WildEarth – Sunset Safari – 17 August 2023

The full safaris can once again be viewed on YouTube

In addition to this, the full live channel is available on our apps and website as well as with many of our partners.

Find all the places you can watch it here: wildearth.tv/channel

If you have any issues accessing this, please write to [email protected]


Hop on our live Safaris and let the benefits of viewing Nature be part of your daily routine. Nature heals!

Sunrise Safari starts at – 06:30 (CAT) , 10:00 (IST) , 00:30 (EST) and 04:30 (GMT)

Sunset Safari starts at : 14:30 (CAT), 18:00 (IST) , 08:30 (EST) and 12:30 (GMT)


3 thoughts on “WildEarth – Sunset Safari – 17 August 2023”

    Tristan & Rhian 0:40 – intro with impalas 2:48 – Brown snake eagle 20:30 – driving red crested korhaan 40:52 – driving & check on carcass 54:03 – demo on horns of the carcass 1:12:40 1:25:49 – two young ellie bulls approaching..at the water
    Cedric & Mpho 3:27 12:57 – buffaloes at the water 29:49 – driving after the male lion 46:27 – driving talking hyenas & injuries 1:15:08 1:24:21 – yayy young talamati male on the tree aww, been chased by BDM..on the move
    Rexon & B'Kay 14:27 – black-smith lapwing 33:25 – ndlovu dam with ellie dung, tree squirrel 1:02:20 – ellie cow & calf 1:43:50 – red-billed hornbill
    JamesH & Johan 17:26 – short-toad rock thrush 55:33 – ground squirrels running around 1:49:50 – blue wildebeest resting

    Cedric & Mpho 2:00:06 3:01:01 3:07:24 3:23:30 – young talamati male lion sleeping..wakes up 3:36:14 2:36:44 – buffaloes 2:58:34 – driving back to Y.T.M
    TristanD & Rhian 2:14:27 2:21:16 2:34:04 – yayyy kuchava on the hunt!..resting on termite mound! 3:13:12 3:22:02 – driving west, buffalo road block 3:49:18 – driving talking nocturnals
    Rexon & B'Kay 1:58:37 2:12:17 2:28:08 – ellies..in the camp!!😮 2:29:37 2:44:34 2:50:00 2:57:04 3:29:27 – ellies 3:50:49 – driving 3:54:00 – buffalo in the dark
    JamesH & Johan 2:04:44 – giraffes with views 2:17:16 – ellie bull giving a display

  3. Can someone help me with info on the talamati pride, please? I'm so confused. So there is a talamati pride and a talamati breakaway pride? How did this happen? I know the S8 male is a part of the talamati breakaway pride, but then who is in control of the other talamati pride? Is he with both? Thank you


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