Why Zombieland: Double Tap was a DISSAPOINTING Sequel

It took 10 years to make a sequel and it generally wasn’t worth the wait for how mediocre it turned out to be. Why though? The failed tv show pilot and series might have a hand. That and relying on characters that aged beyond the limits of the writers expectations of them. Lets NUT UP or SHUT UP

Edited by @QuickFlixYT
BGM -Ghost Memories: https://soundcloud.com/ghost_memories

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36 thoughts on “Why Zombieland: Double Tap was a DISSAPOINTING Sequel”

  1. I think what happened was that they tried to make Z Nation. The little moments felt similar to the Z Nation set up. But instead of it being a series, like Z Nation, it was a movie.

  2. Ah… classic content creator style !!!DISAPPOINTING!!!! "" I have influencial leverage over my viewers so I can say this is " just " my opinion but hey… psst, I DO want to convert at least enough others to dislike/ hate this film aswell, so I can feel better!😉 "" Just joking with ya… or am I? I Agree… ..but no. Besides the relentless wave of zombie flicks the Zombieland films are quite good and play of the nonsensical tropes of the others with charm, crazy stunts, humour and just plain fun mayhem with dashes of love and tension👌 Also made me try Twinkies… not bad murican snack but… yikes the ingredients like lard and whatnot! 10x cups of black coffee + apples to detox 😂

  3. I don't mean to take a dump on your criticisms, but IMO you took this movie too seriously, I feel like the whole movie and everything in it was meant to be kind of a joke which is why there were absurd plot points and characters like the stereotypical blonde idiot girl, the haha weed hippie guy, the copies of the two main characters, and the colony of pacifists who somehow survived 6 years of a zombie apocalypse.

  4. is it just me or would it have been kinda funny when they got to the pacifist place everyone was either dead or infected and Talahasi would be the one to kill them all since he and i quote ''I dont hate them i just want to beat the sh&* out of them''

  5. 27:0627:32, the only part I disagree with is that Columbus is a worse person than Wichita, Wichita put her and her sister in danger, while abandoning 2 people that they grew close to, and while Columbus did sleep with Madison almost immediately, that happened a month after Wichita and Little Rock left. If I was in a zombie apocalypse and the person I was dating left a note and disappeared for a month, I'm assuming we broke up. Columbus was dumb in hooking up with Madison, but I wouldn't count that as cheating or worse than Wichita putting her sister in danger over being proposed to

  6. the dumbest part of the whole movie was funneling the whole horde towards Tallahassee hanging off the hook. The zombies DEFINITELY shouldve just murdered fucking everybody, like how the fuck were they just stopped by some flimsy barricades held up by hippies???? they didnt even try to use any form of logic in that scene.

  7. It felt like they were almost entirely different characters, what should have happened is them finding a community to use their skills to protect and that giving them all purpose in life.
    Instead it's practically the same plot again as if nobody has changed in 6 years while at the same time making them different worse characters that I guess got memory loss along the way.

    Like how Tallahassee has that whole "I hate musicians!" bit but…doesn't he play and carry around a banjo or something for a while, which he clearly knows how to play?

    It's blatantly funny that the writers approached the script and the comedy in a "Wouldn't it be funny if" kind of a way rather than exploring how these characters might have changed in 6 years.

  8. Could’ve been better if they’d gone the whole, we’re the last people left and on the run to finding a community and trying to switch from an on the road and on our own to a settling down in a survivor community.


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