Wild scene, chaos as drive-by shooting injures 5 at Durham Subway on New Year's Day

Wild scene, chaos as drive-by shooting injures 5 at Durham Subway on New Year’s Day


23 thoughts on “Wild scene, chaos as drive-by shooting injures 5 at Durham Subway on New Year's Day”

  1. Disson bulletproof vest I mean glass bulletproof vests getting bulletproof glass man that'll stop a lot of problems I don't know man that's a tough situation it's happening everywhere it's this it's just a trend that everybody's going through I think it's coronaviruses then got to everybody's brain and then I made it bad because a lot of people doing a lot of shooting everywhere and if you should close down yeah you're just making yourself look bad you got to keep your business going man you open your business because you want to make money can't make no money with your business being closed so you don't have to come up with another solution make your windows smaller I put you some bulletproof glass in there I would make I put me some more blocks up towards the bottom so you can't see in that good but of course then you have more problems cuz you'll get robbed all the time I don't know that's a bad situation to be in but I hope you work it out man God bless you Happy New Year

  2. Better nutrition and literacy from an early age will help prevent societal breakdown. I’m not talking WIC processed food; I mean genuinely healthy fresh produce and high quality protein. Why don’t any politicians run on that platform? In one generation we could turn this around.

  3. Let's start charging these Murderous Thugs will Federal Terroristic Charges. 25 Years in a Federal Prison might give these poor excuses of Humanity a Wake up Call. Meanwhile Our Grovernment, Politicians and Prosecutors won't even acknowledge that Crime is out Control. Our Violence is worst than many third World Countries. Is Martial Law coming to a City near you?


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