Why Indiana Jones Works (and others don't)

Join me as I try to break down why I think Indiana Jones has been such a successful franchise while other films like Uncharted and Jungle Cruise haven’t managed to do as well.

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41 thoughts on “Why Indiana Jones Works (and others don't)”

  1. You really do have a knack for making video essays about movies and I want more of them, but I respect that you only make them when you have something to say. Maybe that has something to do with why yours always hit? 🤔

  2. I think about why *Raiders of the Lost Arc is such a good movie ALL THE TIME and you really hit the nail on the head! 1. Indy always starts at a disadvantage 2. HE MAKES MISTAKES CONSTANTLY 3. Barely surviving each trial, he shows his ingenuity, his creativity, and his determination, which are actually the things that make him 'cool'. The people making decisions in these modern movies don't want their action heroes to be cringefail losers so they skip all the important stuff (all the good stuff!) and only show the wins. Without the failure or mistakes, the win feels empty and the character is completely uninteresting. Great video!

  3. I always admire the way you analyze these productions, and put things into perspective. For example, I didn't hate Jungle Cruise, but there was something about it that made me feel "Meh". I couldn't put my finger on what it was, but now I understand. Loved the video! I hope to see more of this.

  4. Just a reminder also, the Mummy made the indigenous people badass

    The Majai alongside Ardith Bay are some of the most honorable and bad ass warriors in the franchise

    Especially in the second film for better or worse, where they take on the Anubis army head on.

  5. I believe Mr. Stephan is right: To make kickass characters relateable you do not even have to give them internal flaws; what works as well is stacked odds against the characters. But then again you need an equally strong motivation for that character and noone can be bothered to come up with something like that.
    (Btw, I had Pocahontas in mind writing this comment. Never watched the movie though. Does it apply?)

  6. some of this video i liked but every 3 minutes brought up racism or ‘british people steal stuff from indigenous people’ and it kinda soured the whole video to where i have to unsub

  7. X marks the spot scene in the last crusade is both for showing what Indy see but also as a joke from a scene he had in the classroom where he said that: X never ever marks the spot. Still better than Uncharted movie 😉
    But nothing will ever top Indiana Jones. Great video essay.

  8. What do you mean by Indy doesn't always get the girl? He sleeps with every woman in the films except his students and Irina Spalko. He slept with Marion so much they had a kid. Oh sure Elsa died, Willie didn't last long, but there is no way you can say he did not "get the girl", even if he didn't keep her. If you include games and books and comics there are tons where he does not, but I thought you were talking about the movies. In the movies, which are to an extent borrowing this from Bond, he absolutely 100% gets the girl, through a combination of his being awesome and engaging then mentally and emotionally, it's not a reward for his saving the day, it's always genuine interest on their part. His attractiveness in this respect is an essential part of the formula, so that statement really stuck out to me and I had to write this essay. Now I'll watch the video, that it's off my mind.

    Nope, I'm out about halfway through. You do not understand Indiana Jones, and you should not have made this video. Down vote and goodbye.

  9. I’m curious what your opinions are on the National Treasure movies? I feel like they run that fine line of being fun action movies while also incorporating some history, but Nicolas Cage can also be very over the top.

  10. Yes! The Mummy is amazing, and it is like dividing both sides of Indy into two different characters. Evie is a indeed a great character and Rachel Weisz pulls it off incredibly, just like Brendan retains much of the vulnerability that makes this type of action hero work, just like Harrison.

  11. I appreciate the kind comments from folks who enjoyed the video, and I almost equally appreciate the comments from people telling me they unsubscribed because I acknowledged that racism exists. I am so glad to be rid of people like you.

  12. If you're a true fan of Indiana Jones, you'll be there through thick and thin and disregard any of the BS reviews from the French film festival. I was suggest watching Dial of Destiny first and then make your own opinion on what you think of it rather than to rely on idiotic and bias reviews from people that don't appreciate Indiana Jones at all

  13. Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, and John Williams alongside Harrison Ford. Nuff said. Also the love, passion, and commitment with the cast, crew, writers, practical effects artists, EVERYONE

  14. Have you seen the Uncharted fanfilm? That is what the movie should have been. ;_;
    That feel when a fanfilm manages a cast so spot on you can't believe it's happening – and that's ontop of staying completely true to the emotional experience of the games.

  15. In a world where I already played through several interactive Uncharted movies ,I had no reason to want for an Uncharted movie. I watched it. Thought it was fun for what it is but didn't really feel like it was an Uncharted movie.
    Tom Holland is a good actor but he's miscast as Nathan Drake. Mark Wahlberg does not fit as well.
    I thought much of what is said in this essay is narrow minded and a bit naive but I gave it a like because I appreciate the effort.
    Something to be aware of ;If you're critiquing the portrayal of fictionalized people of less understood cultures ,you may be the racist. Indigenous people of various regions have been observed to exhibit many different and less understood behaviors ,even when they are Indigenous within the same region or ethnic to the same tribe. Not everything depicting competitive interactions between cultures is white or a colonization fantasy. Conquerors and colonization are not exclusive to any race or ethnicity. Neither are ignorance and greed. Humans have always been capable of horrors as well as great compassion. Human history across any region of the globe has always been been as horrific as it were heroic.
    Perhaps our understanding of what a well written character arch may look like can be observed by the atrocities and innovations of various human societies through out history.

  16. Love the first three movies, but "Raiders" it's the crown jewel of modern action Adventure cinema! Ask Stephen Sommers, The director of The Mummy, and of all these three gems; Raiders, Temple of Doom, and Last Crusade, he will say the first Indy movie

  17. Raiders had a clear cut, simplistic and false villain. Indiana Jones is also imperfect and the movie doesnt try to hide his imperfections, making him that much more relatable

  18. I could listen to you talk about anything forever but movies and film especially. I'm not even all that familiar with Indiana Jones but hearing you talk about why Jungle Cruise didn't work was an eye-opening delight. I also have a newly found sympathy for Uncharted fans haha. Keep up the good work!! I'm always looking forward to your next video essay. 👍👍👍


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