Why Use Steroids?

I revisit my answer to the question “do you use steroids? why or why not?

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46 thoughts on “Why Use Steroids?”

  1. Everything in moderation. Have you ever drank a beer or glass of wine ? Using gear no matter how small the amount is all the same to those who are opposed to it. It doesn't necessarily mean one uses trenbolone, or other harsh compounds that are straight up poison never intended or engineered for human use. I find it amusing when I hear someone say they are Natural and they use multiple variations of creatine, HMB, nitric oxide boosters, maybe even peptides or Sarms. Technically having 10,000 x the Natural level of vitamin c in your body is not natural. " but it's natural, vitamin c is in oranges" . True. Your body also makes its own testosterone naturally. It's human nature to find ways to justify and validate our choices. Not all of the non steroid supplements on the market are entirely safe or without risk of negative side effects Incidentally.

  2. This is EXACTLY what I have been preaching to my son and his friends. I am sharing this with them all. As a new power lifter, even lifter at starting 43, I’m 46 now, I have that internal battle of going on some magic potion that can keep me competitive. That black cloud of guilt is a B! State records as a 100% natty > never winning American record on gear 💪🏼

  3. I think another aspect is confidence and your environment. Say you're in your 20's, chasing women and competing with other guys for attention/respect, then you might want to take steroids to improve your appearance and gain confidence. Of course it's always better to stay natty and build your ideal physique, as that achieves true confidence knowing you did it all yourself. But if your genetics are so limiting that it's impacting how you want to look then I think there's nothing wrong with taking steroids as long as you understand all the risks and other things you'll need to take to balance out any of the side effects. This is coming from a lifelong natty.

  4. Dave , you're a complete LEGEND, and a wholesome role model for young kids and everyone in the fitness business. Thanks for being such an amazing and inspiring man, and you did this for almost a decade. Big love from Italy

  5. Steroids can be absolutely horrible for you and you have then unleashed a huge burden of having to manage every aspect of your cycle/ post-cycle. It's not sustainable, I don't really understand why normal people (i.e. non athletes) use them.

  6. Because beat numbers are unimportant, you've also lost weight and probably feel better for it you've had a child and you've grown up and realised that lifting is part of who you are and not everything you are.

  7. While I believe Alan, the others in the original video were clearly lying. Come clean, stop being dishonest and admit you're on PEDs ffs. Oh and TRT is still not natural. Lol

  8. This is my take on roids, as a scientist not in the fitness business… I wish I could roid to get stronger or compete longer in BJJ, but its just so bad for you. Its crazy how many kids jump on before even knowing how to lift and don't even go into bodybuilding or a sport, just gym bros doing roids. I think a lot of the influencers online today who discuss roids in detail are actually leading people to do it despite them insisting they are not… the people "flirting with the idea" of doing it go to these guys or forums online, and end up on roids because they think it can be done safely. Glad to see a smart actually natty guy comment on this

  9. If someone uses TRT to feel, look, and recover better that is perfectly fine. If someone uses multiple PEDS for performance/looks for their career due to sports/competition then that's also fine.

    The people I don't get are the hardcore PED users who have a normal job and don't compete in anything, like wtf you doing bro? Just want to be the largest guy in the office for the hell of it?

  10. If you are depressed, lethargic, have no drive, no sex drive, due to low natural testosterone (like I had), it most certainly does increase your quality of life and can benefits other than muscle building. I'm talking about conservative TRT doses, not blasting. Very few side effects. It's not all about muscle building or strength gain. Testosterone plays many roles in the body, and has helped many people in those areas.

  11. I'm natural and still getting stronger. I don't feel it worth getting on peds unless powerlifting heavily helps me financially. Like winning 1st in local meets pay out 2000-5000 and national to worlds meets are 50000-200000 pay outs.

  12. My man, fellow 8th & I dude here, been following you for years. I'm struggling with the same decisions; what's the point? I've been training for over 20 years now, and being bigger / stronger (beyond a point) doesn't benefit me. I appreciate you being real and leading us middle aged pricks to a reasonable set of goals. Semper!

  13. How about addressing this,what is your natural testosterone level? Im 40 years old now with a natural T count of 601. Was I higher when I was younger? Yes. Did I feel better and have more energy,sex drive etc? Yes. Why should I not then bump up my testosterone to a high number vs an average testosterone number? Im now in the 900 range and feel great,recover faster,more muscle, more sex. Life is just better.

  14. Woah, I haven't watched in a while and Alan has a new look. Has he spoke on why he chose to go the skinnier route? Im on the opposite side, even skinnier than he is now trying to gain.

    But this video has me thinking on the other side of the extreme, how in certain ways, my efforts to gain weight have lowered my quality of life, because of the constant need to track calories, it puts a lot of overthinking into something that should be natural and easy for me. It almost motivates me to just stop stressing over diet.

    It has me introspective on the whole diet and training balance of life anyway. Ideally it should improve your quality of life, reduce stress, help you feel better. But if I start obsessing too much over tracking every little thing or forcing myself to do training i dont enjoy, i guess in the end, i lost sight of a good goal and got lost along the way and wasted my time.

  15. I would say use moderate trt, not more. My life improved in many way not only in the gym. Better mood, sex drive is higher, more energy, cognitive clarity, … I would say you cant compare if you haven't tried it. I am on 125mg/week.


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