Why Modern Warfare 3 is the BIGGEST SCAM EVER!! (2023)

Modern Warfare 3 (2023) is a total scam and an utter disgrace to the Call of Duty franchise. Activision should be completely ashamed.

0:00 Why Modern Warfare 3 is the BIGGEST SCAM EVER
1:30 MW3 is DLC to MW2??
5:33 Loud footsteps are FORCING players to QUIT!!
6:48 Bundles will RUIN MW3!!
8:22 MW2 content will CARRY MW3
9:05 Activision’s GENIUS PLAN!!
10:08 Why is Wan MAD?!
11:00 MW3 is a SCAM!!
12:44 MW3 will be RIGGED!!
13:40 OG MW2 maps in MW3 are NOT what you think…
14:18 Shipment in MW3?!
15:46 MW3 ZOMBIES is NOT what you think
19:40 MW3 is a cash grab SCAM!!

#IAMDEWAN #CallofDuty #ModernWarfare3 #MW3


49 thoughts on “Why Modern Warfare 3 is the BIGGEST SCAM EVER!! (2023)”

  1. The problems you mentioned in the video Wan, 100% true. The people that are going to complain about these problems even though they bought it despite being warned, oh well. MW2023 is a joke and they chose to not listen.

  2. Everyone’s making 20 min videos on why they’re so pressed about this years Call of Duty and why they swore to NOT BUY it. I guarantee after it launches they’ll be uploading videos on why they “Hate it” after buying it as they run around with operator skins they also purchased.

  3. even with health increase snipers will still 1 shoot your ass, how about the cross play?. is it still in the game?. is the aim assist still busted as fukk? is the skill match making still fukking dogshit ?. putting u in matches with fukking nerds ?…..and what about the fukking perks being grears ? thats the most stupid fukking shit they ddi so far, when the fukk cod turned from 1st person shooter into a fukking MMO ARPG type shit ?

  4. I stopped liking cod after bo2. For whatever dumb reason, I brought the cold war for Xbox and PlayStation to just play it with boys right for about 6 hours. Then I barely played it since, after that. I told myself that, I'm not buying another cod game. Funny thing is that, I almost let the boys convince me to buy flipping Vengurad. I haven't bought MW2, and am not about to flipping by MW3. I'll consider buying the next one after MW3, but I dualt it.😡🤬

  5. So true such a scam im not buying it! Dont call it mw3 its pretty much mw2 remastered take the game and shove it up their asses! I just wanted mw3 maps like arkaden and outpost and mission and fallen. Not mw2 maps im so sick of them!

  6. They were supposed ot release this as a dlc for mw2 that came out last year for 30 FUCKING EUROS but their greedy ass though why the fuck should I not try to pass this as a full game and demand 70eur?!

  7. The video was good till the end where you say players should wait for reviews from YouTubers to decide if they buy the game or not.
    Your making money too. I wouldn't call that comment being a cash grab but it's not far off getting…. What's the term…. teabagged by these game companies.

    You raised some good points, don't get me wrong. This video helped, thanks. Your out to make money and so are the games companies. Now you want me to watch another 20 minute video to decide if I want to waste my money. What's the difference? Sorry but I'm such a noob and not a cod vet. 😆

  8. I can not understand how stupid people are! Activision have been doing this for years, they just keep remaking old games and charging extortionate prices. Seriously, if you still support Activision you are dumber than a bag of rocks, in fact this is an insult to rocks.

  9. MW2019 was the best cod in a long time (numbers don't lie) and ppl shit on it we then got Cold War , Vanguard and then MW2 if anyone expects MW3 to be good they've clearly smoked themselves retarded

  10. I was going to watch but you're complaining about the game costing $70. EVERY SINGLE game is $70 on next-gen. Did u even know they're charging $100 for the game and allot of the stuff is playable on mw2. This dude isn't a gamer AT ALL

  11. I’ve been chat banned since season 5 for saying fag….thought about making a name Bob Saggot just to see who all I could get banned. It’s hilarious that they release skins and promote a federally illegal illicit drug, have battle buddy robots that yell kill kill kill and their characters use profanity no minor should hear but I get immediately chat banned for saying that. It’s ridiculous. I can go outside and say anything I say in front of law enforcement and I’m ok because of freedom of speech as long as I’m not threatening anyone yet I can’t say what I want on a game I PAY for…why don’t they simply encourage the mute button for their snow flake fan base?

  12. They didn't rob me. I haven't bought a cod since bo2 so im not this salty the new mw3 might be worth the wait if you weren't stupid enough to buy everysingle cod while telling everyone you aren't buying cod any more🥱

  13. I can't believe people actually enjoy anything from Treyarch. Every single COD they make looks like you're playing a brightly colored cartoon. The guns look and sound cheap, the maps not good, the sound effects are terrible. Everything about anything Tryarch makes is just not good… But, that's just my opinion. I'll take Sledgehammer zombies and COD any day over Treyarch.

  14. i like the slide cancelling and red dots coming back but im a fan of the fast ttk and no reload cancelling especially for any zombies modes i always hated reloading the raygun just for me to run and it cancels the reload even though i already finished reloading it

  15. This is nothing but some toxic gamers opinions. COD is a joke and everyone has known it for 10 years. It's a game full of grown adults acting like 12 year Olds. The community is a joke. Bunch of losers pretending digital guns make them tough.

  16. I’m not buying MW3. I’m tired of the cheaters/ hackers, the do nothing anti cheat software, very little new content like maps, the constant glitches and lag. Remastered maps is nice, but new maps is what people want. We should get new maps, and I mean brand new maps, every month or two. These companies know people will buy their game so they don’t care about making the game better.

  17. It's honestly is what it is at this point, we all know everyone is going to move over to the next game regardless if it's shit or not and there's really nothing we can do about it so we just got to suffer through it until we get a black ops 1 and 2 remaster.

  18. Let’s add in that the old cods are playable as Microsoft adjusted the matchmaking. I deleted MW 22’ and bought an Xbox360, best decision I ever made. Now I’m playing World At War, BO1, fully functional online. Best of all… OG ZOMBIES!

  19. One thing to make Everyone sucking Sledgehammer's DICK,theyr'e bringing back Slide canceling,Reload Canceling,Better maps,MW2 MAPS (THE OG),its worth it for the 70$,so you're saying MW19 costing 60$ is very normal,but your CLOWINING on a Better game better movement,better maps,for just having 10 MORE DOLLARS OF MONEY?

  20. Which magical version of COD are you playing my guy? Elephant footsteps? There are NO audible footsteps in COD… PERIOD.

    EDIT: You might be playing multiplayer IDK about footsteps in that, since I'm done paying for any COD game. I only play warzone which has so many obnoxious sounds in it I want to puke.

  21. Guys… yall gotta realize every COD game thats ever been released since the original very first Modern Warfare has been a DLC… Yall have been playing the same exact team death match/capture the flag/search and destroy/zombies/etc since the original COD… Nothing has changed over the years other than graphic and audio updates. Ive been saying this for years now. Every game after the original MW could've just been expansion packs. If you played GTA 5 youll know the video game within GTA 5 called "Righteous Slaughter 7" is supposed to be an imitation of COD and they make fun of how its the same exact game every year and nothing changes and people still buy it. Why do you think they had to rerelease under MW again and start the numbers over? This is technically the 2nd MW3 now lol. Stop buying COD games and watch how the entire industry is forced to innovate after decades of stagnation.


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