Why Medellin Beats Mexico City for Foreigners…

I sat down with Mexico City expat of 2 years, Nick Lagios, to find out about life in Mexico City. We discuss 12 different topics (chapters below) and compare Mexico City and Medellin on all 12 aspects to crown a winner and settle the debate of which is REALLY the better city for expats and digital nomads!


Mexico City and Medellin are two of the most popular destinations for expats looking to live in Latin America. Both cities offer a unique blend of culture, history, and modern amenities that make them attractive to foreigners. However, when it comes to deciding which city is best for expats, there are several factors to consider.

Mexico City, also known as CDMX, is the largest city in Mexico and one of the largest in the world. It is a vibrant and bustling city that is known for its rich history, architecture, and cultural attractions. Mexico City has something for everyone, from world-class museums and art galleries to street food vendors and lively nightlife. The city is also a hub for business and commerce, with a thriving economy and a large expat community.

On the other hand, Medellin is the second-largest city in Colombia and has undergone a remarkable transformation over the past decade. Once known for its violent past, the city has worked hard to reinvent itself and has emerged as a safe and welcoming destination for foreigners. Medellin is known for its beautiful weather, stunning scenery, and friendly locals. The city is also home to a growing tech industry, making it a popular destination for digital nomads and entrepreneurs.

We discuss topics such as cost of living, safety, dating & the social scene as we provide some insight and once and for all settle the debate on which is in fact the best city in Latin America for digital nomads and expats alike.


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27 thoughts on “Why Medellin Beats Mexico City for Foreigners…”

  1. Your marketing is good to steal tourists to Mexico and take them to medals.
    But it is disrespectful that you compare CDMX, which is a power with a medallion that is not a power, obviously the expatriate who wants a very cheap city, will say that CDMX is not suitable: They cannot say that CDMX is worse than a medallion when CDMX is the city with the most museums in the world, the city with one of the gastronomies declared intangible heritage of humanity by UNESCO, the city with incomparable architecture, both European and first world, with more skyscrapers than any other city in Latam, The city with the best shopping centers in Latam, the city with the richest avenue in Latam, they cannot say that CDMX transportation is worse when we have two light trains, and double-decker European metrobuses, and the largest metro in the world just below the new york subway ETC ETC.
    Of course, Medallin wins because it is inferior, that is why it is so cheap because it does not have even half of what CDMX offers, they do not have half of the shopping centers and museums that CDMX Colombia only has 1 or 2 metro lines and they do not pass Throughout the city, it does not have such modern architecture either.

  2. Esta bueno tu marketing para robar turistas a Mexico y llevarlos a medallin.

    Pero es una falta de respeto que compares la CDMX que es una potencia con medallin que no es una potencia, obviamente el expatriado que quiere una ciudad muy economica, va a decir que CDMX no conviene: No pueden decir que la CDMX es peor que medallin cuando CDMX es la ciduad con mas museos en el mundo, la ciudad con una de las gastronomias declaradas patrimonio inmaterial de la humanidad por la UNESCO, la ciudad con una arquitectura inigualable tanto europea como de primer mundo con mas rascacielos que otra ciduad de latam, la ciudad con los mejores centros comerciales de latam, la ciudad con la avenida mas rica de latam, tampoco pueden decir que el transporte de CDMX es peor cuando tenemos dos trenes ligeros, y metrobuses europeos de doble piso, y el metro mas grande del mundo solo por debajo del metro de nueva york ETC ETC.

    Claro que Medallin gana por ser inferior, por eso es tan economico porque no tiene ni la mitad de lo que ofeece la CDMX, no tienen ni la mitad de centros comerciales y museos que CDMX colombia solo tiene 1 o 2 lineas de metro y no pasan por toda la ciduad, tampoco tiene arquitectura tan moderna.

