovate on the formula. Idc if it's rpg, survival, open world etc, I just want innovation in the genre so that we, as consumers, get more options to play around with.

    One good example would be if someone made a chill, Stardew Valley like monster taming game.

  15. I think the only "harm" to the genre will be the large amounts of low effort attempts to mimic their success. In a month or 2, Steam will be loaded with shovelware "creature collecting" games. Mobile will probably be even worse since on any given day you can find at least 3 games literally using Pokemon and somehow Google lets it through.

  16. Its interesting seeing the old trailera for Palworld being played in this vid Ed, theres quite a lot of things we see that arent in the current iteration of Palworld. Do you think they will bring those in, e.g. the cart where hes dragging a pal by a rope behind it, the giant flying whale Pal and that mega city as just a couple of examples of things not currently in game.


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