The Biggest Mistakes People Make When Choosing a Life Partner | Jordan Peterson

How to spot any red flags in a potential long term partner?
How to know if that’s the person you should spend the rest of your life with?
This is one the most important decisions in your life.
In this video Dr Jordan Peterson is sharing some of the fundamental ingredients every successful relationship must have!
Watch the whole clip and don’t forget to subscribe for more inspirational content to help you build the life you truly desire!

Thanks for watching!💙


35 thoughts on “The Biggest Mistakes People Make When Choosing a Life Partner | Jordan Peterson”

  1. I’m
    Pretty sure this is not all accurate just christian orthodox mind set. But it’s favorably believable because we are so uneducated about relationships . Be careful folks .

  2. how to know if "She's the one" ? simple really, SHE'S NOT.
    give her 6 months and you will not recognize her, she'd be nagging you non f'ing stop, more than likely would have pulled the Phat Grenade pin,
    and you'll be relegated to a sperm and money donator. and like most guys, the only member of the familly who will give you any kind of attention will the the dog.
    spare yourself the aggravation gentlemen, just get a dog 😉

  3. This “The one” BS is pure Disney nonsense, even Shakespeare didn’t believe in it.

    Have a strong value base (a particular Religion is best) and find a partner who shares that base. Then, get married while you’re both young and grow together. You’ll have such a harmonious marriage and only argue over little things. With this in mind, you have millions of potential partners who would be a perfect match.

  4. I do think this is solid. As for the one as I used to believe in it. I believe there are a select group of people compatible with you more or less than other people. Most people don't fully understand how to have a relationship. Love yourself to love others. Willingness to sacrifice small things for the other person but not compromise yourself. Have similarities on important life bases and differences on non important points.

  5. Like marriage today ever stopped a woman from trading in her partner when someone better suiting her fancy came along….they do it and the man pays the price for it…. That's the fact of the laughing matter Mr. Petersen.

  6. In marriage, very unlike physics, like poles/charges have a better chance than unlike poles/charges.

    Aim for someone that shares more things with you, particularly with Positive attributes which is why you should FIRST know and understand yourself!

  7. Phew… that’s a loooong list! 🤣 my MAIN test is how your partner resolves conflicts with you. When everything is good, it is relatively easy, but I want to know how we cope when the sh*t hits the fan! Fighting style is the number one thing on my list – it is where you get a window into the dark side of someone and vice versa. If those two dark sides cannot be brought to light in a healthy way, I am OUT! I know I can trust myself not to personally attack, engage in psychological warfare or turn violent (unless of course I was defending myself), but I need to understand my partner knows these ‘rules’ to fighting!


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