Why Vanessa IS NOT Vanny – Five Nights At Freddy's FNAF Security Breach THEORY

is vanessa vany? here is why vanessa is not vanny in fanf five nights at freddys security breach.

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why vanessa is not vanny fnaf security breach five nights at freddys theory, who is vanny, who is vanessa, why vanny is not vanessa, is vanessa vanny, is vanny vanessa, is vanny vanessa fnaf, is vanessa vanny fanf, why vanessa is not vanny, why vanessa is not vanny security breach, why vanny is not vanessa fnaf security breach, why vanny is vanessa, why vanessa is vanny, is vanessa vanny security breach fnaf, is vanny vanessa security breach fnaf, five nights at freddys theory, fnaf theory, security breach theory, five nights at freddys fnaf security breach theory, fnaf security breach theory


30 thoughts on “Why Vanessa IS NOT Vanny – Five Nights At Freddy's FNAF Security Breach THEORY”

  1. To sort of quell the situation, the evidence highly supports Vanessa being Vanny in that the tapes indicate that she has a severe Multiple-Personality Disorder and that she also purchased a fur suit. To add to this, Vanessa was most likely the security guard in FNAF VR and, when Freddy says that he’s been brought down to the old Pizzeria by [her], with Vanessa having the only real connection to the underground location (which was burned in the last game, resulting in the “blob”), it’s safe to assume her Vanny personality attempted to show Freddy what glitchtrap had in store for him, where he then refused (when first meeting the blob, Freddy’s monologue supports this). The rooftop scene would then suggest that her ghost is trapped in the Pizzaplex, which is reminiscent of how Afton’s soul was trapped in the original Pizzeria.

  2. I know it's a theory but I just feel there are too many counters against most or all points made in the video. Not saying it can't be possible but it currently seems more on the unlikely side with the given info we have on Vanessa and Vanny.

  3. also one more thing . i was reading the comments and i read that vanny couldnt be tracked by freddy before his eye upgrade so in the ending where freddy and vanny fell from the roof its a simple explenation that vanny was just a programing thing like glitchtrap which tried to kill gregory .freddy could do that bc as another theory states he is possesed and he knows what is going on . i know its kinda all around but i will think of it more and come back in about a week when i have the time

  4. bruh what if Gregory was a advance AI or a possessed Robot or even Cyborg, cause I'm pretty sure If I see vanny in real life, My eyes won't be glitching out, unless she is spraying pepper spray onto my eyes or tear gassing the joint. (I strongly believed the possessed robot to be Greggy cause, it stated Afton figured out how the original animatronics was possessed by the kids that he murked, hence why he tried to hide from them then he got spring locked and greggy boi was his latest experiment cause why else would you be diverting tones of power to a place that is basically out of sight burned down joint, were child kids ghosts were haunting and would make since why greggy eyes is glitching out when ever he is near Vanny and why Afton wants him)

    hell When I was 12 I constantly was eating, going to the bathroom and drinking water every 1hr or so (I had somewhat of a resemblance of a 6 pack back when I was 12 then, now I got bit of a beer belly at 21), yet Greggy boi never done that for 6 hours, he never displayed tiredness either despite being 6hrs past his bedtime, plus If you were a techno genius at the age of 12 as he was fixing Freddy You probs won't be an orphan cause either the gov would adopt you for build their stuff or some scum bag thinking "Oh smart kid = lots of money, better adopt him to make my retirement easy"

  5. Necessarily I don't believe this, it is your video. I'm saying that in the burned pizza plex ending, Vanessa is watching her own dead body, because she is free of Glitchtrap, but her soul is stuck to the pizza plexus remains.

