Why You Can't Look at Enderman…

This is why enderman hate eye contact.

Story by stay
Minecraft 1.20
#minecraft #shorts #relatable #gamingshorts


44 thoughts on “Why You Can't Look at Enderman…”

  1. This is what I heard tell me if I'm wrong BUT what I heard was that they used to be humans/the ancient builders and they got stuck in the end/the reason for the end city and that they hate looking at you because they want to be normal again

  2. It’s not because of that it’s only because the only reason why they hate water because they usually be bullied when they were humans and they got put in water swallow something and it made them tall and black and that’s why they don’t like water and that’s why they don’t like people looking at them

  3. For a player to provoke an enderman the player must stare or look at the upper body of the mob or attack it. This will cause the enderman to become angry and attack the player.

  4. ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛

  5. It's maybe because when you look at their eyes, they have dramatic anime flashbacks of their past, because there's a theory that says that they were once players who became endermans because of the evolution in the end

  6. They are Actually saying look for the eye and if you look to the endermans eye it thinks that you will take their eyes so they attack you.
    Im not good at english because im 10 years old and english is my second Language.

  7. It could be because they are agreesive when you stare at them in the face similar to primeape from Pokemon which gets mad the same way and tends to beat ya up for staring at him directly but if you don’t look at enderman and have your back turned he will leave you alone also if you wear the pumpkin mask he leaves you alone which I assumed he was maybe scared of it

  8. Actually the endermen were once people and were transformed into the endermen and the people inside were trapp while the endermen were killing the people when you look at them and the people csnt stop it but when you put a pumkin on your head the people inside controling it stops and reminds it when the peacefull time when they made the golems for peace

  9. They speak 2 words like “whats up” and “look for the eye” they say to look the eye of the end (I forgot what it is) but when you look at them they think your killing them for the ender pearl

  10. The real reason is why endermen are aggressive is because enderman will want villagers if you don't know the story there was a group of villages 7 of them and they went mining the reached bedrock but the but something was wrong the bedrock seemed soft and the Fell in the void the scary part there was seven enderman like the 7 villagers

  11. Hey guys I'm just wondering is a enderman with red eyes rare or just a myth because yesterday when I was building a house (in creative) because I was bored I saw 2 of them one holding a grass block and the other one teleport to the same places

  12. I don't understand Enderman. I look at them and they don't attack me. But when one of them takes damage, with water for example, while you look at it, it becomes hostile and attacks you. There was a time when I went to “The End” and I just looked up and suddenly one of them started attacking me. For no reason. Maybe my lifting my head caused us to have eye contact for just a moment and that was enough to make the Enderman hostile? 😮
    And… The Piglins… I had just arrived in the Nether with my golden helmet and even though I was wearing a golden part of the armor they attacked and killed me! I did not like that! I was level 30! And they killed me FOR NO REASON! They were very close to the portal, I don't think they saw my golden helmet when I arrived, but I was upset. 🙁

    I didn't jump or open any chests, I was still in the portal, from when we arrived in the Nether and suddenly I took damage, I thought it was fire. No. The source of the damage was them! >:(

    Well… The mob's rules, don't look the Enderman in the eye, put on golden armor to travel to the Nether, they can all fail… I don't believe it.


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