  3. Catholic México is conservative socially, sexually, compared to Colombia. For Mexicans, the family structure is so very strong, and because of this it makes it difficult to fetishize the women of the country. México will never compete with Thailand, Russia, Phillipines, Venezuela for the attention of foreign men for economic gain–here, you have to win over the family. In terms of city size, Medellín, Colombia should be compared to the Mexican cities of Puebla, Guadalajara, Monterrey, not the giant that is CDMX 😂😂😂
    PS: México loves Colombia, we Mexicans love, love, love, Colombian cumbia, the love for cumbia is so ingrained in our music that we forget it's actual origin, Colombia. There is no other Latinoamérica country we are closer to than Colombia. There is a mutual admiration between México and Colombia, we don’t pit our countries between each other.🎉🎉🎉

  4. I have spent time in both cities. Mexico City is a much bigger city and has much more in common with the states culturally, many people speak English and if you don’t speak Spanish you can get by. Mexico wins if you can’t assimilate to the culture. Medellin wins from the women perspective and also weather, water quality, air quality, and overall being surrounded by healthy people who look good and take care of themselves. Medellin has far less to do as a whole, but if you want to party then it is a good place. Mexico City has better food, but every single time I go I get severely sick to my stomache with it usually lasting a week to get over it. Sanitation standards are not the same in Mexico. Despite this I still love Mexico City because the people are amazing and there is so much to do. I think the answer depends what you are looking for. Both cities have pros and cons

  5. Medellin vs Mexico City? Really?? Mexico is way better in everything, even Colombians from any city in their country say that too and Mexico is one of the best economic countries in Latinoamérica! Mexican women love foreigners so the dating thing you got it wrong! Last, it seems like you want to make feel Colombia better and it’s not at all!

  6. Very good video!! As a colombian I feel hurt by you saying you didn't like the food in my country. Cs I find it exquisite and I miss it everyday cs I live abroad, but I agree that many foreigners prefer mexican food.

  7. CDMX is not for sexual tourism, drugs, hedonism; women are not here to please wealthy foreign men. Go to Bangkok or Amsterdam for the drug induced sex parties. CDMX is a great capital city for culture, history, food, families, architecture. The people here are really friendly and the food is excellent. 🇲🇽🎉

  8. Many colombians lives in Mexico City, they are welcome here and gratefull with this country. Mexico and Colombia are brothers countrys.
    That comparision is very superficial, and well, if you want to compare, compare with another smaller city, not with the big Mexico city.

  9. Mde has better scenery views, better looking women, cleaner streets, more fitness focus, more recent development and cheaper. CDMX is safer, more English-friendly, more hard-working ppl, more expensive, more variety/tastier foods, dating is more holistic, not superfical.. to be a baller, you really need to be semi-baller already in the west. If you have a budget, or hot women is your only thing then go to Mde, if you want business start-up or opportunities.. go to CDMX.

  10. Ive never spent time in Mexico city . I hear the food is excellent . I did spend a few days in Medellin in January , I found it slightly overrated ! Maybe I needed to stay longer . A lot of Gringos after the girls ! I liked Pereira better . Oh , and I found Columbian restaurants were great !

  11. I think medellin is overrated, foreigners are not that looked great upon for a lot of reasons, socially it’s regionalista and extremely difficult to get an in with locals. Medellin is an illusion of grandeur for many but when we get deep into the core values of most people, it’s dark, cynical, and morally backwards thinking (which is normal). Look at the lack of common decency for human life, how they get around in traffic and walk down the street running into people. Cheating on partners is so so normalized, it’s insane (women included). People say that they are family oriented, really? 84% of mothers are single moms and no it’s not just the guy dipping all the time, women still want to ho around after a kid and Rumba.

    Live there for some months and let’s see if you are still kissing medellin’s arse. 80-90% will dip.

  12. do u gringo feel safe in mexico and 🇨🇴 beacuse your an outsider and don't speak Spanish and just coming for low cost of living 🫡 and don't really look Latino 🤷‍♂️


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