Snake catcher comes to the rescue after python discovered on nightstand

A snake catcher removed a slithery intruder found in a 97-year-old home in Australia. Joshua Castle was called to the house where he found a carpet python lurking behind a lamp on the bedroom’s nightstand.


7 thoughts on “Snake catcher comes to the rescue after python discovered on nightstand”

  1. What a beautiful little guy! Had a Rosy Boa that actually was 5th gen out of a lab. Was so inlelligent also. I let him just go where he wanted as long as he stayed in half my bedroom and not under the bed. The entire time he never once went anywhere he wasnt supposed to. He was exactly 3 ft so was a small guy. I was kind of like his servant sometimes. Once he couldnt shed for a few days because the air was so dry. He came and just kept trying to get me to wake up to help him. The snake dr said to put warm wet towels in his aquarium for humidity and hope, but be careful because he was in pain and would try to bite. Poor guy had was all puffed out w old skin but couldnt get it off. I made a loop w my fingers and he knew what to do. 5 mins and it was done. He wanted to sleep so I put him in his towel, put him on the bed and he was out 3 days. When I fed him (sm frozen mice) 4 days later he would let me know it was bathroom time. I would put him in his aquarium, fill his bowl w warm water. He would pull forward a bit at a time, I would have to pour water over his back then after an hour or two he pooped, I gave him a soapy bath and he was happy. He would do what any old guy liked to do, find a good place and snooze away. It was so eerie how he seemed to know what I was trying to tell him. Like yeah, right, I showed him a pile of newspaper and he really knew I was telling him that was his bathroom, but he Did! As I said, he came out of a lab. 5th generation. Found out later they were genetically trying to enhance intelligence generation by generation. He and a couple others had kind of been sneaked out. He even had a tiny tattoo. Also, the idiot who had him kept him in a pitch blk closet, didnt feed him enough, his water was filthy. I think he took to me bcause I fed him, cleaned him up, exercised and let him out. Plus he was old. I gave him a life, and he trusted. He spent 7 yrs just being the perfect roomate, let me know when it was time, and he passed in my arms, me crying my eyes out! I miss him to this day. Imagine, a genetically enhanced tiny boa. RIP The Circus!😢😮❤

  2. Oh man I felt so anxious just by watching him holding that snake. Seeing it move towards him made me really nervous. I could never do that. Kudos for that man and others with similar jobs. He has nerves of steel.


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