Why the Fallout Show is a Horrifying Disaster | EFAP Highlight

In spite of the show’s near universal praise, the new Fallout show is packed with horrendous writing.

ORIGINAL VIDEO: https://youtu.be/6utPG39DtXI?feature=shared&t=4117

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OUTRO MUSIC: “Last Stop” by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio


31 thoughts on “Why the Fallout Show is a Horrifying Disaster | EFAP Highlight”

  1. I'm seriously concerned about peoples intelligence today.. This will go down in my memory as another moment I was amazed how thick the public have gotten, its OFFICIAL, the dumbing down of the west is complete.
    I dont care about the lore (which it does break)..

    Watched it twice and theres a BUNCH of things I still havent heard people really bring up yet.. including Muldavers speech att he end literally undoing the "It was bombed AFTER "the fall of Sandy shades" and many others.
    "It was beautiful, everything the vaults had promised" is NOT a stronghold thats fallen, a FALLEN city would be a terrifying place to be for a mother with 2 children… unless Hank went home and bombed it years later AFTER it fell??

    Lucy finding Maximus under the bridge I noticed first time that ones really obvious.. MOST of the "Convenience:" is really obvious.

    Once I finish moving house, and settle in to new job, I'm finishing my video on this..
    Theres many things the people who are critical havent said yet.

  2. Loved the show and can't disagree more with someone that says there isn't one redeemable quality. That's too big of a stretch. It must be hard to enjoy anything with that outlook.

  3. Funny when you ask folks what they liked about it, they mainly jus say it was great.. Then I press, what part etc? Most give no reply to that.. It looks shiny and people like shiny things…

  4. Just watched this show to watch Mauler's video. This show is terrible. As a fallout fan I absolutely hate this show. I can't believe people actually like this show.

    The first five minutes of the first episode is the only part I liked. There's not even a few really good characters. So much world and commentary on post nuclear world is traded for plot and Mcmuffins that make plot work.

    I liked Lucy and Walton Goggins' character and that's about it. Everything else is shit.

    Everything is done better in games. All the stories this show's trying to tell is done better in games..

  5. I think people are in something of a The Force Awakens style honeymoon period with this show.

    Part of it is I think the fact that this superficially resembles the IP and is merely bad, rather than maliciously sabotaged out of contempt or hatred for the source material.

    Once the novelty wears off and season 2 comes out I think everyone will look back with a more critical eye.

  6. In Fallout 2, you can run into a mutant named Marcus. He talks about how he founded the town with an enemy who became his friend, well after the Master was defeated, after fighting for days. He still pines for the glory days, but he isn't interested in fighting for the Master's cause. It's ancient history when you meet him. The conversation tree is a bit borked, but there is more thought and care put into it as a neutral fence-sitting commentary, than the writing team for TV Fallout put into the pre-war story featuring the foreign ideology vs the native political dichotomy and clearly picking a side.

  7. I mean there were some things that just didn't make sense or just felt like really dumb luck

    But I personally really liked it. To the point I feel like you guys are going over board with hating it.

    I will say because this is hollywood it would be watered down or have tropes that normies are used to. But all in all I think it was pretty good.

  8. The show should've taken place on the East coast , if gonna ruin the lore , at the very least ruin Bethesdas garbage lore. Don't touch stuff like shady sands. That settlement is the very 1st settlement you find on the very 1st fallout game if you follow the story. And the NCR is a faction we saw grow from 2 into New Vegas. But because the BoS is bethesdas golden boys , they severely nerfed the NCR and buffed the BoS.

  9. I really don't know what to say. This is probably the 1 subject I've pretty firmly disaagreed with you on. Is it perfect? God no. Does it have a lot of issues? Absolutely. But I liked it quite a bit. I don't understand how you could possibly compare it to halo. I guess this is an agree to dissagree because I was genuinely shocked to hear you all say it was utter dogshit

  10. I think the best things mauler said was along the lines of "the ride is fun but, once its over, the questions start to arise". Im at this weird place with the show. I liked it because it was very well made but, as a Fallout show (and also going back and watching FO1 and 2 videos. I've played 3, New Vegas, and 4), I think its fucking terrible. The one thing i HATE is how disingenuous some people are. "Well its a video game and blah, blah", like, you have no argument. Obviously people love it because of the lore and how everything tied into it. If you fuck with it, it just becomes more entertainment fodder (Marvel, Star Wars, etc.). We have to do better.

  11. The only good thing that came from this show was that the dipshits they drop into Fallout Shelter have pretty good SPECIAL and that I've pulled like a dozen or so Mare's Leg from a few lunchboxes.

    And that you can let maximus fuck lucy like he wanted

  12. Theres a lot I like about the show. Some decisions are just flat out absurd, though. I think some of the stuff criticised, I strongly disagree with, which means my conclusion is the show is good but not consistent.

    Some of it is ruined from the brainstorming stage or maybe the casting stage. IDK if the Maximus actor could play a more compelling version of what we get.

    And the other thiing hat is a shame is how core to the entire world of Fallout they made the show.

    There's no need for that in the setting of Fallout. That's ego at the expense of logic.

  13. I’m pretty sure the only reason why people are praising this is because Bethesda fans are literally so stupid and easy to please that there was no way people wouldn’t have likes this

  14. I think Fringy liked it. He sounded nervous and was stammering giving his explanation and gave generalizations to his reasonings. Its okay Fringy we still love you man.

  15. Of the modern Fallout games, New Vegas is the only one where the story and writing are good. And that wasn't written by Bethesda. Fallout 3 and 4 get by on the fun of stumbling across things in a big open world. A tv show actually needs good characters and plot and stakes and so on. I had no expectation that Bethesda would be able to produce a show with those things.

  16. Rags' intro – "I fail to see why people like this show"

    Well young doggo, the fans love it because of the massive love and attention put into the small details. Like ep 2 where Maximus is carrying the OG 10mm pistol which is the weird auto-revolver thing.

    THAT is really cool. THAT is why people have nice things to say.

    So you are WRONG.

    But yeah… fuck the plot falls apart.

    My amusement comes from all the New Vegas simps getting angry cause their favourite game is ret-conned, based largely on the bit at the very end, while totally ignoring that moving Shady Sands about 300 or so kilometres re-cons EVERYTHING in the entire franchise.

    I feel the big mistake is they tried to make F-TV fit into the continuing timeline of the games, where what they should have done is the Dredd path and said 'here is a movie. It is not canon with the comic but it is true to the style and intent of the source material'. Dredd (movie) is NOT the same as Dredd (2000AD) and the comic actually did a story arc where comic Dredd dimension jumps and meets Judge Dredd (movie) and Dredd (movie) versions of himself and playfully mocks the fact that all are different.

    Fring Dude is also slightly wrong. He claims there are plot holes. No. Holes are small. These are more plot vaults and massive. So much of the show just totally ignores what it itself has created cause rule of unexpected plot reveal.

    Big case point? We discover that Vault 31 is basically Bud the brain-bot floor vacuum and his lack of mobility is played for laughs. Then who the fuck cleaned all the dead bodies out of Vault 32 so quickly? And while we are on the topic why did Vault 31 leave all the bodies in 32 for so long in the first place?

    Look, I liked a lot of Fallout TV. A lot of it just pissed me off, and yes, bad writing that didn't close it's own loops, but I also remember that EFAP simp hard for some utter shit (cough And/Or cough) and I don't really need to watch all of this video.

    So I didn't. Not scared of you Rags. I don't have to agree with you 😛

    Also Beardo needs to admit to himself and just come out. And get over his Jon Morrow fetish.


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