Why did no one dare mess with the USS Gerald R. Ford? #shorts


7 thoughts on “Why did no one dare mess with the USS Gerald R. Ford? #shorts”

  1. imagine if we all implemented what Jesus thought us. Love God above all things and Love your neighbor as you love your self. Turn the other cheek and pray for your enemies. Do you not think God (Jesus) wouldn't protect you? Ye of little faith who think you are mighty. When in reality it only takes a little illness and you are left weak and and needy. Blessed be the name above all names our Lord Christ Jesus. Amen.

  2. 😂 guess the narrator never heard of Hypersonic missiles. Carriers are coffins for thousands of soldiers. They are useful only for beating up on 3rd world nations with no means of defending themselves

  3. "While operating alongside NATO allies in the Atlantic Ocean, the Ford unfurled a distinctive blue-and-yellow battle flag for what appears to be its first formal reveal aboard the aircraft carrier.

    As with most Navy battle flags, the colors and symbols selected for the Ford’s banner pay homage to the ship’s namesake, President Gerald R. Ford. The core color scheme of maize yellow and blue represents the 38th president’s undergraduate years at the University of Michigan, while the nautical compass topped with a fleur-de-lis at true north symbolizes the spirit of Ford’s naval service during World War II."

    Took me less than 2 minutes to debunk any thoughts about a Ukrainian Flag being flown on The G.R. Ford SC.

    SMFH… Instead of making assumptions, ask questions, and then seek the answer unbiasedly.


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