Why Disney World Could Be Empty in 2023

Disney World saw some rather MASSIVE crowds all throughout 2022, but is that huge surge of guests gonna stick around for 2023? Join us today as we peel back the REAL reasons behind why we could be seeing some empty days at the Most Magical Place on Earth soon — here on DFB Guide.



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30 thoughts on “Why Disney World Could Be Empty in 2023”

  1. To me; as a long-time Florida resident and former Disney cast member – Disney today represents nothing short of greed. The Disney World that I grew up with and worked at is LONG gone. It's funny, in the orientation I went to after being hired (I believe it's now called Traditions) it was stressed to us how Walt always wanted his parks to be accessible to the average American family. Well, newsflash… DISNEY PARKS ARE NOT ACCESSIBLE TO THE AVERAGE AMERICAN FAMILY! I make a very very comfortable upper-middle-class living, and even I find the prices so ridiculous that Disney will never get another penny from me. Especially considering that there are so many other places to see and things to do that are far and beyond better than Disney World and for far less money, not to mention FAR less complicated. Hell, going to Europe isn't even as expensive as going to Disney World – and it's infinitely less complicated.

  2. Just returned after a forced trip due to points that were going to be lost (not mine, I never bought in to the DVC hype) and there is a distinct drop in attention to details. You can see it right away as soon as you drive onto the property that the landscaping alone is being neglected. The CM morale is the lowest I've ever seen. We experienced attitudes with 3 CMs (and we are easy going folks) who became annoyed that we couldn't figure out the lightning lane BS. The CM let us struggle for longer than 4 minutes all the while letting others behind us come through. Then she suggested doing what we should've done at the very start. I asked her why she didn't just suggest that in the very beginning to which she rolled her eyes. I came back after the ride (GOTG) ready to complain to her manager but she was already replaced. That was rather fortunate for her. Again, we are easy going but when unwarranted attitudes come out (anywhere we are paying to be) I give a pass first then I return fire FIERCELY.
    Checked out MK, AK, and EP and they were all stuffy and rather unkempt. Nothing like the old days. Quality is down and prices are up. Im out. Thank you to Universal and Portillos which made the long drive worth it. Bye disney.

  3. We were planning a 3 day trip to Disney back in 2019, but had to cancel due to the pandemic. Now that we have decided to do the trip again, we can only afford to do a single day at Disney due to the prices.

  4. I have gone 5 time with my Family to Disney. We live in Canada and the fact that we need to use I Disney tickets within a week is too much. We are usually in Florida for 2 Weeks and we also go to Universal. Having to use our tickets within 5 – 7 days of first usage is too much. In the past we use to have 14 days to use our tickets from when we first go. Wish that was back again

  5. What you said about the political issues is exactly why I am not seeing as many Disney movies anymore. I go to the movies as an escape, just when you're really getting into a Disney movie now they shove a scene in your face that doesn't fit and isn't necessary to the story line, just to make some sort of political point. It jerks you straight back to reality and ruins the movie IMO.

  6. Disney parks are massively overpriced, overrated and overhyped. Anyone still attending at this point simply lacks imagination and a true spirit of adventure, settling instead for a canned experience inside a bubble of mediocrity. But, with so many fans still lying to themselves that Disney is a superlative experience, I don't foresee attendance numbers dropping. As long as the parks keep making it possible for the proletariat to shovel garbage in their pie holes and pretend they're living their best lives, they're gonna be there spending money and missing out on better experiences.

  7. The whole culture of Disney went downhill due to greed at the corporate level. They suck . I went once years ago. It wasn't any better than any other high end amusement park. Actually it was kind of worse. Not a value. Busch Gardens in Virginia is WAY better and WAY cheaper.

  8. Yes I’m done… I added to my tickets years ago… but they have made it so complicated and so expensive! I feel it’s only for rich people now. It’s sad… my grandkids will never see what I loved so much! I even have 6 days coming to me!

  9. An increase in cost is an understatement. I am planning on hopefully going back to WDW later this year, but back in 2019 the last time my family and I was able to go it was $3,500 less for 4 of us. I still have the plan of going and I am saving my pennies, but there is still a chance that we may not if the cost goes any higher.

  10. I used to be a DW fan, but not sure anymore. The cancellation of Magic Express to get to the park, the cancellation/changes of Early Late Park hours for some of the more affordable resorts, the cancellation of the Dining Plan – I am no longer convinced that Disney is the "most magical place on Earth". I will look to go elsewhere for future trips. Other commenters below are correct – it is cheaper for a family of 4 to go overseas for 2 weeks (with meals) than it is for a one-week Disney vacation.
    The place has just lost it's magic.

  11. You have hit the nail on the head for why this DVC member is staying away! 😢 It’s no longer relaxing with all of the planning you have to do. The lack of AP’s as well. Rented out all of my points and will continue to do so for awhile! I don’t think the Governor of Florida is very helpful to the state either. He certainly doesn’t make me want to come to the beautiful state. JMO

  12. You SO accurately convey the sentiment that regular Disney World attendees get. Everything you said in this video and the Passholder one is SO dead-on. Gives me hope that I'm not the only one feeling disenchanted by how things have been. I hope you're right.

  13. What has turned me off was i bought tickets in April for June and now they have a cheaper ticket price that would save me over 500 dollars. Guess what? I can get a credit. Imagine that.

  14. We rolled into Disney in May '22, a month that had in the past was a great time to visit. Oh my how different it was. Wall to wall, elbow to elbow, and there was no asphalt to be seen. 🙂


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