Why Was Hungary Partitioned After WWI? | The Treaty of Trianon

Why was the ancient Kingdom of Hungary partitioned after World War One? In theory, it was to set free the many different nationalities (be they Romanians, Serbians, Slovaks, or a number of others) living under Hungarian rule, and in practice that was certainly achieved. But the Treaty of Trianon, in which the borders for Hungary and its new neighbours were demarcated, also left millions of Hungarians outside of the new Hungary.

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Sources Consulted:
Feischmidt, Margit. “Memory-Politics and Neonationalism: Trianon as Mythomoteur.” Nationalities Papers 48, no. 1 (01, 2020): 130-143.

Győri, Róbert, and Charles W. J. Withers. 2019. “Trianon and Its Aftermath: British Geography and the ‘Dismemberment’ of Hungary, c.1915-c.1922.” Scottish Geographical Journal 135 (1/2): 68–97. https://doi.org/10.1080/14702541.2019.1668049

Ludányi, András. “Trianon: 101 Years Later.” Hungarian Cultural Studies. e-Journal of the American Hungarian Educators Association, Volume 15 (2022): https://www.proquest.com/docview/2449352425

Miller, Stuart T. Mastering Modern European History. London: Macmillan Education LTD, 1990.

Shepherd, William R. Historical Atlas. New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1911.

Danse Macabre – Busy Strings by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100556
Artist: http://incompetech.com/


17 thoughts on “Why Was Hungary Partitioned After WWI? | The Treaty of Trianon”

  1. If hungary really wanted their population why couldn't they do a population exchange with Czechoslovakia Yugoslavia and romania? Like greece and Turkey did, this could've completely eliminate the problem

  2. Your argument looks mostly correct. However, in the case if Transylvania, you are missing a number of points: Romanians were not really allowed to live in cities (it was a kind of apartheid, where Hungarians were allowed to break the rules because all judges were Hungarian, despite the majority population being Romanian). So that's how you end up with a 90% Hungarian city/town being surrounded by 90% Romanian villages in a region mostly inhabited by … Romanians. Secondly, Romanians did not ask for war reparations from Hungary. They suggested that Hungary uses that as a fund for those Hungarians who wanted to leave Transylvania (dual citizenship was not allowed). Finally, it was Romania that was attacked by Soviet Hungary and that's when things really came to a head. Romania simply could not tolerate being invaded by a communist dictatorship. For when that finally happened in 1940s it ended up with a lot of Romanians deported to Siberia, or simply shot in the head with their hands tied (suggestion: look what's happening in Ukraine now).

  3. That region in the centre of Romania that you depict as Hungarian was never 100% Hungarian. More like 80% Szekelys. Interesting historical fact: Szekelys themselves were discriminated against by Hungarians.

  4. Also you omitted to say that Romanian and German communities of Transylvania (>70% of population)voted to join Romania democratically. The Hungarians voted against. So what could be done?

  5. I don't like this "punishment" argument. Why isn't anyone looking at actual human losses. Transylvania was clearly ROMANIAN territory due to Romanian MAJORITY. Germans of Transylvania also agreed. Why didn't anyone count the Romanians that were hanged to death by Austro-Hungarian empire because they didn't want to fight against Romanian soldiers in WW1?


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