MAGA Republicans are losing their mind over Bud light. Meidas Contributor Coach D reacts.

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38 thoughts on “MAGA Influencer THROWS TANTRUM in HUMILIATING new video”

  1. Looks like the lady had a nice time finishing off the local restaurants stalk of Bud light beers, that nobody wants anymore. It is OK to make a video. Please do not judge country folks. They have a whole different way of life and a perspective. They might be more correct than you realize.

  2. OMG! The 2Aa is not fake . Not fake at all. Trump supporters, what-ever. But 2 A citizens get deeply offended about messing with it. You would have better luck kicking a mans dog.A some would shoot you for doing that.

  3. Well hell yeah, that's why the AK's and AR's are their favorite weapons. They know they can't hit the broad side of a barn standing right next to it so they need something they can can just spray like a water hose. And her husband or boyfriend probably said, ooh babe, hang some bras in the background, it'll be sexy, trust me. They're all perverts.

  4. She's a DUMB ASS, and a very bad shot! However I will give her this, she's a better shot than Kid Rock! LMFAO! ATLEAST SHE DIDN'T NEED A HIDDEN PERSON WITH A LARGER WEAPON TO TAKE OUT THE TARGETS SHE COULDN'T! GOOD FOR BUD LIGHT!

  5. I think these morons have bought more bud light than their intended customers. 😂

    Also, you say she can't hit a close range target, but If you notice she's able to hit targets without even firing gun.

  6. Obviously many boxes of ammo are needed to hit the target. A true marksman hits in one shot. Obvious mental problems. Maybe Gatlin guns could shoot up more beer.

  7. This all Inmigrants ara patriot on United States. None sense. Their is no more Patriotic than people that work hard to optain the money thay need for all their families. So the real Patriotics are the good people that love their families protect than and work hard to sustain them anything else is crap. United States Right only promote guns on all matters like guns is a patriotic thing no thats killers vision only. Killers love guns not well educated people do this…

  8. Oh the magas drink the Beer
    Bud light then shot the empty cans like their heads. And showing booty and fake boobs😂😂😂

  9. I'm not a big fan of Bud light but I wish these people would like supply me with a year's worth of Bud light I'll drink it. Why shoot it up. Then again why does anybody vote for the GOP or Democrats they haven't done anything for 85 years for any of us

  10. Wow just like Kid rocks video. There is total proof that her AR-15 shot all those cans. You can see cans exploding in groups showing another gun firing besides her and most likely a shotgun with wide spread shot spray. And no proof she even hits one without the other gun helping

  11. Isn't wearing the flag as a bikini against some law and Christian value….rubbing the flag up against your dirty koochie is worst than burning it or trampling on it. Pure Maga depravity they are not sure what they want to be mad at from day to day and so contradict there moral outrage with each new outrage… orange monkey syndrome

  12. Boy howdy when her cousin-husband gets home she is gonna be in hot water, wasting ammo and beer on that woke BS…guess who ain't sleepin in the trailer tonight?

  13. I think there was someone behind her shooting the cans. The first couple of shots (that she misses), you can see the force of the gun moving her body. Then her body stops moving but you hear shooting and the cans of beer are getting all shot up. Someone else is doing the shooting.


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