Why He Quit Diablo Immortal

Why He Quit Diablo Immortal

Tom Sunday channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_scPjtva0NWbroTp3vyVqA

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46 thoughts on “Why He Quit Diablo Immortal”

  1. 1.) They killed all the Diablo experience
    2.)They transformed the game and did what nobody wanted, a monstrous monetization
    3.) I stopped playing it too but I'm hoping it's like Diablo one or two

  2. Wonder how good the game would be if all the people working on the game worked thousands of hours for free?? I swear this generation wants a lot of free stuff

  3. Instead of saying get rid the gems, what they REALLY NEED TO DO is to remove resonance advantages in PVP and only allow combat rating to benefit you in PVP that you get from gear you acquire in the open world and dungeons… resonance should only be beneficial to people against monsters and not against other players…

  4. You could definitely say that thematician is a huge problem in the game but I feel like some personal responsibility needs to be taken on our part. What if the game meant to whale out in? Just seems to me there is far too much gluttony on both sides. Yeah blizzard and net ease shouldn't have monetized so heavily, but the players shouldn't have been so willing to pay so much just to max out a character or even get close. In pve there is no need for being max res. It definitely helps in pvp, but if people thought about what whaling out would do to the community and make the choice to slow roll to maxing instead of dropping 50k at a time it would also be a better game. Personally I enjoy the game. People will be people can't change that.

  5. If resonance was removed in PVP and only applies to monsters in the open world and dungeons it would allow free to play players to have an equal and fair advantage in PVP and it would REMOVE the toxic pay to win aspect that a lot of people hate..

  6. It bothers me that the only people that have a chance to fight in rite of exile and win immortality are the people who pay big bucks… if they removed resonance advantages in PVP, it would allow the entire community to have a fair chance at raiding the vault and winning rite of exile. Leaving more room for skills and not just how big your wallet is… because the only people that are enjoying the PVP system right now is everyone who has very high resonance. Money should never interfere with an equal opportunity to win in my opinion… remove power advantages with money in PVP and only allow combat rating from GEAR to determine your PVP strength

  7. Do you think when you spend thousands of dollars that now you feel obligated to play? I think you call it a loss but also a gain because there is a real life out there. That's kinda what I got from this video.

  8. The last straw that made me quit is the new legendary that come out, you have to be a certain hell level, example now you need hell 8. To get there you basically need to do dungeons (set items) and para level (to get higher leg Cr.

    I don't want to grind dungeons and Paragon level before I am able to grind the new legs.

    As a casual gamer I won't be looking forward to the new updates as I won't be able to get to try the new legs anyway.

  9. Nice seeing you together again. As a blizz fan and knowing echo likes clash royal, i would love to see you two playtest arclightrumble ones it launches. Of course not as hardcore as DI but just for fun =)

  10. one of the worst thing is the fact that it's every thing is time gated and especially the normal gems. So if you miss a day or a week you can never catch up…

  11. It's really a shame that Blizzard's hubris caused this gem of a game to be the worst of both worlds. As a gacha player, I LOVED so many design decisions, including the crests/L. gems and Shadow War, but they ruined it by thinking that their experience as a AAA dev company would mean the mobile development would be a cakewalk. For the gacha games that last, release day is when the real work BEGINS, and you push out new content, collectibles, WEEKLY. You get irreverent with your ip and release tons of collabs to bring in variety and fans from other ip.

    I loved the work you guys put into the game, and I'm sorry it was so disappointing for seemingly most everyone, even us gacha addicts. 🙁


  13. This game will die faster than any other game on the market because they prioritize big spenders only and have no remorse for the free to pay community. They intended for this game to be a short lived game with this system hence why they came out with d4 so fast afterwards. They expected Diablo immortal to fail. Diablo immortal was a quick money grab in between 3 and 4

  14. As a content creator , i feel like the more you guys talk about quitting influencing other people to quit. Ruins the who perspective for other people. If u guys don’t wanna stop playing just stop. There’s still. People enjoy this game. I used to watch a lot of of your videos and lately all u guys talk about is how bad the game is. Then just stop. It kills the game. Just because you guys worried about the bigger guys. Good luck tho ! Saying this respectable.good luck I’m out here.

  15. U knew how it was gana be. You knew was gana b p2w at start. This is wat happens wen grind a casual game u burn out. Don't put it on the game but on urself. All games have drama. If u can't play a game with drama means u feed into it. Drama is ez to ignore lol

  16. Need to talk about more rewards and more material so players can level there gear up instead of feeling cheated by getting a few dust and scrap ! I'll progress are being hindering dramatically because the reward system sucks with the same duplicates item drops ans the martial system need to be improved so we can actually level up and catch up especially p2w players

  17. Add duel 1 vs 1 they are player who wants to see who strong he wants to see and want to fight 1 vs 1 they are angry and see who strong they're not to see the battle ground hey want take players 1vs1 to clan fight the position in the clan to official

  18. Lies didn't work and you guys still do it,plus you guys don't like when people straight up tell you the game you promoting is garbage and you know it so why do it to us,you all are shields for blizzard can't wait for the day I get to laugh at you all when you have to quit when d4 comes out.

  19. I really hate seeing people quit. Diablo immortal is a great game but not perfect we do get updates often which is great for mobile. Platinum grind keeps me going so i can buy and upgrade my legendary gems but it takes time.

  20. This is the first video about immortal I’ve watched in a whiiiiiile. Only to congratulate Scrappy. That being said, the game is too much of a time drain. Being an adult is tough especially when you have a family that should take priority. The money is so far from the issue it isn’t even funny. It’s just the time man. Diabolical.

  21. The drama is definitely there and it is a huge turn off. It creates an anti social environment and there have been so many clans raised and fallen due to politics and drama.

  22. I’m sorry but this is lame AF. I like Nemo was was looking forward to his content and the reasons he quit are not compelling to me. Omg it made me do stuff omg it wants me committed omg the game wants to make money. I’ve been playing since day one have spent zero dollars am 1500 res and been immortal 3 times. People make no sense they dedicate years to something and then decide based on things like my wife’s a B and doesn’t want me to play on my phone for 10 min for this raid so I quit!!! Lol no

  23. what i dont like about diablo immortal is the fact that if you take a long break and come back your so far behind and everyone is so far ahead …ya they give you catch up but you never really fully catch up…also the money I lost my job recently and I cant play that game in my life right now because Ill be to tempted to spend money on the game


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