Why I Hate Being A Woman In The Workforce

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28 thoughts on “Why I Hate Being A Woman In The Workforce”

  1. Just in case you really do read all these comments — I don't mean to imply that your looks are all you've got going for you. You're also articulate and can create valuable intellectual content on your own, all of which is extremely honorable. I hope this foray into YouTube satisfies any doubts you might have on that score. 704k subscribers (as of this writing) means you're doing a number of things right.

    However, you might consider what kind of structure you can help build, if you teamed up with people who have strengths you do not, or even who have greater strengths than yours in areas where you can already hold your own. Even Ronald Reagan had speechwriters, and both Reagan and his speechwriters (not to mention America, the free world, etc) benefited from this pooling of strengths.

  2. It seems to me imposter syndrome is common to both men and women as part of the human condition. As a military officer in command of soldiers that self doubt was there. Working with women, as one of the few men around, in education it was there. Now I'm working as an Inspector in construction and it's a constant companion.

  3. Whaaat, who do you think you are to talk about women‘s issues?!

    Seriously though, interesting perspective you‘re adding to the societal ‚dialogue.‘ Also like the haircolor reference to the X-Men, nice metacommentary.

  4. You made genuine contributions. You are making them now. You choose to own it or not. How you got there is not as important as what you do when you arrive. The world we have is of our making and the one we leave will be a result of our choices. Resentment and doubt will not add anything positive, so don’t embrace them. Focus on the amazing fact that out of literal billions you are here. Make the most of it or help others who you can. People will think what they want.

  5. To be fair I think this is not just because of gender. It is about stereotypical qualities required for job. I can guarantee that soft, short, fluffy, high pitched and etc. men are left behind too. For the purpose of promotions aggressiveness, power, "confidence" looking, "confidence" talking in many instances are looked for. So everyone, who looks weak is dismissed. People like animals have encrypted sense of authority of "stronger" specimens. So years, when stereotypically "weaker" people get higher positions they have to prove they are "strong" and then suffer those similar feelings as sitting places they "didn't" earn.

    It would interesting to see HR's picking people by not knowing their gender, names, age, physical looks and etc and choosing only by achievements, if possible. At least then nobody could say that they were picked because of "equality".

  6. I can’t say anything that will have some innate value due to the mouth speaking it, but I will say that I believe the best one can do in the current environment is to do as much as you know you are able to do and maybe more. Even if there was some form of outside force, if you give it your all you can at least rest easy knowing you gave whatever you needed to do your absolute all.

  7. While women are being seriously harmed by this reality, and the destruction to the trust they would otherwise enjoy, we need to look hard at the messages that have already been sent young men. We need to consider the impressions being made where media seems to be starting to get serious with the impact and harm to young men and boys by looking how it harms women. The damage to boys education, drugging masses of boys (Ritalin) the brain damage etc, the impact of removing role models, and the combination resulting in harm to the ability of young men, and the pushing of men into the gig economy with hiring quotas etc. seems to have gotten traction, with a discussion of how women are being hurt by the shortage of "economically attractive" men or "marriageable" men.

    I think we need to stop and ask, those who suddenly noticed and started to push this (seems to be mostly female journalists) if they wondered about the impressions being made on young men who were already fully aware? Sure, it is a way of getting the attention of their elders, who seem to be only able to see women, but it is also a way to confirm a powerful impression already made, women do not care about the harm to men or boys. It is a choice to confirm the impressions made – by "Women have always been the PRIMACY victims of war. They lose their husbands, their fathers and their sons in combat".

    We need to ask ourselves- How clear do we want to make it to our sons that we do not care about their wellbeing (except as livestock). Consider – that when the idea of an abusive woman has been raised – it has been asserted "misogyny" – even where all the research has made clear they are quite common. How deep a hole of trust do we care to dig for our daughters? Calling the issue – only third wave feminism – when the distortions and hate precede that by a good measure – is dangerous. I would even suggest- that in terms of trust and reputation feminism has done far more harm to women, it is just starting there – doubles down on that harm.

  8. Life isn't fair, and anyone with some modest self-reflection will recognize this and realize that some of their success (or failure) isn't earned or deserved, it was lucked into.
    The Bible addresses this to at least some extent in the parable of the talents, indicating that we just need to do the best with what we've been given, whether that's a little or a lot. It's notable that the parable chastises the guy who's been given hardly anything and so just gave up… something many in our modern world could learn from.
    In the end, we're only going to achieve the 'soul satisfaction/joy' that we want through unconditional love.

  9. As a woman i haven't had any issues working with men but I'm also not a ho looking for attention which I think contributes to most men women workplace problems. From my experience (assuming I wasn't being lied too 😅) men liked or at least tolerated working with me because I'm not a Feminist or a Leftist.

  10. I'm feeling you. I love my job and the pay is aight, but everyday, I gotta hear about being a female. LOL! I'm like, can we get the fk over it? I fully expect playful hazing and such but I admit I feel annoyed at times and will say something under my breath like, "Yeah, no shyt SEAN, I'll figure it out with muh smooth little lady brain." He hears me. He rolls his eyes and laughs. He means no harm. I think he just doesn't know wtf else to say to me. But he's not the only one. They all do it. Been asked many times, just for sighing or something, "are you on your period?" I started saying yes and asking to go home and then they stopped asking. 🙂 Am I playing the game correctly? Yikes. lol

  11. To be honest, I think that most women who have their positions purely because of their gender are totally oblivious to the fact, and actually believe that they're discriminated against, most are still totally unaware of the equal pay act of 1970 (UK) or 1963 (US).
    Also there's the false allegations used against men in the workplace.

  12. You left out the ore important part: you got ahead more than others may have because you are an ATTRACTIVE woman. Whatever advantage being a woman might bring, it pales in comparison to the advantage that attractiveness brings to a woman. Don't feel bad though, It's much the same with men. Tall, athletic and/or good looking men always have the advantage in the workplace.


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