Why I No Longer Trust Police (FURIOUS RANT)

Why I no longer trust the police.

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24 thoughts on “Why I No Longer Trust Police (FURIOUS RANT)”

  1. Grew up in a similar neighborhood in upstate new york. Got threatened & unlawfully searched by cops when I was 14 for getting donuts at 6:30AM during summer break. Got put into the back of a cop car for not wearing a helmet on a bike when I was 10 (no law for this btw). They aren’t members of the community, they’re bullies through and through. Why do people feel this way? Why do people hate law enforcement? Because the cops in their community act like roving gang members rather than helpful members of society trying to keep peace and safety alive.

  2. Don't worry, Jesus is coming back, and THAT is the solution, for now
    we can do something, but keep the faith, we'll be in full power with Jesus to govern the world with love, His love!

  3. I couldnt agree more and so glad someone with much louder and longer reach put it out there, i have experienced such stuff in my late teens and threw adulthood and avoid all confrontation where i live do to a very corrupt system and people in the county i live in. I have found that Even simple comments on youtube has been replied with bullying and even phone calls to myself on just stating a fact on pricing of a tool. Wish more people stood there ground . Good Luck and God Bless to you and Mrs. W and family -stay safe

  4. Messages like this from people in these stations in life are what is needed to invoke change and help start turning the tide to getting us back to simply being good humans again. There are something’s I don’t agree with you but you struck every cord with this message and appreciate your courage in speaking up.

    You’re videos are wholesome, educational and I can see your passion and we need more people like this! I’ve lived in the PNW for over ten years now and this give me more hope then I have seen in years.


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