Why Monkeypox Is a Global Health Threat | WSJ

What smallpox is to humans — monkeypox is to animals. So what happens when a human is infected with an animal disease? WSJ explains the symptoms, reactions and treatment of a monkeypox infection.

Read more about what you need to know about the 2022 monkeypox outbreak on The Wall Street Journal: https://www.wsj.com/articles/monkeypox-outbreak-symptoms-contagious-treatment-vaccine-11652984213

Illustration: Adele Morgan

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24 thoughts on “Why Monkeypox Is a Global Health Threat | WSJ”

  1. the West still insists homosexuality is valid while the facts clear it is wrong and will always stay wrong. The western fascist project to dominate the world and impose western culture and values is defeated and collapsed. Victory for Russia.

  2. 🙄 I should never say never, but I could never catch monkey pox! I used to drink hose pipe water at the park! I eat food that's fallen to floor (5 second rule) and I know GOD! ever since H.I.V, it's been one pandemic after the other, mad cow disease, bird flu, ebola, zika, covid, omicron now monkey pox! But has any even come near me? No!
    This may seem like the harsh side, but if he (in general) dies he dies! You mfs were complaining there to many people anyway, so your welcome.


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