Why I Quit MMOs To Focus On Console Games And RPGs

Once upon a time I was an MMORPG fanatic for over 20 years, but over the past few years the rise of the Playstation and Xbox ecosystems have begun to provide far more value for me as a gamer, with a monthly subscription to either of the ecosystems offering me HUNDREDS of games to play per month rather than just one.

I also don’t miss the drama of MMO gamers and their egos, running guilds and raids and dealing with the headache of people management, hectic schedules, and the “grind” that MMORPGs require. Instead, I can now focus on small single player RPGs and games that also include multiplayer components like Diablo IV and Baldur’s Gate 3 and Sea of Thieves that I can enjoy with a closer circle of friends.

Whether you are talking the Xbox Game Pass or the PlayStation Plus, the console ecosystems are simply amazing in terms of sheer value; pay a monthly sub and get access to hundreds of games for the cost of a single MMO subscription. There simply isn’t a comparison to be made here. One game versus HUNDREDS of games. It’s simple math.

There are way too many good games out there on both consoles to ignore in favor of a single MMORPG, or even a couple.


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#xbox #xboxgamepass #rpggames


12 thoughts on “Why I Quit MMOs To Focus On Console Games And RPGs”

  1. I'm assuming you'll touch on this in your upcoming Starfield video. But is there a reason you are going Xbox over PC? Currently my gaming laptop is fairly old (I have to play BG3 on medium) and I'm sure Starfield will be a bit much for it. I primarily play most big releases on PS5 but Starfield exclusivity has me torn between a Series X or biting the bullet and finally upgrading my PC setup.

  2. One of the things that I have noticed about MMORPGs is that they focus on engagement over entertainment. They also push the "create a problem and sell the solution" marketing strategy.

    I'm not saying that MMOs don't provide value, but the cracks in the genre really show. The blatant time sinks are the worst. Every single MMO developer seems to miss the point that if you make it fun, time sinks are completely unnecessary. I will play it for the fun alone.

    That's why I walked away from MMORPGs.

  3. Gamepass is the best Value you can get even if they increase the price. Especially with them owning Bethesda, Obsidian and so on the amount of Quality RPGS we will get with Gamepass will be insane ^^

  4. I stuck to PC gaming over console. I prefer to build a gaming PC for the same price as the current consoles that is just as powerful. You get the best of all worlds. As far as MMOs, I played a lot of those back in the day as well. Nowadays I just check out private servers when I get the itch.

  5. I used to play MMO games 24/7 when I was like 10. It lasted till I turned 15 and I completely stopped at the age of 17. I was tired of only being able to play pvp if I pay tons of money. People were selling full sets of armor and weapons for enormous amounts of money. Without paying real cash you weren't able to do anything. Obviously as a kid I couldn't tell my parents to spend 5k or so on armor for a video game. My favourite MMO became pay to win and later on it just got worse. More mess the higher the maximum level was. Got to the extend that even in pve areas it was impossible to play unless you had a good armor and weapon. Mobs were so strong and many new areas were connected with areas of the opposite fraction. You were not able to gain experience in peace because someone was going to kill you. Since then I only played games like Uncharted multiplayer. You cannot pay to win in games of this type. Single players are where I belong tho.

  6. I got two years of Xbox Game Pass premium when I bought my console, but I use Steam for the games I mod because the script extender doesnt work with an Xbox GP install. It's a niche use case they simply do not support (yet) and probably never will, considering how much of the install is restricted to protected folders like appdata. I'm glad it works for you though!

  7. i dont want to deal with people in online games. i cant stand competitive gaming such as counter strike, valorant, lol and overwatch. single player games for life. i dont have the time for people's toxicity.


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