Why Crimea Is an Important Battleground in the Ukraine War | WSJ

A series of blasts at military facilities have prompted residents and tourists to evacuate Crimea, an area of Ukraine that has been controlled by Russia since 2014. Here’s why the peninsula, a key base for Moscow’s forces, is a new front in this war.

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47 thoughts on “Why Crimea Is an Important Battleground in the Ukraine War | WSJ”

  1. แกถอยกลับมาที่ใครเมียแล้วค่อยมาตกลงกันฉันว่ามันก็พอรับฟังได้เพราะอดีตมันก็เคยเป็นสมบัติร่วมรัสเซียยูเครนมาก่อน

  2. Ukraine can fire on Crimea which is part of Ukraine and not Russia. So Ukrainians keep on destroying Russian targets in Crimea and we don't want to see any Russian in Crimea at all.

  3. Crimea…. that’s the important place that Ukraine is focused on getting it back after the Orange Revolution back in 2013 and Russia’s attempt to take Crimea a year later because of their own influence is about to be a no more way. Still this will take time to get it back from Ivan’s hands. Even if that place was the staging point for supplies, then I guess the Ukrainians will have to disrupt their supply lines.

  4. Both Ukraine and Russia fight with the style? Stand off and fire rounds at the enemy? The Russians they fire on unarmed citizens and the Ukrainians fire on ammo dumps. But it seems they have all dug systems of trenches. I thought you soften up the enemy with long range artillery and then move in for the attack at closer range? Here you soften up the enemy then run back to the trenches. So they fire artillery back and forth and hang out in the trenches………

  5. What is with the USA that they still are bothering to talk to the Russian Bolsheviks. Every time the Russians talk is nothing but propaganda and lies. Give Ukraine whatever they need to finish this war asap. The history just repeats itself. USA and Churchill could have finished the Bolsheviks after Second World War, they missed their chance and half of Europe plunged into communism for decades.

  6. Why Crimea Is an Important Battleground in the Ukraine War ? Because NATO planned to build there its bases strategically close to Moscow. Now the bases will never be built.

  7. Пропоганда в сша как в 60 ые в ссср!!))мы цивилизованней сейчас этого и современней..Соответсвенно сша это все негативные аспекты ссср, весь этот лёд… и всё что с этим связано!))у нас нет ни противостояния ни агрессивных идиотских диалогов ни с кем….Маслят масло проще говоря!пока мы занимаемся современным устройством мира!..и должны платить за всё это…видимо.. если они платят!..получаем дивиденды и нравственное превосходство..таких действий и поведения в современном мире уже нет, к сожелению ,как в сша..валить с больной головы на здоровую итд..всё молчу!)))устаревший бред..и ассоциальность, вот этот спич в том числе..и уже не съехать с этого диалога!!))вот!….)))аймсорри))))))

  8. Okay,

    This is what God told me…

    "Mr. Putin is a man, of fearing God… I have known him, since he's younger… The reason why he started the war is because God, in him, is undecided… Instead of him, conquering a few lands, in Ukraine, let him take, one country of Ukraine, and let him, provide sponsorships, of his armies, for the Ukrainians, that they do not need to go through, NATO… Give it a period, of two years… By then, God will surely answer him, if he should continue to keep, or release, the entire country of Ukraine… I will make it, a fair deal, between Me and him, since he knows Me… And he will know, when he should release the country of Ukraine, entirely"

  9. If God willing May Ukraine be destroyed by the hands of Russia Red army of the iron fist of Vladimir Putin the King of the North wake up you Great Bear and shake the eagle from the West.

  10. what a stupid question for Wall Street Journal? Do you have children working there?
    let me remind you, if you haven't heard – Crimea is the territory of Ukraine, which was annexed by Russia in 2014!
    And let me remind you that this annexation was supported by Obama and Merkel?!
    How did support? Any! Nothing was done, and Merkel still awarded Putin with a $14 billion contract with Nord Stream 2! It all looked like a reward for annexation!

  11. Crimea is Ukraine to about the same extent as Taiwan is CPP China. Sure, that is what the law says, but de facto, no. Russia fought for 10 years to hold on Chechnya, and continues to prop it up economically. Crimea is far more Russian that Chechnya. They will not let go of it. The question is whether when Ukraine takes back the Donbas and the rest of the south mainland, Russia can negotiate a water supply for Crimea and Kerch bridge stays intact, and Crimea is prosperous, or whether it degrades into third world failed state.

  12. There is no battle over Crimea. It is firmly within Russian hands. A few strikes are meaningless. This is the equivalent of saying that Pearl Harbor was a battle over who controlled Hawaii.