  6. Honestly you have some really good points, but when you mentioned the Vanessa being a ghost being ridiculous because it would make more sense, that just shattered that theory, if you look through multiple fnaf lore & logic, you never have all the peices until you consider everything
    Another reasonwhy you thought otherwise "why would she not be in her vanny suit"
    Counter : because when Freddy killed her (and himself) he set her soul free only killing the vanny inside of her , I believe it's symbolic
    And Vanessa would be on the roof observing, because she is seeing how much damage she caused, and she isn't staring confused, she's staring in a surprised sadness like "'I didn't realize how bad it was'" kind of expression
    The reason why when you unmask vanny, it glitches out, this is a good point, but I believe it isn't something that you start its something you stop, I believe that Vanessa is holding back the power so naturally when she dies she can't hold the power back anymore so it causes you screen to flicker
    Also Vanessa could have lied about her reports, her parents were good ppl, but she didn't like them, maybe they secretly abused her, but we don't have enough info to secure that,
    but another thing Vanessa can't be Williams daughter, because he only had 3 children, one was the kid who got bit (or so says the widely believed lore) , then there was his older brother who became Michael Afton which is who you play as in sister location, and Elizabeth Afton who is baby (honestly that was her fault, should listened to her dad)
    And all of them are cannonically dead

    But don't take this the wrong way, I'm writing a book and I just want the lore to be correct, this is more of a counter argument to test how much you can neutralize with solid facts and opinions, I hope you respond with a counter that I can't shut down, otherwise I'll just have to go with my gut, (which to be fair is really accurate when it comes to fnaf lore)

    Thank you for your theory, I'll give it some thought trying to counter my own logistics, as a good theorist does

  7. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and repent you shall be saved give it a try I mean accepting Jesus is a great thing cause if you do your safe from hell you might think hell isn't real but it is and heaven isn't boring ppl think heaven is boring but in fact, you can fly in heaven accept Jesus as your Lord and savior repent and always remember God does Love you

  8. If we went back to our old theories, every human/people killed/died on the pizzaria, will haunt the place or an animatronic nearby. And Freddy killed vanny with himself and dieing on impact. Vanny/vannesa and Freddy died then we see a cutscene that vannesa was up on the rooftop. That was vannesas soul. Why didn't Vanessa haunt Freddy? Although Freddy was near Vanessa when she died, Vanessa didn't haunt Freddy because Michael Afton was there. That's why Vanessa's body was on the top. She now haunts the mega pizzaplex. If Vanessa if the girl on the rooftop, she should escape the building because it is on fire and the Princess' Quest will be nonsense.

    So…. Vanny was Vanessa.

  9. I love how people are questioning whether Vanessa is Vanny? But in reality the question should be is Vanny a real person because when she falls off the roof there is no blood surrounding her head, and I know FNAF wouldn't shy away from showing blood and gore as we see William Afton/Burntrap and we see all his rotting flesh so why is there no blood around her head? If she was a real person

  10. I always had the gut feeling that Vanessa was a red herring for the audience, but after getting the CDs and seeing the endings it clicked that Vanessa was meant to be a Red Herring in universe too. She's the perfect target for someone to pin the blame on if they suspect they might get caught, especially given that Vanny looks like she could pass as her. It doesn't make sense that Afton would allow his pawn to get caught either, especially one as useful as Vanny.

  11. but there is an ending (forgot the name) that we go to rooftop and vanny cacthes us and freddyattacks her so they fall down together and than we look under vannys mask and its vanessa

  12. A thing that I think that could clear some points and is fitting with the way the bizarre things happen in the books, is that Vanessa and Vanny could be twins but they got separated during their childhood and got adopted by two different families(or at least Vanny got adopted), both got named Vanessa coincidentally and got to the therapy after they found about one another. If they are both daughters of William Afton, that could explain why he chose Vanny as his vessel and why Vanessa could be the Reluctant Follower as she doesn't like William.

  13. i think its more split personality, as vanny came out more when glitch trap started speaking to her but only spoke to vanny personality i assume when vanny had control (as guessing vanessa wouldn't remember when vanny was in control or what she did) but it seems after you get rid of glitch trap helping vanny , the vanny personality also fades away with glitch trap some reason as if vanny personality would more rather stick with glitch trap. As i think as odd theory what if vanny personality joined in same body as william when he was in burntrap at end and she choose to do that freeing herself from vanessa fully.


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