Why Is This Teacher Still Employed?

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35 thoughts on “Why Is This Teacher Still Employed?”

  1. This person shouldn't be near kids in my opinion. If your opinion differs on it, don't you at least think parents should be made aware and have a choice? To disagree with the last part is verification of your Pro GROOMING stance. Good to know.

  2. No a-hole they don't. They don't need nor should be objected to your sexual preferences. You want to be queer, do that shit at home, not in a classroom full of elementary kids. There's a reason the word groomer is used.

  3. Funny considering the LGBTQ+ community got upset that the Jeffrey Dahmer tv show included an LGBTQ tag on Netflix. I mean, he's a part of your past, right? Some of the most fucked up people in human history were gay and or bi-sexual.
    As for teaching "actual indigenous or black history." So you're willing to teach that Native Americans cannibalized one another, used "colonizers" to help them eliminate their enemies, raped and enslaved one another and took trophies of their dead? Are you willing to teach that the Atlantic Slave Trade was born out of black on black slavery in Africa, which is why it was so cheap to bring them over to the Americas to begin with. I mean, if you're all for educating kids on that sort of thing then I'm on your side, but if you want to go on with the nonsense that the LGBTQ+ are completely innocent victims in history who had to fight for their right to even exist, or that Indigenous Americans and Africans were happy go lucky hippies until the "evil white colonizers" came along then no, you should not be teaching that, because that is a myth told by modern revisionists.

  4. Wow if someone thinks my child or children need to comprehend different types of couples then you don't realize half the class is still learning to wip after pooping. You want them to learn what????? You got issues the only thing my 6yr is questioning is me telling her to eat her vegetables not why aren't you with a woman or why aren't you dressing like a guy and so on. This is disgusting

  5. If parents want THEIR kids to learn about queer and trans issues then it’s THEIR job as parents to teach them. Not YOURS! Why is this so hard for these teachers to except? Also it’s a global thing, I’m pretty sure It has nothing to do with American history 🤔 lol so the whole argument fails anyway. I knew zero about any of my teachers personal lives or what kind of sex they were having, & personally didn’t think to care to know! Which is how it should be. I feel for people who have young children in school these days!

  6. I have an idea, why don’t you teach something that isn’t about you?Like math for instance. Or is that too heteronormative, white privilege, systemically racist for you? People like you should come with warning labels

    P.S. If I were you, I’d sue my hairdresser for malpractice


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