  13. War in the Crimea. There have been no such losses in the USSR-Russia since 1945.

    (Forecasts of the Dnieper Kassandra)

    * Just as the "Stingers" radically changed the course of the war in Afghanistan and led to the defeat of the USSR, so Excalibur (precision-precision projectiles), the new X-weapon … dramatically changed the situation at the front in favor of Ukraine. 45 thousand soldiers and officers of the Russian Federation, 11 generals have already died … The flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, the cruiser "Moskva", lies at the bottom. In the Crimea, at the airfield near Saki, in one day on 08/09/22, 23 aircraft and helicopters of the 43rd Sevastopol Aviation Regiment (half of all fleet aircraft) were destroyed or damaged. This high-tech attack will go down in the history of wars. There have been no such losses in the USSR-Russia since 1945. The whole world is discussing the details. This is a blow to the ambitions of the Kremlin, which lost to the new technologies of the war… But the biggest blow was dealt to the psyche of the inhabitants of Crimea and vacationers from the Russian Federation – the war enters their backyard… The "unsinkable aircraft carrier Crimea" is waiting for the fate of the cruiser "Moskva". ..

    * 51 countries of the planet supply Ukraine with effective weapons, means of communication, money, food, medicines, modern technologies… Even China has declared that Crimea and Donbass belong to Ukraine. In the 19th century, the Russians wrested many territories from China, the Chinese remember this, and are waiting for the moment when Russia weakens in order to return what has been squeezed out … On Chinese maps, Vladivostok and the Amur Region are again shown as a historical part of the Middle Kingdom … It is symbolic that the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet was attacked by the Chinese drone Majin 5 PRO… Therefore, Russia decided to conduct military exercises "Vostok-2022" in September, during which scenarios for a war in the Far East and possible "gestures of goodwill" – the transfer of part of the territories to Japan and China in exchange to lift the sanctions. Anecdote on the topic:. *What are you doing for the future of Russia? – I'm learning Chinese.

    * Roll call of centuries: After the defeat in the Crimean War of 1853-56. The king abolished serfdom. After the defeat in the "Crimean War" 2014-2023. in Russia to "cancel" the anger and envy of the "collective Putin" neighbors.

    * Restoration of the future RF. Ahead is a long rehabilitation and retribution for the maniacal desire to rewrite the History of the 20th century, because the Kremlin has long been suffering from imperial "political schizophrenia" – megalomania and persecution delusions. The historical genetics of Russia is the permanent seizure of foreign lands and property, the recognition of someone else's as one's own. "Why do we need such a world if there is no Russia?" – said Putin. In the Caucasus, they answer: "Why do we need such a Russia, because of which there will be no peace?"

  14. People of CRIMEIa is free and independent.
    People of CRIMEIa live very well now.
    People of Crimei has the right to chose the regime they want to live its called democracy. and freedom.

    People of crimeia will not tolerate the green çlittle man, nazi colonialist , that did cut us the water fro 10 years, a huge crime agaisnt an intire people.

    People of crimeia dont tolerate invasions, our defense systems are prepared for the attack of the little green clown, and some nazi ccolonialists.

  15. " We are not Ukraine, so they will not support our resistance "

    (The besieged Gaza Strip has faced yet another devastating, deadly Israeli attack but the world continues to ignore our endless trauma)

    This week, in an operation chillingly named Truthful Dawn, the Israeli regime once again rained bombs on the besieged Gaza Strip. The three-day bombardment killed at least 44 Palestinians, including 15 children, and injured hundreds of others.

    As if 15 years of crippling siege was not enough, year after year the coastal strip has been subjected to horrific “operations” in which thousands have been killed, hundreds of thousands have been injured and essential infrastructure has been completely destroyed.

  16. Historically Crimea wasn’t Ukrainian, the peninsula is made up of mostly Russian people and historically Greeks, Turks, and tatars roamed Crimea and not Ukraine. Therefore Crimea is Russian.

  17. So glad to see Ukraine on the OFFENSE, bombing the weapons storage. May they continue attacking DEEPLY into Russia, with such devastating effects.
    PS … How big is Crimea compared to Texas?

  18. A blatant lie: "Russia's initial strategy was a multi-directional invasion with the goal of capturing Kyiv."– Homegirl ain't a journalist if she's echoing US talking points that are engineered to make Russia's stated goals — most of which they've achieved — disappear behind a cloud of fake goals that are designed to make Russia look like it's losing, despite, you know, taking Donetsk and Luhansk + capturing the Azovites.

  19. The only reason Ukraine president and its people are acting like they can go head to head with Russia is because they are getting aid from the US and the European countries. Ukraine is just going to lose more people and land, and the rest of the countries are risking entering a nuclear war.

  20. In a failed assassination attempt, it is most probable that Dugin himself was targeted, but through accident or mistaken identity his daughter was taken out instead. Mr. Dugin is not a Russian nationalist by any stretch of your imagination; he is not a fascist either, as corporate structure and ownership is foreign to Russia and Russian mentality. Mr. Dugin is multiculturalist and Eurasianist, i. e. he wants Russia to be a melting pot where all different peoples are mixed up together. And like his mentors and partners in crime, Lenin, Stalin and Putin, Mr. Dugin has a lot of Bolshevik stripes on his ideological hide.


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