Wild High School Teacher – Troublemakers


3 thoughts on “Wild High School Teacher – Troublemakers”

  1. That’s such an old an recycled joke, this actually happened when I was in high school during the segregation era, my electronics teacher Mr Graves a black Engineer that never was allowed to practice in the field was telling me stupid the students were and one boy came to him as we were talking and asked for help on repairing a tv set, these sets had vacuum tubes in them, Mr Graves asked him if he checked all the tubes, the boy said one was out and Mr Graves said that’s the fallopian tube, the boy went to the cage for a replacement as we both starred at each other, I burst out laughing while Mr Graves face looked so disappointed just shook his head, and with watery eyes looked at the floor and said God Damn, this is the future of this country 😂 happened in 1980.


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