Let's Play Resident Evil Code: Veronica p.1 – Claire? Nice, I'll Remember That

Resident Evil 2 ended without resolving Claire’s story. She’s got a bad case of Brother Fever, and the only cure is taking down Umbrella!

Twitch stream with chat: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2116612543


41 thoughts on “Let's Play Resident Evil Code: Veronica p.1 – Claire? Nice, I'll Remember That”

  1. Code: Veronica and Aconcagua–two games united by the most nasally Steves imaginable.

    I played the PS2 version of this recently and for some reason Steve has a different haircut…weird.

  2. Oh my god, that intro sequence. Back in the day I though it was the coolest thing I had ever seen.

    Now it just made my 12 year old past-self cringe retro-actively back in time so hard that my hair went gray.

  3. I have never played Code Veronica, but I heard the jokes about Steve in chat, as well as SGF's impressions. I thought you guys were exaggerating, but you were actually pretty tame. Nyeh !

  4. For the heads not popping off: There was a series of beheadings/dismemberments that happened around this time in Japan, and for a looooooong while around it depicting anything like that was INCREDIBLY taboo and would super up a rating, if not outright ban the media. So the lack of headsplosions may be due to that.

  5. I quite like Claire. She's got a style about her that I really appreciate.
    I also love when someone's clearly so familliar with a game, I love when people go out of the main path to show off 'HEY, ISN'T THIS NEAT!'. This is gonna be a good playthrough.

  6. I don't know how to explain it but the dialogue in this game makes me feel really uncomfortable. Like it's not as hilariously bad as RE1, but instead in this weird uncanny valley where they almost sound like real people but there's enough off about how the conversations flow that it kinda feels like aliens mimicking human speech.

    It's weird, because I remember RE2 and 3 actually being surprisingly decent for their time. How is this game such a step down in writing and acting?

  7. It's funny how 2 of the 3 RE games starring Claire start with her waking up in a prison on a weird island. I wonder if Revelations 2 did that as an intentional callback.

  8. That opening action scene will always be unnecessarily stupid and pointless even by RE standards.
    Dropping a gun, then somehow falling *faster than it* to grab it again and blow up some tankers, only for one guy to survive and end it with the same result of being captured.
    They forced in so much trying to look cool, only for RE4 to be the only game that handles it's far more blatant action elements well for the most part in the entire series. lol


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